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What do people do when they can't find a place to live?

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I'm so sorry! I have no ideas for you, except punished by God isn't what's happening. Bad things happen to good NO, !GREAT! people. I am SO SO SO SO sorry for you! If you were here, my husband would offer for you to move in...that's been his answer before......(although no one has taken us up on it.)

We will pray for you, and you'll keep us informed...ok??


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Okay, well, my answer in the other thread won't work. Should've read this one first, but I didn't see it!


I am soooo sorry! I know that probably doesn't help, though. I agree with NayfiesMama---it's not God doing this. Sometimes we just don't know why things are allowed to happen! You're a good person!


:grouphug:I wish I had some answers to make your troubles go away! I will be praying for you!:grouphug:

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I am so sorry..........all I can offer is that I know God doesn't hate you He loves you!! It is so hard to understand why he allows things to happen sometimes. You are NOT alone, and many people on this board are praying for you I am sure of it!


I hope it is okay to PM you.



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I wonder whether you could compromise on the dog? Maybe board him with a friend for a few months until you get back on your feet? The only reason I'm suggesting this is that from the landlords' perspective it seems like that's the worst sticking point, and having the kids live separate from you is already on the table, so I thought that giving up the dog would be less drastic.

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I wish someone could flip a wand and make it all fall into perfect order for you.


Right now, you are in the middle of a tornado of stressful issues-and it's so hard to find strength or hope or anything when you are so far in it. May I be so bold as to say, hang in there, there will be a time when you look back and see that you survived it and things are better. Don't give up hope!


Please don't feel God is angry with you and causing all this to happen! God loves you and cares a great deal about what you are going through.


I remember a time when dh had taken a job as an insurance salesman and we had to find a home in a particular area and we had to do it quickly so he could start his job, not to mention our rental had already been rented out on us. We worked our tails off looking at places to rent in the new area and we hit obstacle after obstacle. It was seriously wierd and nuts! We were so frustrated and stressed out. Finally, one day in the newspaper, my dh saw an ad for a job in a nearby town instead and applied for it. We took off for a couple days to go camping and just try and relax. When we came back there was a message on our answering machine from the company he'd applied to. To make a long story short, in one week's time, my dh had found, applied, interviewed and been offered a job. We also found an apartment and moved within that week as well. We truly believe it was a God thing and we weren't meant to move to the other area and take the insurance sales job.


Now I'm not saying your dh should be job hunting elsewhere, I share this ONLY to let you know tough situations like that can work out! We don't always know why they don't and it can be not because God hates you, but because he has a better plan for you. I hope and pray you have a positive outcome in all this!! Hang in there and keep us posted. Hugs!!

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I'd strongly encourage you to see if you can't have your dog stay with friends or family members, since getting a pet welcome place is such an issue. Better to be separated from your dog than your children.


I'm sorry you and your family are experiencing this, and I pray that things turn around for you quickly :grouphug:

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Ugh - that is a very rough position to be in - I am so sorry!

I agree, though, with the others that point out perhaps it would be wise to find a new home for the dog, even if it is temporary. I know it would probably break your heart to do this, and I feel for you.


Have any of the realtors or leasing agents you have worked with have any clients that may be gone from the area for the summer, and may need someone to house sit for them? When we moved from NH to TX several years ago, I saw several ads on Craigslist and leasing agent websites where families were going to be out of town for 1 to 3 months and were looking to rent out their house to a responsible individual or family. The dog could be a sticking point with that, but if you could find somewhere for him to stay for a few months, it may at least solve your problem in the short term, and give you some breathing room to find something more permanent.


Also - is it possible for your husband to seek work in another geographic area?

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Please contact the real estate offices in Pittsburgh (or within the city that you plan to move to) and have them locate a rental for you. Real estate agents have access to rentals and also receive a finder's fee for placing people in rental properties. Also, sometimes the city's Visitors Bureau might know of rentals. I'm so sorry for your situation but please remember that things will get better. Prayers to you and your family.

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What surrounding towns are you looking at? The reason I ask is my family moved to Greensburg several months ago (courtesy of military). I am not there right now, but will be back there on Sunday, maybe I could see what I can find for you. Praying for you and your family.

