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Hits and Misses for the Year

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What have been your favorites this year? Today is the last day of school here in the deep south and I was wondering what your hit's and misses were for the year.


Unfortunately, dd had a huge miss, it's the number one thing on her list of 'please-don't-get-this-again-please-please-please'. That would be Christian Light Educations (CLE) LA for 7th grade. She avoids it at all costs. I like it because it's very comprehensive, however, dd says it's extremely boring.


The readers from Sonlight/WP have been a huge hit, as usual.


Life of Fred Math is the fan favorite at the moment along with Marching Band and Spanish. Math u see continues to be a tried and true constant, we use it in tandem with Life of Fred, though Fred is preferred.


Swimming turned into a major victory for dd this year as she is no longer afraid of the deep end.


Science was a complete dud because it just. didn't. get. done. I hope to do something over the summer though.


History was done very independently. She likes it because it's a lot of reading with some notebooking pages thrown in. (She did Winter Promise) Although it was made known that it wasn't as fun without the read-alouds I had been doing in the past. I fell down flat in this area. So I hope to change that this summer as well.


So what worked, what didn't, what do you wish you had done, or plan to do? Lots of questions, I'm looking forward to the responses.



Happy Summer and God Bless,


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We tried Saxon 5/4 this year. I had thoughts of insanity most of the year watching the lessons unfold.:blink: My son understands math and that has never been a big problem- until Saxon. :glare: So, that gave me 'food for thought', and as we are wrapping up our year, I just decided to switch. That's taken every spare moment- with research, questions, and all that's involved in trying to find a good fit. Never thought we would switch from Saxon, but now, I'm glad we are! So is my son~!!


We very much enjoyed learning grammar this year-Shurley English! It's not exciting, but it works and he understands it all! Love it!


I guess my all time big 'woop-woop' we did it curriculum would be TOG yr 1! We finished a good, solid year of history! What an amazing feeling! Being involved in a co-op made all of the difference!:party:

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We're wrapping up next week and are mostly done with our main curriculum.



LCC - the whole approach and method has been great for us this year

Latin for Children A (by far my favorite)

Life of Fred Fractions

Augustus Caesar's World

The Elements (chemistry)

CW Aesop B

CW Poetry for Beginners (really like this)

Famous Men of Greece, Rome

MISS (sort of):

Trail Guide to World Geography - just didn't work for us, we're too easily distracted

Mystery of History vol 1 - didn't click with my ds as I had hoped. He doesn't like activities so we ended up reading the stories. It was a good base for Old Testament study, but we rounded out with the Famous Men series for history.

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Total MISSES: (i.e. won't be using again)


Calvert - school in a box. Boy, was that ever a costly miss! My kids are just not "all one level" kids.

Horizons Math

Growing with Grammar

LLATL Orange

Writing Tales II


Writing Strands (tried TWICE)

Calvert Spelling CD

CLE Learn to Read


Didn't Hate, but won't use again


Singapore Math (I wanted to love it, but CLE tops it here)

Maps, Graphs, Globes Geography


Singapore Science



HITS: (read...love them and will keep using them OR use them again possibly)


CLE Math, Language Arts, and Bible

Writing With Ease

Phonics Pathways

Explode the Code...and the online version.


Spelling Power

NOEO Science

Pentime Handwriting

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R&S grammar - have used this for years

Chalkdust Geometry


SYRWTLS I - ds loves this, though I don't know how much he is retaining.

Art of Argument

Demolishing Strongholds - only watched the DVDs.

BJU History - after many approaches to history, this one is working. Ds is still not a fan of history, but this is getting the job done.

In the middle

Latin in the Christian Trivium - good results on the NLE, but I am thinking

of switching to Wheelocks.

IEW - great program, but we need a change of pace since we have done it for two+ years now.



Spanish for Children

CLE Reading - this was a huge HIT for me, but ds did NOT like the workbook approach of it. He did like the reader quite a bit, but that was the only good thing he had to say about it. I am disappointed b/c I wanted to continue with it.

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I think it's so funny that one person's hit is another persons miss.


