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ok, what's the worst thing your mother-in-law ever said/did to you?


Mine has been jealous of my SAHM status since the beginning. At first she was jealous that I was stealing her "baby" away, and despite years of effort to befriend her, she never once accepted me. I'm fully aware that NOBODY would have been accepted, but it used to be hard to take. But when I became a SAHM, she made things difficult. She was always so jealous. She used to live next door to us (talk about hell on earth!) :ack2::mad: and I thought once we moved things would get better. NOT. Then she was mad that we moved away!


She raised my husband with the understanding that HE would always be there to handle all her affairs. The only time she's ever called him in our 22 years together was to ask him to do something for her. In all our years together, she's only called him ONCE to wish him a Happy Birthday, and even then it wasn't genuine. It was more to complain/guilt him out of moving away from her.


Anyway, I could share MANY horrible things she's done but two of the worst:


She used to love to visit us in our home. She considered our land and home a piece of "heaven on earth." She was raised on a farm and I think our home in the country made her reminisce of her early days. And I used to like having her. It took me awhile to figure out that she'd wait until my hubby and kids weren't around to put in her digs!


We built our barn 6 years ago to fulfill my lifelong dream of owning a horse and running a farm. When she came out to see all the animals, she waited until everyone was gone to tell me, "Tom spends so much money on all these animals. He works SO hard! He's only making one salary. It would be perfectly fine for him to have a girlfriend with all he does for you." That's the last time she was allowed at our home. She's in a nursing home now, 10 minutes from our house. She wants to come visit but Tom tells her "no" because she's always been mean to me. She never even talks to her grandkids! I used to go visit her in the nursing home, offering to take her out. She never accepted. She wanted her Tommy to take her.


The other biggie: We adopted our youngest from China. I had silk quilts made for everyone in our family. It was hard picking out just the right colors for everyone, but was VERY easy to pick out hers. She loves turquoise and lime green, and that's the color I chose for her. It's beautiful. Tom gave it to her and she told him to take it back. He told her "no," that it was rude. So she waited a couple more weeks and gave it to him and insisted he bring it back home. That was the LAST present she's ever gotten from us, and it was 5 years ago.


The good thing here? No matter how much I dislike someone my child will date/marry, I have to be supportive. They're not going to stop seeing someone because of me so I might as well make the best of it to keep *my* kid in my life.


Anyone else care to share?

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It's probably not good to wallow in this.


I'm lucky my mil and my mother are great. They don't agree with our decisions, but they never tell us. Well, sometimes my mom expresses concern. However, I know they both work hard to "stay out of it".


I do know that both my grandmother (my mom's mil) and my dh's grandmother (dh's mother's mil) were nasty to my mother and mil respectively. Interestingly, they are both from the same geographical region (not the location either dh or I were raised) and they both had the same religious affiliation (again different from the religious affiliations of our mothers and from what we were raised in). I suspect the behavior of our grandmothers had an affect on how my mother and mil treat us.

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WOW! I could make a list, but that would turn it into bad mouthing dh's mother. So I will only list two that dh and I felt were very bad. She:


1. Told everyone that one of my son was not DH's, but a love child from one of my many flings.:glare:

2. Stole all my jewelery, including things left to me by my grandmother who had died 2 months earlier and pawned them.


It turns out she is a bit of a cleptomaniac and had/has a drug problem which has not yet been completly resolved. It took me a long time to forgive her, and we were at war with each other for years. My dh had to drag her to all the pawn shops to get our stuff back and didn't talk to her for years afterwards. We have started seeing her again twice a month, and we get along much better. I wouldn't leave her alone with my stuff, but I feel it is important to try to get along. When we see her she must be sober, not look like she has been on a binge, and behave. We are careful about the whole thing. She has improved a lot, treats me with respect and adores our children. She has also gotten involved in church and I think it has helped her, although she still has a way to go.

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I'm not sure this is entirely healthy, so I won't be listing them all out. The worst was when my MIL blamed me for my son's disability. Still, after that and many other offenses, dh and I take the approach of extra grace and firm boundaries. She's important to us, and we try to remember that when she gets hard to deal with.

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Is this really a good idea?


I imagine having difficult inlaws affects so many parts of your life, but I wonder if making a public list of wrong-doings is the best way to deal with it.


yeah, you're probably right, but I'm honestly being light hearted about it. I've chosen to reflect on my situation as a list of what NOT to do when my kids bring their future in-laws home.


