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BJU dvd courses


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Hi all,


I had a few questions regarding BJU DVDs. I'm considering 6th grade science and maybe 7th grade World Studies (or dc might do WP Quest for Middle Ages... don't know yet!).


But, does BJU ever have a sale? $399 per subject is pretty expensive. Just wondering if ever in the summer they have a sale...


Also, I'm trying to find online if there is sample DVD they would send for an entire grade (specifically 3rd grade). My 8 yo dd is very school-resistant shall we say... also, some concepts are hard for her to understand, and I was thinking DVDs may help, but I wanted to have a sample for her & I to watch together, and also see if 3rd grade DVDs are appropriate for her.


One more thing- I'm assuming dc watches the DVD then pauses dvd and does workbook pages then resumes DVD and so on??


Thanks SO much for any help you can give!!

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I haven't ever heard of a sale. Homesat customers got a one time discount if we switched to DVD, but you had to have been a customer last school year.


I believe the Homeworks Consultants have access to a sample of a full class. There also might be someone around you that does Homesat/Distance Learning and maybe you can see a full class that way.




My DD with learning issues does WONDERFUL with the classes (she's doing 2nd grade), the best thing is that if you have to back it up - the teacher says the same thing the 2nd time :D (This is actually good for the auditory processing issues my DD has).


World Studies has been a HUGE hit around here, she loves the class. She was bummed that Mrs. Moon isn't teaching the 8th grade American History class.

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I am wondering if anyone has signed up for the Academy of Home Education (AHE) through BJU.


I think it's great that they will keep records for my older children to use for the future, but I am not sure if it's going to be hard to keep up with sending all the grades to them on time.


Has anyone joined and if so, what are your thoughts.



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Hi all,


I had a few questions regarding BJU DVDs. I'm considering 6th grade science and maybe 7th grade World Studies (or dc might do WP Quest for Middle Ages... don't know yet!).


But, does BJU ever have a sale? $399 per subject is pretty expensive. Just wondering if ever in the summer they have a sale...


Also, I'm trying to find online if there is sample DVD they would send for an entire grade (specifically 3rd grade). My 8 yo dd is very school-resistant shall we say... also, some concepts are hard for her to understand, and I was thinking DVDs may help, but I wanted to have a sample for her & I to watch together, and also see if 3rd grade DVDs are appropriate for her.


One more thing- I'm assuming dc watches the DVD then pauses dvd and does workbook pages then resumes DVD and so on??


Thanks SO much for any help you can give!!


Yes, they frequently have sales in the spring. It's usually 10% off and no shipping. Call BJUP and ask them if there are any sales.


And while you have them on the phone, ask them to send you a sample DVD. Yes, they have these, and these are all online. It's not like a full day of school. It's more like a highlights video -- a few minutes from classes here and there.


Yes, the way you described it is one way to do it -- watching the DVD, pausing, doing the assignment, resuming the DVD. My son prefers to watch all the DVDs and then do all the worksheets. The way you described it would make more sense to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been looking at doing this somewhere down the line if we are still homeschooling. I really wish we could try it for a month and see rather than buy it and find we hate it after a week. I may try to find someone locally and see about just watching a couple of days' worth and see what we think.


So, do you all who do the whole program pay $1000 per child per year for the DVDs? That is a huge drawback for me.


A friend told me that they used to allow you to tape the grades and reuse them for younger children (and just buy the books for the other kids) but that this is no longer an option????


How much do you spend per year? I have 3 kids.





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Thanks. I have watched the little 3 min. clips per class....that just isn't enough to know, you know? Many curriculums now offer a week or two of samples to really know what you think about it. I wish there was just a little more on it than the very short clips.


Can you have 2 children viewing the same grade and just buy a 2nd set of workbooks?




Yes, it is $1,000 per grade. There is a $50 discount per grade if you are ordering multiple grades. Oh yeah, and shipping is 10% of the purchase price (unless you are fortunate enough to be able to hook up with a BJU rep and get free shipping). And, no, there is no discount for a second (or third or fourth) child following behind an older sibling reusing previously bought material. They send you brand new books every time with the DVD option. I believe if you do BJU on-line version, you have a choice of NOT having the TM's and saving $149.