So, my big hits are:

Lively Latin

Latin Prep

Growing With Grammar

Apologia Elementary Science

Sonlight 5

Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading

the home-made geography study for dd

the home-made kings & queens study for dd


The misses are:

Switched on Schoolhouse

Apologia General Science (just too hard for ds)

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Sonlight Core 4 - my son loved it!

Teaching Textbooks Math 5 - loved it!

IEW SWII-B - best writing program I've ever used!

Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level A - I love it!




Trail Guide to US Geography -- just couldn't get into all the mapping

Sonlight Science 5 -- too disorganized; not enough experiments

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Beautiful Feet History of Science (DD's favorite this year) :hurray:

Rainbow Science (the labs are great for hands on learners)

IEW SWI-B (open & go! excellent for teaching organization/structure)

LLATL Green (our favorites were the Poetry & Shakespeare)

Critical Thinking: Problem Solving, Reasoning, Logic & Arguments

Latin for Children


So So

Art Adventures at Home (DH is teaching & he liked it, DD was luke warm)



A Beka DVD - sent it all back and started from scratch

Writing Strands

Around the World in 180 Days (I loved it, DD hated it)

VfCR (busy work)

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online school for Latin, Greek and Geography - love the school and a huge sigh of relief from me, not having to teach these any more


Singapore math - always a hit

Saxon math for younger grades - always a hit

Oak Meadow - always a hit

FLL - always a hit

Hooked on Phonics - always a hit


Excellence in Literature - new to us this year - really love it

Sequential Spelling - new to us this year - love it

IEW - new to us this year - it will work

TRISMS History Makers - plan to use TRISMS throughout high school

PLL/ILL - went back to this recently (used years ago)

Song School Latin - the little ones loved this (the big kids didn't mind it either)



Things I still hope to love, but didn't find time to really dig into this year


Classical Writing - Poetry

RS4K - levels I and II

Artistic Pursuits

Fix-it! grammar

The Easy French Jr.



Phonetic Zoo - too time intensive

that online history program - History at Home or something like that? - not for us

Trail Guide to U.S./World Geography - several years of not being able to make these work for us

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Chalk Dust Math has been a hit!


Used LLATL switched have way to ABeka Language..didn't care for wither one for different reasons. I thought LLATL was to easy and thought Abeka was to boring. Moving on to Analytical Grammar fro next year.


Very much enjoyed Write Shop 1. This was really nice and the kids loved it.


Apologia Science big hit as well as MFW for History.. Just finished Rome to Reformation. Great study. I personally learned alot.:)

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Total MISSES: (i.e. won't be using again)

WWE (sorry - couldn't make it work)




CLE Language Arts, and Bible

Proverbs People

piano lessons

SOTW 1 (especially when we listened over lunch, "history lunch", LOL!)

La Clase Divertida

click n read phonics program (online)

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Total MISSES: (i.e. won't be using again)

WWE (sorry - couldn't make it work)




CLE Language Arts, and Bible

Proverbs People

piano lessons

SOTW 1 (especially when we listened over lunch, "history lunch", LOL!)

La Clase Divertida

click n read phonics program (online)



would you please tell me more about the click n read phonics program?

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Park Day!!!

Library Books

Piano Lessons

Harmony Road Piano Classes

Dancing Bears Reading (this was amazing!)

Educational Fontware (this made writing up copywork so much easier)

Handwriting Without Tears Printing (he can write all the letters)

Horizons Math (it worked well for this year. We won't be using it next year, but this year it was wonderful)

Living Memory (I liked having one source for everything)

Wordsmith Craftsman (she hasn't complained)

Sequential Spelling (he spelled doesn't correctly!)



Recorder Class (switching to individual lessons soon)

Cub Scouts (disorganized disaster, he doesn't want to do it next year)

Jensen Grammar (boring....)

All American History (too many unimportant details tangled in the good stuff)

Easy Grammar 3 (didn't learn a thing, didn't complain either but...)