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It's not ideal, but could you camp for several months? Some private campgrounds do have long term campers, but you'll need a trailer probabably. However may are going for very low prices now.


Alternatively the public campgrounds may be amemiable to longer term campers. May years ago, our county campground stayed open later in the season than normal to house the construction workers who came in for the building boom.

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Can your husband sleep in the office and shower and tidy up at the YMCA (or similiar) for the month of June? He is going ahead of you to PA, is that right? He can save money that way and use any free time to look at rentals while you wrap up work in your old residence.



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When things go right in your life, do you ask God why you are so wonderful? What you have done to deserve such greatness and assume you are just an amazing person? I bet the answer is no. It is easier right now to blame God or to assume He hates you, but are you prayerfully asking him for His will to be done? Or are you trying to fit the square peg in the round hole yourself. <gently> Are you seeking his guidance or just blaming him when things go wrong?


My advice is for you to hit your knees. Pray for His will to be done. My dh and I did this when it seemed all but hopeless that we would be able to leave GA and come back here. We had a hlaf finished house that we couldn't let someone finish until we sold the other house...then where would dh live? What about the kids? What about school? OMG, I was a MESS. Then, I stepped back and prayed. I gave our lives over to the will of God - praying specifically, "Lord, Your will be done here, because I am absolutely not able to do this alone. Lead, guide, and direct us."


That next week, we listed our house on the market. It sold in 5 days. We found an architect who desigened our "finishing" of the house and immediately found a crew of builders who were ready to go to work that week. :) By the time I wrapped up all the stuff at the old house and got the closing finished, there was enough house built here to move into. For 2 months, we lived in ONE ROOM - all 4 of us. But I knew it was only temporary. We made the most of it, and before long, we were able to sprawl into the 3100+ sq ft we have now. God provided for us in MIRACULOUS ways...but only after we stopped trying to be in control.


Huge hugs to you - keep your faith. He will provide...in HIS time. :grouphug:

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*agrees with Rebecca*


1. if it's between housing and the dog...get rid of the dog (and yes, I'm an animal lover)


2. rent a storage unit for your stuff if need be, they aren't costly.


3. you may have to suffer with smaller space for a year or two...it's life


4. try inner city, the not so nice areas. Believe me, they need nice people too and the neighbours tend to stick together and look out for each other. Once they realise you are a family person, they will generally be very open to you in that way. Gd can use you in those places also.


5. can you donate the books?


6. get in contact with a local (Pittsburgh) church that you might attend and advise them of your situation. They may be able to help get you situated.

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Just some thoughts...


1) Get on the phone and call Pittsburgh area churches. Explain the situation. I know that our church owns a property (nothing glamorous, mind you) for just such emergencies. Maybe you can find a church down there that can help you out, even if it's only for a month.


2) If your dh doesn't mind a commute, look in WV for housing. There are some great towns just across that PA border, and the cost of everything from housing to groceries is lower in WV than it would be in Pittsburgh. (Dh and I lived in a house in Fairmont, WV for a couple of years while in grad school at WVU, and our monthly mortgage payment was less than half of what it would have been to rent an apartment close to the college!)


3) Get help with those books! The local Salvation Army or Goodwill might be willing to send out help and a truck if you will donate the books to them. Check to see if local churches do used book sales. There is one in our town that has hundreds and hundreds of books every year, and they'll take anything! Maybe you can find something similar near you!





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I wonder whether you could compromise on the dog? Maybe board him with a friend for a few months until you get back on your feet?

:iagree:, and I'm a dog lover.


I'm so sorry :grouphug:. I've lived in dumps, in a car, moved month-to-month, but it was as a student. I can't imagine doing it with kids.

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I never post to forums...I usually just read threads, but I gotta tell ya', what's happening to you JUST happened to us. :grouphug:


We have 4 kids under the age of 7 and it has been very traumatizing for them also. My husband lost his job last summer and it took him almost a year to find another one. When he did find one, it was halfway across the country.