It was harder when I let her bully me around. :tongue_smilie:



If it's uncomfortable for you, please don't read. ;)

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:grouphug: I'm sorry she's made your married life so difficult.


My mil sets my dh up on blind dates. :blink: We've been married almost 20 years. :mad:


Are you SERIOUS???? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My MIL is an:Angel_anim:


Wow, I'm SO sorry!!!!! I hope you've managed to cope and not allow it to distress you too much!

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:grouphug: I'm sorry she's made your married life so difficult.


My mil sets my dh up on blind dates. :blink: We've been married almost 20 years. :mad:



:glare: thats almost so far out there that I want to laugh until I realize you're serious.


I like my MIL now. But -- I"ve learned through experience; I keep my tongue to myself & communication b/t dh & I OPEN. As long as he contines to be my man first & her son second, we are good.


I still remember the time she told me a slight alcohol addiction might do him some good b/c everyone needs a crutch in life & with a job & 4 kids, he has a lot to deal with. um. ok.

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I won't list all problems/complaints, but I will say


I know that she does like me because I am foreign. I know this, as she has told me, more than once.


This past Christmas was the first time that she has ever bought me a gift, for any holiday. I've been with dh for 10 years now. What was the gift you ask?


Two used dish towels! Yes you read that right, two used dish towels.

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It's probably not good to wallow in this.



I honestly don't wallow in this. That was my last straw and I deserve to be respected so I rarely see her now. I was answering someone else's thread about hating their current home, and that's when the ole memory was dragged out.


I honestly pity her. She has nobody in her life because she's so miserable. She fights with everyone and chases everyone away. Her two daughters moved out of state when they turned 18 just to get away from her. She's the one to feel sorry for, not me. I'm happy and have a GREAT husband.

:001_wub: I hear he's JUST like his father, whom I've never met because he died when dh was only 11. :sad:

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I understand the light heartedness intended by the OP. My MIL is actually okay. But she really, really wanted granddaughters. She tried to bribe me with $5,000 before we were married to become pregnant, saying, "If you get preggers now, you won't show at the wedding." LOL

When I called and told her I was having boy #2, she hung up on me and didn't talk to me for 2 weeks. Ha!~ I told her to talk to her son; he decided the gender!

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I won't list all problems/complaints, but I will say


I know that she does like me because I am foreign. I know this, as she has told me, more than once.


This past Christmas was the first time that she has ever bought me a gift, for any holiday. I've been with dh for 10 years now. What was the gift you ask?


Two used dish towels! Yes you read that right, two used dish towels.


Ooooooooh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dredge up hurt in anyone. I honestly get through lifes greatest challenges with laughter, although I know not everyone does.


Honestly, I'm really sorry if I sparked up some pain.


Maybe you can give her two used pair of underwear for her birthday? :lol: Don't wash them first. :D

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Ooooooooh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dredge up hurt in anyone. I honestly get through lifes greatest challenges with laughter, although I know not everyone does.


Honestly, I'm really sorry if I sparked up some pain.


Maybe you can give her two used pair of underwear for her birthday? :lol: Don't wash them first. :D



I am so used to it, I just think that it is funny she can be so petty.


I like the idea of the underwear. Maybe some of those big granny panties.

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I am so used to it, I just think that it is funny she can be so petty.


I like the idea of the underwear. Maybe some of those big granny panties.





I am like you. I just feel so sorry for her. I honestly do. I am at peace. Moving 40 minutes away from her (before she entered a nursing home) was the best thing we ever did for ourselves. My husband is FREE. :D Honestly not sure who likes that more - he, or me? :confused:

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Probably the very worst thing she's said is that she wouldn't help me negotiate a better relationship between her hubby (dh's dad) and son, because she just wanted to relax and be happy.


Naturally she is constantly bagging me with the usual crappola mother in laws choose to bag their daughters in law about, but it's what she does to dh that makes me want to smack her in the teeth. Not only will she not put any effort into encouraging FIL and dh who really do want to get along but don't know how, but she actually sabotages their relationship so she can bag her dearly beloved son and still come out looking like the good guy by passing the blame onto her hubby.


