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Favourite Classical Education Book

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http://www.amazon.com/House-Intellect-Perennial-Classics/dp/0060102306/ref=pd_sim_b_2 Jacques Barzun predates most of the aforementioned in the thread. His writings are eloquent and precise. My favorite book by Barzun From Dawn to Decadence has been read so often it is in tatters. I actually have used this book as a spine for an intellectual history component of our school. Those ideas are the pegs that we use to mark continuity and revolution as opposed to names and dates.

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http://www.amazon.com/House-Intellect-Perennial-Classics/dp/0060102306/ref=pd_sim_b_2 Jacques Barzun predates most of the aforementioned in the thread. His writings are eloquent and precise. My favorite book by Barzun From Dawn to Decadence has been read so often it is in tatters. I actually have used this book as a spine for an intellectual history component of our school. Those ideas are the pegs that we use to mark continuity and revolution as opposed to names and dates.


I love Mr. Barzun - just didn't think of his books as a how to for classical education. My daughter credits his book, Simple and Direct, with much of her writing success. :001_smile: Nice to know a fellow admirer.

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The authors of Teaching the Trivium , Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn, warp the concept of "classical education" beyond recognition.


They throw out the humanist tradition of the west. Throw out Greek philosophy. Throw out Roman culture. In their words:


"We want to sort through the rubble and redeem only what we can bring into conformity to Christian order and under the rule of God’s law."


What they call "rubble" is what I call the essence of "classical education".


In the place of the so-called "rubble", the Blundorns give use a ultra-conservative extremist version of Christianity, which includes notions such as male supremacy in the home.


What Teaching the Trivium has to do with "classical education" is beyond me. Buyer beware.



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  • 11 months later...
The authors of Teaching the Trivium , Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn, warp the concept of "classical education" beyond recognition.


They throw out the humanist tradition of the west. Throw out Greek philosophy. Throw out Roman culture. In their words:


"We want to sort through the rubble and redeem only what we can bring into conformity to Christian order and under the rule of God’s law."


What they call "rubble" is what I call the essence of "classical education".


In the place of the so-called "rubble", the Blundorns give use a ultra-conservative extremist version of Christianity, which includes notions such as male supremacy in the home.


What Teaching the Trivium has to do with "classical education" is beyond me. Buyer beware.




I'm totally resurrecting an old thread here, but I'm curious what is Spy Car's favorite book on classical ed? (Serious question.)

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