Now, I live in Missouri with our 4 children and my husband lives in Texas. :crying:


We're both in a horrible situation and we gotta realize that it won't last forever. We're going to be OK. :sad: My advice to you is to take your time moving. We also kicked around the "long-term camping" idea. My husband decided to rent a $300/mth apartment for about 6 months until we can get back on our feet and have our ducks in a row before the whole family moves (yep, we have dogs AND cats). To keep the traumatization to a minimum, the kids and I are still in our house in the Land of MO. :(


Just as I reached the point where I was wondering why God was PO'ed at us, too, my 4 year-old daughter threw 2 quarters into an elephant fountain and told me that the quarters were asking God to help Daddy get a job (yep, that sounds strange - I know). That was our last weekend unemployed (so apparently, a combination of quarters, elephants and 4 year-olds talking to God works). Anyway, my point is...God won't give you any more trouble than you can handle...he knows you can get through this...so don't despair...it'll be OK.


:grouphug: Lotsa hugs from the Land of MO.

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Oh, I'm so sorry. We are going through a similar situation..... from GA to MN. Hubby was out of work for a year and he finally got a job up here...it is great but our house in GA will sell below payoff...when it finally sells.... and our rent here is high. We're so tight we squeak! We didn't get rid of our dogs and that has cost us in higher rent........ but our dudes are still with us and we are glad about that.


I don't know what to tell you, but to keep going forwards......... you (and I) will make it! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

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Have you looked into apartments? Many will take dogs. You might have to live in a 3 bedroom for a while, but you will need to live somewhere. You will be ok. You need to reassure the kids that you will all be together. You will find something, just keep looking and don't lose hope.

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You are getting so much love and support. :grouphug: I know you are scared and desperate. Try, if you can, to pray and ask that God reveal His will, that you will be able to understand in time why all this is happening. Just like the blacksmith places the iron in the fire to make it stronger, you will come out stronger too.


"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again." Psalm 71:20-21

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I have moved more times than I care to count. Many times we moved somewhere without housing lined up. We stayed in extended stay hotels until we could find a place to live, sometimes for three or four months at a time. We have a large family as well and four cats that were not leaving. It was hard. Very hard. When we moved here we went from an extended stay hotel to an apartment that was not much bigger. It was 1300 sq. ft. and we had six people and four cats. The was only three bedrooms. We stayed there for a year with half of our stuff in storage. I hated that apartment. It was very dark, very small and it had mice and lots of them. We had to use the living room as the dining room because it was the only room big enough to hold our table, bookshelves and desk. This is where we homeschooled. The dining room had to be the living room and it would only hold the couch and tv - period. We had to kids in one room because it would only hold a twin bed (we used bunks), one kid in the third bedroom and one in our room with us. The kitchen only held one person at a time. And make it worse, the kids and I did not want to be here. We owned our forever home in FL and belong to a very large, wonderful homeschool group with lots of friends and activities. Moving here was a marriage saving move during the darkest time of our marriage. My hubby was depressed and we were angry. It was a miserable year.


At the end of that year we moved to a five bedroom house that had 3300 sq. ft that only cost $300 more per year than the apartment. It was a safe neighborhood and the house was big enough that we could spread out and get away from each other. There was a veritable jungle in the back yard, tons of wildlife. The kids loved that house and never wanted to leave. I on the other hand liked it only slightly better than the apartment and my marriage was still on the mend and hubby was still depressed. We were there for three years. And it was three years filled with horrible life experiences, some very dark life alterning things and I too wonder what I had done to deserve the pain and suffering.


And then we finally bought this house. I love this house. There is honestly not a single thing I don't love about this house. This is my forever home and I have told my hubby that the only way I will leave is when my heart stops beating. The kids love it here and we are all finally happy but it took us a long time to get here. Years.


All this to say that even though you are having a hard time now and that you might have some more rough times to go, eventually the clouds will clear and things will improve. DO what you have to do to get by now and try to plan and work towards what you need to do to reach a state of peace and happiness. I am truely sorry for all the pain and suffering you are going through now and I hope that you life takes a turn for the better soon. :grouphug:

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I am so sorry. I had thought when we hadn't heard from you for awhile that you were busy moving into your new house.:( I will keep praying for you and your family.:grouphug:


Reading of your difficulties brought the Israelites in the Wilderness to mind. They didn't know where their food or water would come from day to day but God always provided.