I've spent 7 years trying to coax dh into actually working on his relationship with his dad (he'd pretty much given up) and it seems to be having an effect, finally! He's started caring again. Now we'll have to see if they can actually DO something about it. The crazy thing is, while I'm being blamed for taking him away from his family, the truth is he wouldn't talk to them as much as he does if I didn't nag him to! I'm beginning to forget to nag about that though...



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Hang in there dear. I suggest killing her with kindness. Really and truly, heap burning coals on her head. When I have an enemy determined to hurt me, I smile sweetly and think, "Don't hate me because you've trumped up some pathetic excuse, hate me because I won't hate you back."


I don't dare say anything too personal, for obvious reasons. However...


...I do know of someone who was mean to both her daughter-in-law and two son-in-laws from the start. She slandered them, tried to dominate family life and interfere in the normal decision-making that the individual couples engaged in. She demanded a great deal of attention and insisted all holidays must be celebrated at her house. She actively worked to damage/end all their marriages.


Now she's a lonely old dear who takes anti-depressants and relies on the disparaged daughter-in-law for many things another type of mother could probably depend on her children and friends for.


Things change. It's best to behave ourselves, whenever we can possibly stand to.


My parents have always been very good in-laws, and so were their parents. I hope I can follow their example, as I believe all three couples bit their tongue a time or two around their daughters/sons-in-law.

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Hang in there dear. I suggest killing her with kindness. Really and truly, heap burning coals on her head. When I have an enemy determined to hurt me, I smile sweetly and think, "Don't hate me because you've trumped up some pathetic excuse, hate me because I won't hate you back."


That's exactly what I did for 17 years but then decided I wouldn't allow her to disrespect me in MY home. I was finally done.


Life is peaceful. :001_smile:

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Gee, my laptop doesn't have enough battery left to list even half of the things I can think of off the top of my head, so I'll just say this:


My MIL used to have *her mother living with her. She spent all of her mother's money and walked around screaming at her, calling her names. Usually the b-word. She would also tell me about very private, embarrassing incidents involving Grandma.

Now, Grandma is quite a... difficult elderly woman, but not deserving of that treatment. And if that's what was happening in front of me, I hate to think of what went on in private.

Grandma finally went to live with her other dd.

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My MIL and I get along better now. However, it wasn't always that way. Our middle child has alot of medical issues. My MIL gave us her house. She was moving anyway and the medical bills were piling up. So we moved about 700 miles to *our* new house. Then MIL decided she was staying with us. I honestly wasn't mad with the bait and switch. We appreciated her offer and didn't care if she stayed. Her staying was a big mistake though. Her ultra clean house was no more with 3 kids under the age of 6. She critiqued us all of the time. I usually just rolled with it. I knew that was how she was. However, one evening she was bad-mouthing me to dh--in front of my kids. I finally snapped. I spewed alot of...well, not nice things. She was mad for weeks but got over it. She decided that she would move because she needed her privacy--which I totally understood. We now get along much better. She's nearby but is finally learning that she can't show up whenever. She still critiques but I do appreciate her point of view more now. We're a work in progress.

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My MIL and I get along better now. However, it wasn't always that way. Our middle child has alot of medical issues. My MIL gave us her house. She was moving anyway and the medical bills were piling up. So we moved about 700 miles to *our* new house. Then MIL decided she was staying with us. I honestly wasn't mad with the bait and switch. We appreciated her offer and didn't care if she stayed. Her staying was a big mistake though. Her ultra clean house was no more with 3 kids under the age of 6. She critiqued us all of the time. I usually just rolled with it. I knew that was how she was. However, one evening she was bad-mouthing me to dh--in front of my kids. I finally snapped. I spewed alot of...well, not nice things. She was mad for weeks but got over it. She decided that she would move because she needed her privacy--which I totally understood. We now get along much better. She's nearby but is finally learning that she can't show up whenever. She still critiques but I do appreciate her point of view more now. We're a work in progress.


is she little? Can you lift HER into the attic????


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I honestly don't wallow in this. That was my last straw and I deserve to be respected so I rarely see her now. I was answering someone else's thread about hating their current home, and that's when the ole memory was dragged out.


I honestly pity her. She has nobody in her life because she's so miserable. She fights with everyone and chases everyone away. Her two daughters moved out of state when they turned 18 just to get away from her. She's the one to feel sorry for, not me. I'm happy and have a GREAT husband.

