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Please help me at least *like* Song School Latin...

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I have NO IDEA how to teach it and the TG is a copy of the student book...with answers. :( It says for Kindergarten, but the kids are writing the words from memory in the workbook in LATIN. That is not very "Kindergarten." My son is going to be 6, 1st grade, reading at, I'd say, a 2nd grade level...but this looks way too hard for him.


Ummm...am I missing something?

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The songs. It's all about the songs!


I do a chapter per week over two days. We do the introduction and about half of the chapter the first day and play the song several times. We review the words every morning. Then we do the second half of the chapter work.


I grabbed my book and I see where you're talking about writing words from memory in Latin - I have Becca say the answer and then we take a look back for the correct spelling.


I've also made up some fun add-ons. I make flashcards for all our vocabulary words and we review them regularly. We play the songs during playtime or in the car. I made a big "mood chart" with faces and the emotions in Latin and one magnet for each person, so we can put our magnet on "optime" or "iratus." When we did the animals, I made little name tags and put them on yarn and we put them on a variety of stuffed animals. I mixed them up on purpose and Sylvia spotted them right away.


It really is all about the songs though.

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Yep, just learn the songs!


Read the words in the book. Have him point at the pictures while you read the Latin words, or have him tell you the Latin words as you point at the pictures. Each week try to learn one song, and over a couple of days go through the workbook pages for that chapter and do the work orally.


Mostly just learn the songs.


That's all there is to it! :)

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I think you will be surprised what your kid can do. My daughter and her friend LOVE it! They practice flashcards together for fun and enjoy talking in Latin. I would highly recommend that you make flashcards and that you memorize the words too! It really is fun and my daughter loves finding Latin in our everyday English (Mom, that lion is named Leo, that means Lion in Latin) Just enjoy it before Latin gets hard later on and you have to study at night just to keep up with your child.

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Ahhh, I see. Well, then that leads me to the next question...what if your kid really dislikes "fun kiddy songs?" LOL My ds5 detests them (he hasn't heard the Latin ones, but I have). He is the kid that will listen to "Life is a Highway" and "Praise You in This Storm" and sing every single word. But he literally HATES when I put in anything that is kiddy of fun sounding. I know...weirdest kid ever! :glare:

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My son did this in our co-op this year. He hated the songs too, but I made him learn them anyway. Some were cute; some were annoying, but we could at least grit our teeth, grin and bear it. We made it, and I'm really pleased that he has learned so many Latin words. I haven't told him yet that I'm considering Song School Greek for next year. :001_smile:

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Well if he detests kiddie songs then most likely you guys won't enjoy it very much. I'll admit even though I enjoy listening to my style of music I enjoy the songs on SSL.

But its all subjective. If you have it and your using it and he can't stand it. Well then its time to put it away and maybe use something like Prima Latina( you can take out the prayers and it can be used as a secular program). There really isn't to many options for the younger crowd.

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