Wordsmith Apprentice (too small places to write, frustrated my son)

WWE (he was at too many different levels for different skills)



Science Kits (life happened and we didn't get to them)

Artistic Pursuits (another life happened problem)

Girl Scouts (they don't meet often enough to form friendships)

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Youngest dd learned to swim well so swimming lessons were a hit for her. ALso a science kit she got for Christmas put out by Elmers (the glue company). Miss- R&S second grade math which she says is boring. I think it was good but repetitious.I'd love to use it for 3rd grade but I don't think she could handle it another year.

Hit for oldest dd in 7th grade- LOF. Misses:R&S grade 7 math and english. I know people love R&S but it just isn't the right fit for my children.Another miss: dance class. Oldest dd loves dance but she's outgrown her current studio and it is time to move on. She will be sad not to see the other students she's known for years but she's excited about the new challenges and wider opportunities that switching studios may offer.


Hit for both children: science classes at the Audubon center. Which leads me to the big family hit-participating in Project Feederwatch. The adults had as much (or more) fun as the children.

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Everything was a hit this year, but I didn't add many new items. I did add Omnibus 1 with a modified schedule, and it worked very well.


Our bomb was Latin Alive! In my 6 years of homeschooling, this program has been the most disappointing. Poor customer service by CAP finalized my decision to switch Latin programs. We stopped Latin early (I NEVER stop early if we haven't completed the book), and we'll continue with Wheelock's Latin for my oldest & Great Latin Adventures for my middle son next school year.

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  • Writing Tales 1 & 2
  • CLE Reading
  • R&S Social Studies 3 & 5
  • CLE Social Studies 3
  • R&S Science grades 3 & 5
  • GWG 2nd, 3rd & 4th (although we are not going to use this next yr.)
  • Singapore 2A-3A
  • MUS
  • CLE Math 2nd
  • Schoolaid Math 1st & 2nd
  • The Complete Book of Maps & Geography
  • Bob Jones Spelling 3
  • R&S Spelling 4
  • Bob Jones Handwriting grades 2 & 3
  • Class Lesson Planners from Christian Liberty Press
  • Pathway Reading G. 5
  • R&S Bible G. 5



  • FLL 3 & 4
  • WWE 1 & 2
  • R&S Reading 5
  • R&S Grammar 5
  • Bob Jones Grammar 5
  • R&S Reading 3
  • Explode the Code books pre-6


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Making Brothers & Sisters Best Friends (We used as a family-time reading and I have seen the fruits!)

Copywork, Dictation, and Narration (various from literature and Bible study)


FLL (love, love, love as a combo with WWE)

Winston Grammar (one of the *best* imho)

Math U See (My guys have thrived with it!)

Life of Fred (perfect accompaniment for MUS)

CLP Nature Readers (all my guys have loved these)


Somewhere in the middle, but won't use again:

IEW - SWI A (learned some skills to apply, but just too restrictive for my guys)



Growing with Grammar

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Sonlight World History (Core 6)

Horizons 6

IEW Ancient & Medieval History Based Writing Lessons

Co-op classes (JAVA & art, in particular)



Fix It! grammar/editing program from IEW

WP Geology

Sonlight Readers (Core 6)



Vocabulary from Classical Roots (we'll try again next year)


Only two more days, then we're done!

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* cybeRShala -- Singapore Math is always a hit but now . . . Best decision ever!

* Online Latin/LfC combo

* Violin

* Piano

* Homeschool Tracker!



Well, I got sick (actually discovered that I had been sick a long time) around the middle of the year and we ended up having a hard school year. All our previous years we consider stupendous successes but this year we figure we had a dud coming and don't complain. That is obviously a big one but a couple of others stand out.


* Using IEW across the curriculum the way Pudewa suggests is a wonderful idea and I think it would have worked in previous years. This year, though, wasn't the year to try it. It started out just dreamy but when things fell apart, it got too difficult to keep it going. I see that as on me though. I don't know if we use a guide next year or try with across curriculum again. I plan to have health things all worked out by then!;)

* Spelling was a dud, too, and for the same reasons. I was working out my own thing and you could just apply all of the above.