:001_wub: I hear he's JUST like his father, whom I've never met because he died when dh was only 11. :sad:


I'm staying away from this thread because if I start listing, I'll get angry. HOWEVER, I have to say that the bolded part above I could have written. My husband's father passed away before we met, but I've had many tell me (including mil) that dh is just like his father.

Edited by TN Mama
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It would not be healthy for me to list out the things that have happened with my IL's....but despite our best efforts, MIL has managed to sabotage DH's relationship with not just her, but all of his siblings as well. After being hurt, frustrated, and angry about it for years, then I just became sad.


Sad that my picture perfect family, complete with in laws, aunts, uncles, and cousins would never be a reality. Sad that my children would never have a grandmother in their lives (my mother died when I was 16).


Oh the other hand, like the OP stated, hubby and I are very determined that we will work hard at preserving our relationships with our own children and grandchildren. We want to be the parents and grandparents that our children haven't had.


Love and respect go a long way, along with a little common sence and manners ;)

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I could never even begin to list all the things my mil has done over the years. When my dh called to tell them (this has been 29 years ago now) that we were getting married, he was on the phone with his dad and I was sitting beside him. I could hear his mother screaming so loudly I had to move away from him. She has never and will never like me.


By far the worst thing she has ever done is when we adopted our first daughter. My then 10yo son, my oldest, called to tell them. He was so excited. The first thing she said was, "What color is she?" When my son told her she was bi-racial, she hung up on him. My dh called them back and they told him he was not welcome in their home anymore. We didn't see them for two years.


The best thing I have ever done is move 500 miles away. My MO for dealing with her is tolerate/ignore. I can do this for 3 days a couple of times a year.

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I won't list all problems/complaints, but I will say


I know that she does like me because I am foreign. I know this, as she has told me, more than once.


This past Christmas was the first time that she has ever bought me a gift, for any holiday. I've been with dh for 10 years now. What was the gift you ask?


Two used dish towels! Yes you read that right, two used dish towels.




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I can tell you in all honesty that my mother-in-law, despite her 27-year dislike of me, has taught me how to be the type of mother-in-law a daughter-in-law will love. I'm sure she has no clue, but I learn something else with each little slight...



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Well since I could have written most of the replies I won't get into all the pain and suffering the ole hag has done to me. Let it suffice to say that she is jumping up and down now that dh is living with her but she still gets mad that I am not jealous but demanding that he stay! I think she is insane. Oh one thing though I didn't read, my dh was engaged for a year before his fiance' dumped him for someone else and MIL hated her until the day we wed then she became "Saint Katherine" (my pet name for her) that my MIL for 14 years ( and I am not exaggerating) said to my dh everytime we were over there " I saw Katherine today, or I saw Katherine's parents today and they say they miss you" I could go on and on but I would start gagging!!:tongue_smilie:

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OK, I'll play, but only the short version:


Said we were in a cult (we aren't)

Threatened to call CPS on us (no valid reason to do so)


To make a long story short, we had the opportunity to move 3000 miles away and decided it was a really good idea.


Then, when we cut contact because of highly abusive communication from several parties, MIL mined the internet, found my husband's place of work, called the Public Affairs Office, and told them to pass on the message that he should call his mother! And she's a professional woman herself who should know WAY better.

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Like others have said, I won't go into detail, but ....


MIL is sneaky. She consistently tried to start fights, then turned things around to make her look like the victim.


I tried my best for ten years. Ten long, long years. After dd was born, things took a turn for the worse. When MIL announced to dh that she would back him if he would divorce me so that they could get custody of dd (apparently MIL always wanted a daughter and she felt this was the only way she could experience what it was like to raise a little girl), dh and I had enough. We tried to reason with FIL and make him understand what their intrusion/badmouthing/sabotage was doing to our family, but he didn't want to hear it - so we cut off the relationship.


It's definitely not the way I wish things had turned out, but there was no way we were going to put dd in the middle of such a volatile situation.


And if we had stuck it out any longer, I'm pretty sure my head would have exploded into a million pieces - and that would have made MIL way, way too happy!:001_smile:

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You know, I never knew there were so many evil people, this makes me appreciate the mil I've had for 33 years. We are really different people, we'd probably never associate with each other if we weren't related, she drives me bonkers at times, but I love her.

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My mother in law is pretty wonderful. Strongly opinionated, but wonderful.