So in short, you need to be sure that you REALLY want it before you place an order. :D There is a 30 day return policy but only if all the materials are in unused condition.


The sample classes are available for viewing online or you can get the sampler dvd for free (item # 360545 for Secondary; item # 360511 for Elementary). Like every other curriculum option out there BJU Dvd's are not for everyone. It's not a cheap option, but they can be worth their weight in gold on those days where Mom is just not going to get it done, kwim? And the science classes are far superior to anything I could ever hope to pull together. Definitely do your homework before you buy.

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the cost of BJU is just incredible to me. And you don't own the dvds correct? I understand you need to return them within a set period of time?


My gf chose Abeka because she said their payment plan and rental period (time) was better.


That is the sum total of my knowledge on the subject

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:iagree: Our choice for this school year was private Christian school, two students, $16,925. OR BJU dvd's plus a few extras for around $2,200. In our case it was a no-brainer.


I know the pricing puts some options out of reach for many homeschoolers, but everyone's needs are different.


Well, when you put it like that it is a bargain :D


Can someone explain to me how you schedule your day with BJU DVDs?

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I've only used the 3rd grade hardrive. We don't start at the same time everyday. When we start by 9 all basics get done by lunch, leaving all afternoon for history, science, read-alouds, and any art or music appreciation. Here's what I'm hoping becomes consistant:


9:00 Bible

9:45 Math

10:30 Reading

11:00 English, Spelling, Handwriting

12:00 Lunch

1:00 History 1st sem./Science 2nd sem.


My 7th grader will start Monday. Here's the plan:


9:00 Bible

10:00 Math

11:00 English and Vocab.1st sem./Literature 2nd sem.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Life Science

2:00 World Studies with Mrs. Moon (was not planning on using this, but can't resist, after reading so many glowing reviews.)

3:00 music/art appreciation

Evening Continuing our history cycle w/ me, dad, and sis.

Edited by Rebecca77
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Ah, but if the kids went to school, I could go back to work full time (which I miss terribly) and I would make plenty to pay for the cost.


Oh one income we are far more cautious.






BJU distance learning is a 1/3 of the cost christian schooling would be for us, and the teachers seem waaaaay better. I am beyond thrilled so far with our experience with the 3rd grade. The teachers are fantastic!!!
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When you use the hard-drive, does that mean the child watches the same classes but in front of the computer?




I've only used the 3rd grade hardrive. We don't start at the same time everyday. When we start by 9 all basics get done by lunch, leaving all afternoon for history, science, read-alouds, and any art or music appreciation. Here's what I'm hoping becomes consistant:


9:00 Bible

9:45 Math

10:30 Reading

11:00 English, Spelling, Handwriting

12:00 Lunch

1:00 History 1st sem./Science 2nd sem.


My 7th grader will start Monday. Here's the plan:


9:00 Bible

10:00 Math

11:00 English and Vocab.1st sem./Literature 2nd sem.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Life Science

2:00 World Studies with Mrs. Moon (was not planning on using this, but can't resist, after reading so many glowing reviews.)

3:00 music/art appreciation

Evening Continuing our history cycle w/ me, dad, and sis.

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I don't know if this has been addressed or not, but how can one adapt BJU DVD programs to kids with some learning issues? My oldest is an Aspie and struggles particularly with writing. Would it be easy for me to adapt his learning to this?


I would most likely have my older 2 (currently 6th and 4th grade) doing the same level together as my 6th grader is the one who has learning struggles.


Can I assume that BJU would be at least one grade level above the local schools (and ours have 97% test scores and is considered good, but still not up to the quality I feel they should have because they teach FOR the test, I am sure you get that!) so that my 4th grader would be challenged and my 6th grader could adapt?





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Ok, after looking at their site, I do have to add that since their entire grade package is $714 and the DVD option is only $285 in addition to that, it isn't quite so bad.


I just wish they would allow for:


A. not ordering the teacher manuals if you already have them

B. reusing the DVDs, although I see you can reuse for a reduced price up to one year after????



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When you use the hard-drive, does that mean the child watches the same classes but in front of the computer?




Yes, each of my kids have computers w/ large flat screen monitors in there room, provided by there grandpa who is a computer consultant. After watching there lesson they can then come to the kitchen table to do there work.

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