* Martial Arts fell apart this year. We were involved in a WONDERFUL program but one of the instructors moved. When she left the whole program fell apart. We're now looking for a new one.


Really, I was the one big miss this year. Everything I consider a miss (except HapKiDo) was a miss mostly b/c of me and not being able to keep up my end. When I feel better, I think these things will work out.


We'll see anyway.:001_smile:

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For preschool, we LOVED:

Rod and Staff ABC Preschool Books

Saxon K Math (although that will be the extent of our run with Saxon)

Spell to Write and Read (Just beginning but really love it so far)


I also bought Henle Latin for me and love it.


We promptly returned:

HOD Little Hands to Heaven

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Right Start Math (hooray, no more tears at math time!)

ABeCeDarian Reading - not the most fun, but definitely worth the effort

All About Spelling

La Clase Divertida


Five in a Row

Reading Eggs



Explode the Code

Time 4 Learning

Math Mammoth

Galloping the Globe



Calvert's Discoveries in Music

Handwriting Without Tears

Spectrum Math

Moving Beyond the Page


Never Again:

Rod & Staff Math

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Life of Fred Math

The Elements

most of the books I selected for lit and supplementing SOTW

Writing Tales

All About Spelling

Editor in Chief

Master's Academy of Fine Arts for art/music/drama

Swimming @ the Y - huge improvements this year!



Developmental Math

Growing with Grammar 4 (we loved 3, but retention seemed to go out the window)

Latin for Children A (this was our second attempt at it. I have three years of HS Latin under my belt and I remember a reasonable amount, yet between me & the DVDs, it just wasn't happening for dd)

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CLE Math...finally a math program that is not bringing frustration (except that ds wishes it had more color.)

GWG 1 and 3...both kids enjoy this

New American Cursive...they beg to do it


Song School Latin...even my 2 year old loves it!

Explode the Code...still a favorite

WWE 1 and 2...going well!





Horizons Math...became too much for ds, was frustrating him day after day

MUS...didn't work so well either


Science...just plain can't seem to fit it in...informally seems to work better for us...reading books, magic school bus videos are great, planting things in our garden was fun....may try a Home Science Adventures kit this summer and see how it goes.

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Artistic Pursuit (3 levels - K-3, 4-6 and Jr Hi)

Chalkdust PreAlgebra

PH Science Explorer (life science topics)

Lightning Lit 7

God's Design for Science (Chemistry/Physical Science)

AIMS Primarily Physics

Getting to Know series by Mike Venezia for composers and artists

Themes to Remember



Writing Aids

Rainbow Science


Both a hit and a miss

TOG - Love the books and discussions, but the pace is driving us crazy. After 3 years, we're going to get off the roller coaster next year. Will use it more as a resource.

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Hits: Workboxes!

Language Lessons for Little Ones (Queen Homeschool)

Charlotte Mason approach


Timeline book

So many wonderful read alouds


New local homeschool group

Nature journals (not consistent, but wonderful when it gets done)

Art--my own projects and some from http://www.artprojectsforkids.org



Misses: Math, unless it's a game

Finding a way to give younger ds enough one on one time

Science (I have NOEO biology and WP World Around Me and I can't

seem to get going on either one)

Artistic Pursuits--too pre-defined for my dc


Jury is still out: Song School Latin

Explode the Code (dc loved it, bored with it,??? but it did

help them learn to read)

Winter Promise All American (have program, haven't

started it fully, just pieces here and

there, but love it so far)


Woolybear (mama to two dc, 8yo and 6yo)

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SOTW 1 (especially when we listened over lunch, "history lunch", LOL!)


Wow! This is brilliant! I have been wondering how I'm going to make the audio CD's useful when I do Modern Times next year. This would be the *perfect* way!


For us:


MUS - always just right for us

Sequential Spelling - My non-speller is totally GETTING it! Thrilling!