My mother is.....complicated. She has her issues, as do we all. But the thing that bothered me the most was when I called her to tell her I was pregnant the first time. (I was 27, had been married five years, husband was a first lieutenant in the Air Force. So not like I was a 14 yr old or anything.)


She said, "You'll probably lose the baby. And if you don't have a miscarriage, you'll probably go crazy and kill it like that Andrea Yates lady."


I honestly, totally didn't know what to say to that.


I did wind up miscarrying. At 13 weeks. On Christmas. :sad:

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I will only say that my MIL has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, has both physically attacked me and attacked my character since I was 15yrs old, and creates second and third personalities for herself (last story I heard, she was telling people that she was married to an aristocrat). Her mother called me up during my labour with our stillborn and told me that "God knows how many you can afford"...Nice.


We are on no contact with her.

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Oh so many things to choose from.....


But this one stands out: About 6 years my MIL (who lived alone at the time) came into an inheritance that was about 4X dh's yearly pay. She promptly quit her job, and sat at home watching home shopping network. She burned through the money in a year and soon was in danger of losing her home. She informed us two days after our youngest was born that she was going to be moving in with us. To make a long story short (er) we emptied a retirement account (took the penalties & paid the taxes) & bought her house. She then went around to the family and told everyone that we had threatened her and stolen her house. When I was at the notary with her signing all the papers she told the notary that I had convinced her son to not let her see the grandkids until she "gave" us the house. I was dumbfounded.


Or my personal favorite: The one and olny time she watched our child. She was watching our first baby, who was two at the time, and we found out that she left our toddler alone in her house, where there was a loaded handgun in a shopping bag under some toys she had bought for her other grandkids. She had to run out to the store for some ice cream. When we got back she told us all about it like it was a funny story.


For the record she was not nuts when I met & married dh.


Amber in SJ

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I"m pretty sure i shouldn't make a list.... my divorce attorney might shoot me! :lol:


The one i recently learned she/they did still just SHOCKS me.


Suffice it to say, she hates me, has for the last 6+ years - got worse when i apparently hog tied her son to the top of the suburban and moved him to FL from CA. They seem to forget THEY moved from PA to CA away from family too.....


I'm just apparently evil and a rotten mother.


And that is probably too much.....

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I had a civil relationship with my MIL(she died a few years back). If she didn't like me, she never told or showed me. If she talked about me to her other kids, they never let on. I guess the only thing I would want to ask is, how many of you who complain about your MIL knew she never liked you before you were married to her son? I have told my dds if your future in-laws don't like you before you marriage, expect more of the same afterwards. I would hope my dds would consider this a deal breaker.

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The crazy thing is, while I'm being blamed for taking him away from his family, the truth is he wouldn't talk to them as much as he does if I didn't nag him to! I'm beginning to forget to nag about that though...




That's exactly the way it is here. After she told me that I had been nothing but trouble since the day she met me, I started to forget to nag dh and dc about calling her.

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I had a civil relationship with my MIL(she died a few years back). If she didn't like me, she never told or showed me. If she talked about me to her other kids, they never let on. I guess the only thing I would want to ask is, how many of you who complain about your MIL knew she never liked you before you were married to her son? I have told my dds if your future in-laws don't like you before you marriage, expect more of the same afterwards. I would hope my dds would consider this a deal breaker.


We had a decent relationship until DH went to work for her.


The fact that she would let us go hungry/moneyless while she worked and banked the money and we couldn't pay rent still irks me.


I lost a lot of respect for her at that point.... and it went downhill....

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She told me, when I was 8 mos pregnant with our youngest child that my husband married me too soon and if he'd waited, he may not have married me at all.


She also told me once, in front of the entire family at Easter dinner, to only get on my plate what I would eat because "you tend to waste, dear." I left.


BUT...I love her dearly now. :)

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I'm staying away from this thread because if I start listing, I'll get angry. HOWEVER, I have to say that the bolded part above I could have written. My husband's father passed away before we met, but I've had many tell me (including mil) that dh is just like his father.


:iagree: DH's dad died when dh was 21...but he looks and acts just like his dad, so I have been told (and seen in pictures. The resemblance is amazing).

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Is there a "halfway in between mother-in-law thread"?!


When we announced our engagement future MIL sat me down and told me all about the wonderful Filipinas that she wished he would choose instead.