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I understand part of your frustration. When we first moved here, we were staying with my sister. She already had cats, so I couldn't bring mine.:glare:


So, they went to one of her friends house, with the understanding that her friend was permanently adopting the cats. It was tough, but we did it. Well, after dh still hadn't found a job in about four months after moving her, and me with only a part-time job, my sis decides that


1) We can't live rent-free with her anymore (I understand this, but we were barely pulling an income, to begin with)


2) We had to be OUT OF THE HOUSE from 9am-5pm Saturdays AND Sundays! (Mind you, I had a nursing infant at the time!)


3) If we couldn't begin to pay rent, then we had move out of her house by a certain date!


This was all very stressful and we didn't find anyplace to live until the day before we were supposed to vacate her beloved condo. I was calling SHELTERS to see how they worked because I thought we would have to live in one!


So, you see, so many of us have been in similar situations.

And, while I understand that it's hard to see things clearly through the storm, I also know that God DOES have a plan and it's not to harm you. Remember Job? He went through SO much loss! But, in the end, he figured out that God had a plan.

I know God has a plan for you in this. I will be praying that He reveals it to YOU! :)


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When things go right in your life, do you ask God why you are so wonderful? What you have done to deserve such greatness and assume you are just an amazing person? I bet the answer is no.


I actually do. I think He has blessed us numerous times and I do not think I deserve it as I have so many flaws and faults I still need to work on.


To the OP, oh my heart goes out to you. Reaching out from across cyberspace to you and your family :grouphug: Know that we love you, and you are not alone :grouphug:

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I just wanted to say that I am still praying for everyone who posted on the WTM prayer thread about being affected by the recession and economic troubles. Your username along with all the others is written in our prayer journal and dd and I lift you up in prayer daily.


I will specifically add the housing situation and being able to keep your dog with you by your name on the list. :grouphug: That will be added when I lift your name before the Lord.


Please keep us updated.

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I dont live in Pitt , but have family in Pitt. You are so right , houses dont move and their mkt. was not greatly affected as say San Diego.


But, I do have cousins who live in Greensburg, its a nice town and only 45 min from Pitt. I dont know how rentals are in that location, but its worth a try.


I, totally know where you are coming from, about the house sit. WE are in same boat and been floating here for a good six months. Praying for a ray of light.


Everyday seems to be a new hurdle and a time of testing. I know God does not dislike you, just think of it as planting seeds of faith(while I am writing , I am telling myself the same thing).


Good things will come and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


Oh yeah, can you just put, not install leftover carpet on the hardwood areas or carpet tiles. Brilliant....My grandma has carpet just layed over all her hardwood floors, nobody even knows she has them.

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I understand part of your frustration. When we first moved here, we were staying with my sister.


Oh good heavens, you'd think in an emergency situation your own sister would treat you better than that. I cannot imagine doing that to anyone.

Edited by RoughCollie
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But, I do have cousins who live in Greensburg, its a nice town and only 45 min from Pitt. I dont know how rentals are in that location, but its worth a try.


I replied to your PM, by the way. Thanks!


Greensburg is a lovely town that does not have any rental houses available right now. I found one house, but we could not afford it. If we end up looking for an apartment, I am definitely going to look there if the office space there is priced low enough for us to afford it.

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but I do think that your assessment of Pittsburgh is rather off a little bit. I'm not sure where you are looking, but there are some vibrant college towns outside University of Pittsburgh. If you are willing to look farther from downtown, there are some awesome suburbs!


I agree that there are some rundown neighborhoods, particularly near where the old steel mills used to be, but this is not necessarily a function of this city but more a function of being a city in general. Pittsburgh has long recovered from the olden days of the steel mills, and in fact, most natives think it's pretty silly that we're still referred to as the Steel City. Once you're here you'll discover that this city, for it's small size, has a lot of cultural opportunities.


The houses are small, because for the most part, any house in the US built over 30 years ago, were small. Again, I don't believe this to be a function of Pittsburgh in particular. When my husband and I looked for our first house in NJ, believe me, there were some tiny homes indeed, and way more expensive than what we could buy here.


From what I can tell, it sounds like you are looking in the wrong districts. If you tell me where you are looking, perhaps I can help steer you in a better direction.


Again, I'm sorry this is so difficult for you.

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Many houses are available in high-crime areas that have truly horrible schools, and I have two kids in PS. I will not live in a place like that, period.


Could you homeschool all of the kids until you can move somewhere better?

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