Handwriting Without Tears Cursive - This was also great for him

BJU Writing and Grammar - I'm just completely happy with it

ETC - My son loves them

Reading Pyramid - very helpful for a child with dyslexic tendencies


A hit that came late in the year was I finally figured out the better way to implement our plan book (by the hour, not by the subject). Our days are so much better organized and we are definitely doing it this way from now on.



I really screwed up our American History study for most of the year. I hit my stride about six weeks ago. :tongue_smilie: I was using the "A History of Us" series. I like this series, but many factors made it a bumpy trail. I tried to throw in visual interest by buying The Teaching Company's American History, but that just threw us further off schedule. I swear, the kids retained not a thing from the videos.


TOPS for our chemistry studies was so-so. I realized belatedly that there just wasn't enough actual information being passed on to the kids, although the experiments were good. I came late in the game to Real Science 4 Kids. It was very good; there were some streamlining issues I didn't like about it, but very sound and good experiments and lab reports. However, now that I have found NOEO, I'm planning to use that next year.

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Alphabet Art

ABeka Readiness Skills K4/K5

ABeka Bible Activity Books K4/K5

ScienceWorks for Kids by E-M: Learning About the Earth by E-M (1st part was great, but interest faded for both of us when we started talking about rocks)



Leading Little Ones to God

Saxon Math K (leans toward our hit list... more details in this thread)



ABeka Art Projects K4

101 Favorite Stories from the Bible w/ESV Children's Bible

Devotions for the Children's Hour

Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers

Big Truths for Little Kids

A B C Memory Book

A Child's Book of Character Building, book 1

God's Wisdom for Little Boys

Big Thoughts for Little People

The Miller Family series

RightStart Level A (still in progress, but enjoying our new math spine so far)

Singapore Earlybird series (1A & 1B as a supplement)

Spell to Write and Read

Cursive First


Developing the Early Learner, books 1 & 2

God's Creation Series: The World God Made

ScienceWorks for Kids by E-M: Learning About My Body (lightly covered Weather; Animals; and now covering Plants)


Although our official K5 year doesn't start until September, listed below are a few things we'll continue to do over the summer (June through August)... perhaps we'll be year around homeschoolers after all.


Git-R-Done! Summer School ;)

RightStart Level A

SWR Phonograms review along w/CF

Big Truths for Little Kids

My ABC Bible Verses

A Child's Book of Character Building, book 2

CLP Nature Reader 1

Beginning Geography by E-M, Vol. 1-3

History for Little Pilgrims


:001_smile: Our Homeschool Blog

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Our Hits for second grade:


Abeka Science

Abeka Health

Abeka History

Art with a purpose

Abeka Readers

HWT Cursive



Our Misses

Math U See Beta (3rd try):tongue_smilie:

Abeka Math moves too fast


Just ok:

Abeka LA

Abeka Spelling


we are going back to Rod and Staff for English and Math, have started Squential Spelling(will see how it goes).

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Having an LCC frame of mind!

Latin for Children (for 10 year old)

Taking an outside Latin class for me and the older boys. We are at last really, truly learning Latin!

Hey Andrew (first two books). All had fun learning the Alphabet

Saxon Algebra I and Advanced Math (Saxon just works for us)

Kolbe's Junior High Lit program (excellent!)

Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary (fun)

CHC's Devotional Storeis for Little Folks (my kids begged for these!)

Lightning Lit for American Literature (for teens - I love Lightning Lit)

Lots and lots of wonderful read alouds for younger ones

PBS documentary on the Revolutionary War

Ken Burns Civil War

TTC American Identity by Patrick Allitt

Living Memory by Andrew Campbell

Glencoe's Economics Principles and Practices

Declaration Statemanship

Piano lessons

Guitar lessons



Shiller Math - not sure what went wrong with this but I returned to workbooks I got at B&N this spring and the math is being retained at a much better rate.

Hey Andrew (book 3) didn't explain what was going on enough. Got us bogged down.

Christ and the Americas (boring and reactionarily pro-Catholic!)

Sadlier-Oxford Composition (this was a good program but somehow we stopped sometime in Feb and never picked it up again)

Voyages in English (my 3rd attempt with this program. Just don't like it!)