MIL and FIL did not remember my name for the entire first year of our marriage. Despite it being the same name as my MIL. Whenever I called and told them who I was they would respond "Who"? Even when I said, "Your son's wife" - it was "Who":confused:?


When we moved closer to my IL because of MIL's ill health, she had serious boundary issues. She would call and tell me that she had my dh's dinner ready. I told her "That's interesting - so do I." He ate mine.:D


But - over the years God has really changed my MIL. She remembers my name now! And even compliments me on occasion. She accepts me as dh's wife and our dc's mother.


And God has really changed me. I no longer "sweat the small stuff". If she comes to dinner where I told her I had a special dessert ready and hands me a dessert she made, I just smile and put it on the table. When she gives inappropriate gifts I just smile, thank her, and pass it on to Goodwill (or toss it). But boundaries are firm even if I don't have to reinforce them so much any more. And she is not mentally ill as some of the women other's have described probably are.

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Lets see


  • She took over our wedding reception, purposely delaying us from meeting up with other friends after the wedding at a hotel bar, because her religion is against drinking and dancing (we were married on a Thursday, out of town, so those that couldn't make it were meeting us at the hotel).
  • Since we missed meeting up with our friends, they thought we'd canceled the wedding
  • And also since we were so delayed on checking in to the hotel, we were bounced from our reservation, and sent to a horrid one down the road. Instead of a basket with champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries, we dined on M&Ms and pop from vending machines. :glare:

  • She told me at the wedding, "I'm so glad he married you! Now I won't have to worry about ending up in a nursing home, I have YOU to take care of me!" I immediately thought, "annulment":D
  • A few months after the wedding, she told me how lucky I was that he married me, despite the fact I'd had children already.
  • She told me that Tazzie was out of control, and didn't know how to mind. He was 2, and the only child I've ever known to put themselves on a time out at 2. She brought over 20 pages of parenting tips she printed off the net the next day. I handed them to dh. :lol:


Honestly, there's so much stuff, big and little that's happened during my 6 year marriage, that at times I think the only saving grace is that she lives in another province. She's bluntly told dh that the reason she adopted him was so she'd have someone to take care of her when she was elderly. MIL is in her 80s, she adopted dh in her 40s.

Its only recently that she's quit talking about moving in with us. We actually INVITED her to move in, despite knowing how insane it would make both of us (esp me, being at home ft) but we've become quite concerned about her mental acuity. She found THAT out, and took extreme insult. Meanwhile, her sister has Alzheimer's and is in a facility, so she's at grave risk for it. She will now and again announce that she IS moving, but then backs off when we press her for a date. Our thinking and plan is that she'd live with us for long enough to find her own apt (she readily agrees she can't handle the havoc of small children) and put in whatever services would be needed, get her assessed, etc. But, she won't go for it...so we worry from afar.

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wellllll...at least it isn't your own mother! You should hear the things she says to me. She once introduced me to her friends as "This is my friend Jennifer." :smilielol5:


True story. I feel for you I really do. But isn't it nice that your husband has got your back? It could be so much worse you know.


I'll say a prayer for your sanity:grouphug:

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Worst statement

my dh and I had been married over two years and building house when I found out I was pregnant with my first (not planned)


I was really tired and stressed over the house. Then working full time nights, first trimester pregnancy, and house building Yeah major stress and sleep deprivation


I don't remember the whole conversation but I still remember her exact words.


Well if you can't handle all the stress, you should just get a abortion.


I guess she wasn't to excited about a first grandchild.

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Wow, after reading all of these posts I feel very blessed. I have a wonderful MIL. We are completely different and probably wouldn't hang out if we weren't related, but I really enjoy her company. She absolutely adores all of our kids and is a little sad that we finished at 7. We had our moments when dh and I were first married but most of those were FIL issues. We live so far away I actually wish we were closer!:D

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wellllll...at least it isn't your own mother! You should hear the things she says to me. She once introduced me to her friends as "This is my friend Jennifer." :smilielol5:


True story. I feel for you I really do. But isn't it nice that your husband has got your back? It could be so much worse you know.


I'll say a prayer for your sanity:grouphug:

Actually, I refer to my mother as 'Spawn'. That should give you an idea as to how delightful a woman she is. My husband and I are bound in unity both by marriage, and the fact that our mothers are nightmares.

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