Subjects that just fizzled!

Science - we took science off this year, except for some books my 8th grader read and watching science videos and an occasional fieldtrip here or there

History timeline - we just never really got off the ground notebooking our timeline

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Lanuage Aquisition Through Poetry Memorization (LOVED IT)

Our Mother Tongue

Shurley Grammar

Living Memory


MP's Copybook

ETC/ AlphaPhonics

MP's Christian Studies


One Act Play


Drawing Textbook



co-op science (both eled and h.s.) art, American geo.

CC- though we did keep the history sentences

ALAbacus B- switched to Horizons and breezed through!

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This was my first year homeschooling so just the fact that we actually accomplished and learned anything was a hit for me!



Sonlight 6, he begged to do SL again next year

Jump In! Writing

Shurley Grammar

Apologia Astronomy

Geocaching (Co-op)

Swim Team

He also did a daily devotion series he really liked (Gotta Have God for Guys)

Unit Study on WDW, based primarily on The Mystery at Disney (which preceeded our family trip)

Sheppard Software (online) for geography practice is also a lot of fun for him


Just OK:

Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra (he did fine, but it moved too slowly)

Book Club (Co-op)

Beginning Typing and Keyboarding


My misses were mostly because I was a little ambitious about how much time we could devote to them, so I'm going to take resonsibility for that!

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IEW Theme Based Writing

Living Books for History

CLE Science

LoF Fractions

CM Nature Studies

Queens LL for the secondary child





CLE Math

CW Aesop


Wordly Wise


Changing things up for this coming year. We will continue with the LoF series, Queens LL, CM Nature studies and IEW.

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Big Hits:


Queen's Language Lessons, everyone loves these books

Sonlight core 3, kids really liked this

Math U See --everyone is so much happier now :)

Heart of Dakota is a huge hit, but we are only two weeks in... (decided to do this instead of SL core 1+2 since it has the same spine)

Biology 101

Spelling Wisdom

Simply Music, but they need to practice more...




Attempting to do TWO sonlight cores when we finished core 3--I just needed to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n....


Everything but the actual books for SL core 5 (Eastern Hemisphere Explorer/World Book, LA, etc) The books are WONDERFUL, but ds is just reading them one by one now.


Teaching Textbooks pre-AL. The kids can do the work, but it drove me batty. I wish this level had auto-grading. Math U See is a better fit for us.


Renzulli Learning :confused: I still am not sure how I was supposed to use that.


Time4Learning Math: This is why my kids are so behind. This program has way too much width and not enough depth, at least for my kiddos.


Primary Language Lessons and Intermediate: This is the 4th!!! time I have tried, but I just can't make it work. Queen's is so much easier.

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For my 7th grade dd



IEW-U.S. History Based Writing

Analytical Grammar

Sonlinght Core 100

Apologia General Science



Life of Fred: Fractions, Decimals and Percents(I loved these but dd could not retain anything)

TT Pre-Algebra- also didn't retain anything(you can see a pattern forming... probably not curriculum just a learning style difference)



For Ds 7:



Right Start Level B-Teacher intensive but well worth it!

Pathway Readers

Reading aloud The Little House Series



WWE 1- I like the concept of this but would prefer to have a guide like it, specifically pertaining to a book we are reading instead of taking just a couple of passages out of a book. It seemed disjointed to me but I think it serves many others well.

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Horizons Math- We LOVE this program.






RFH- She enjoys the short lessons but I can not get the concept of precision down. She is a doodler so her papers are atrocious! We will contine with it using a reward system for motivation. (I think anyway lol)

SOTW 1- We really enjoyed this but the part that really stuck with the kids was the audio disks that were played in the car ALL THE TIME. Maps and such were fun but weren't retained all that well.



HWT (We can not stand this program!)

Science was a flop this year! I learned that I need structure. My intentions are good but without clear guidence and a full kit, I won't do it.

New American Cursive- dd was just not ready developmentally for this program.

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2009 Hits


Sequential Spelling -- excellent. Best system I've used for a non-speller


Lively Latin -- easy to implement, plentiful exercises, intermittent history readings


Florida Virtual School Latin -- a hit every year so far


Bible and catechism memory work


NCFCA speech and debate -- should perhaps lead the list; more convinced than ever of the benefits though it's a significant investment of time and energy


Calculadder -- kept our daily drill consistent



2009 Misses


Nothing, really. Don't get me wrong: I have plenty of books still sitting on the shelf, but nothing that we purposely implemented went awry.


Changes for next year:

Implementing R & S grammar across the board. Though I've avoided it all these years, I'm taking the plunge. Love Shurley, I just fear it's not deep enough.




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Horizons Math.. oldest dd thanked me for buying it!

Critical Thinking's Building Thinking Skills cd-rom

Apologia's Flying Creatures

TOG yr2 units 1 and 2

books on cd

violin lessons for the girls

R&S workbooks for the preschooler twins

playing any board game with middle son




Shurley Grammar...we learn it but we don't like it

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MFW Adventures

Singapore Math

R&S English

Italics Handwriting




Math Mammoth

Spelling Power



Primary Language Lessons

Language Lessons for the Very Young

R&S Math 2 (although she needed it, DD HATED ALL THE DRILL!!!)

Saxon 2

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Rod and Staff grammar. Even though we're behind, we're ahead.

Concordia Voyages: A great Bible curriculum, especially this age.

Literature: Studying great plays a la TWTM logic stage suggestions, and then watching them, and then studying them some more

Music: A wonderful local youth chorus--DD is finally courageous enough to sing a solo in public! And she is actually good at it!

Science: Science Explorer

Saxon Math: DD hates math, but she hates Saxon less than other math.

SOTW CD's: DD goes back and back through these. Although we do other things for our main history, these have provided the copious history sense that I so want her to have.

Latin Christiana I: DD is actually too old for this, a deferred miss from prior years. But we just pulled it out (after all, we do own it) and it's really easy to learn and applicable immediately. Although it's a little 'young', it is actually getting done, unlike any other vocabulary or foreign language at present.

First Lego League: Wow, what a wild ride! And what a great experience!

Nature Awareness Class: To a large extent, this class has been the social and physical stress relief that DD needed this year. Can't speak highly enough of it.

Phonetic Zoo: Who knew she could learn to spell? Seriously, for my audio learner this program has been a Godsend.

Quartermile Math: Why drill your child when your computer than do it for you?

Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox: You know your child is in the logic stage when she enjoys tripping you up with fallacy just a little bit too much, LOL!

Considering two years of 8th grade: This is looking more and more attractive to me.



LLLOTR: We just don't seem to get this DONE. So many great opportunities have come up to read other things. However, I still love this curriculum, and consider not so much a 'miss' as a 'postpone'.

German: I had great intentions of reading to DD several times a week in German to keep that language up, but I failed to stick with it. I still think our strategy of buying books in German that we are familiar with in English was a good one, but there are only so many hours in the day.

Piano for Quitters: Had great hopes of this being what would turn DD around and make her learn music theory. She just didn't learn it, so I bit the bullet and hired a tutor, who was outstanding at getting her over that hump. We may return to Piano for Quitters or Piano for Life this summer.

Writing Apprentice: Why did I waste my money on this, when I knew perfectly well that Writing Strands, Writers' Jungle, and TWTM were more than enough? Why why why?

All American History: I really wanted to like this program, and I just don't like it all that much. I'll bet that the author is an outstanding teacher, but the way that the material is written is too much like the words of an outstanding teacher written down, not enough like writing that engages you on the page. SOTW and Sonlight/BF books have spoiled us for textbooky history writing I think.

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Life of Fred

Sandi Queen's Language Lessons

Apologia General Science

Beautiful Feet Classical Music

BF Early US Intermediate

Spelling Power




BJU Life Science (hence the hit with Apologia)

BJU Math

BJU Lit 7


Not misses but wont use again:

LNST vol 3

MegaWords books after book 2

Winston Advanced (surprised because we liked Basic)


Tried and True:


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