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New edition of TWTM - no one seems to be "talking" about it...

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I've seen quite a few questions asking about what it recommends for certain things.


I got it two days ago, so I can't give many opinions on it yet.....'cept it's so nice and clean compared to my old marked up well-loved 2004 version! Oh well, that won't last long, I'm sure! (Yes, I mark in books, put stickynotes to mark things, and bend page corners---but it's MY book! :D )

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Does anyone have it? Do you like it? What's different about it. I'm dying to know, but have not been able to purchase it yet. I'm surprised there is not more talk about it on the forums here.j


Sherri in MI


I've seen several threads about it, try doing a search for "new WTM" or something like that. Lots of good info.

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I got mine a couple weeks ago. Initially I skimmed through the intro and elementary stuff and didn't really feel much had changed. Now I'm working on reading through the logic stage stuff and getting more excited.

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I thought there would be more chatter about it, too, since there was such a big stink about the Kingfisher going out of print right before the new WTM went to the publisher. I thought for sure there would be lots of talk just about logic stage history and the new recommendations. But the talk (that I have been able to find) is just about the fact that she makes new recommendations. People! The suspense is killing me! What are the new recommendations?!

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The suspense is killing me! What are the new recommendations?!


Get the book! :)


It's not just the recommendations that have changed. She's expanded sections explaining things people around here have been struggling to implement. You WANT the new edition. Pay for it, buy it, sell the cat. Get the new edition. :)

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I got it! I have only been able to read a little here and there. I probably didn't need it, since with young children by the time my oldest is getting into logic stage, there may be a new edition in the works. But I'm still glad I got it.


Even for grammar stage, it spelled out some things about using WWE vs. other writing programs, and how everything would be integrated. The only thing I was disappointed in is that the same two spelling programs were recommended, when I read on the boards that many kids don't do well with SWO. I was hoping for a short review of what she thought of a few other options. I was a little confused by the science rec. of RS4K, when there is not enough material for all 4 years. But it has inspired me to check it out.

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I bought mine at B and N.

I never had the old one, and my girls are in 6th and 9th grades...I wont HS that method, I just love books.


And YES, I have already marked in it!!!!!!!!!


Maybe someday, If I have grandkids and my girls workfull time and want me to homeschoo their kids I will implement it



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I thought there would be more chatter about it, too, since there was such a big stink about the Kingfisher going out of print right before the new WTM went to the publisher. I thought for sure there would be lots of talk just about logic stage history and the new recommendations. But the talk (that I have been able to find) is just about the fact that she makes new recommendations. People! The suspense is killing me! What are the new recommendations?!



Welll...The think that THRILLED me to no end was.........





SHE LISTED TEACHING TEXTBOOKS MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK...maybe not first or second.


BUT it is in there and she didn't scream at us to stay away from it or we would ruin our kids for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My son LOVES TT BUT, I made hhim do Jacob's this year with an online class.....and boy am I sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We go back to TT this year and finish Alg. 2...then Pre Calc....then we'll see...maybe CC for math.


BUT I am one happy Momma!!!!





Outlining in the Logic Stage has been further explained....and what got me was this is how i have been teaching my kiddoes from the start......


YAY!!!! I did something right.


Anyway....those 2 things were just after a very quick skim.


I am sure most are just getting their book now and haven't had the time to really peruse it.


We are busy fiinishing up our year here...so....

Summer reading for me.



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Get the book! :)


It's not just the recommendations that have changed. She's expanded sections explaining things people around here have been struggling to implement. You WANT the new edition. Pay for it, buy it, sell the cat. Get the new edition. :)


There are several recommendations for logic stage history, with a review and explanation of each. It is not one size fits all.


I really haven't had time to more than glance at my copy.

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I have owned the other two editions, but never actually sat down and read them (only bits and pieces). I guess I thought the information was going to seep into my brain by just being in the house :tongue_smilie:.


I am committed to reading it this time! And as I have been, I'm moaning and groaning and wishing that I had before. There is so much good information! I realize that I've made homeschool so much harder than it needed to be by NOT listening to Jessie and Susan.


:iagree: You have to buy it! And if your DH complains, blame it on us. "But, Dear, the Hive made me do it!"

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I have it! The first edition is still my favorite, third edition my second favorite. I wasn't a fan of the second edition.
Can you explain why one is a favorite over the other, and what about the 2nd edition you didn't like?



I find it interesting that people are concerned about the little bit of talk about the book already! IT JUST CAME OUT! You gotta give people a chance to get their books and peruse them before you can ask. And I agree--GET YOURSELF A COPY! Don't rely on others to give all the details, cuz there's so much that we just can't. It's too good not to somehow get a copy of your own!:001_smile:

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There are definitely more detailed instructions in many places.


I am so glad that I bought the third edition, because I started reading through it and I had forgotten how complete it really is. I might not have read through it again if there wasn't a new one. You know, I see questions on here all of the time that are answered very well in TWTM.


I have all the tips I need for preschool for Jake. Tape yourself reading (I will start doing that now with Emily and I reading!), two different handwriting programs (one that is continuous stroke) two different phonics programs (one with workbook pages, readers and games). A recommendation for a book for birth to age 5 for all the preschool things homeschooled kids might not get (like tying shoes).


TWTM really tells you all you need to know for homeschooling. I am impressed all over again.

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Go see Colleen's thread. I think people just haven't gotten it yet. I plan to now that amazon has it. You should too. The new edition is visibly thicker than my 1st edition, so that alone is compelling...


That's compelling enough reason for me! I almost purchased it at B&N or Borders just so I could read it right away, because I would have had time today! I'm sure I can't resist, no matter what everyone says.


Haven't read everyone's posts yet, but am going to do so now!



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I have owned the other two editions, but never actually sat down and read them (only bits and pieces). I guess I thought the information was going to seep into my brain by just being in the house :tongue_smilie:.


I am committed to reading it this time! And as I have been, I'm moaning and groaning and wishing that I had before. There is so much good information! I realize that I've made homeschool so much harder than it needed to be by NOT listening to Jessie and Susan.


:iagree: You have to buy it! And if your DH complains, blame it on us. "But, Dear, the Hive made me do it!"


I have the 2004 version. I think I've only known about it for 2 or 3 years. Anyway, I read the entire grammar section, but only bits and pieces of the rest. My ds is starting 5th grade in the fall though, so I need to read the Logic Stage section.


I have found that every time I implement their suggestions, my ds learns more but it is also much easier than what I've tried on my own. Only deviation for me is Horizons Math. That has worked well for us and is not in the WTM.



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Can you explain why one is a favorite over the other, and what about the 2nd edition you didn't like?



I find it interesting that people are concerned about the little bit of talk about the book already! IT JUST CAME OUT! You gotta give people a chance to get their books and peruse them before you can ask. And I agree--GET YOURSELF A COPY! Don't rely on others to give all the details, cuz there's so much that we just can't. It's too good not to somehow get a copy of your own!:001_smile:


I've been working F/T since the end of March & haven't been on the forums until this week. I though maybe I missed something. I don't know when it became available - just that it was now.

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I own the 2004 edition. I haven't seen the new one, but I'm in line for it at the library. They haven't received their copies of it yet.


That's what I did, too. So, I'm still waiting patiently... :tongue_smilie:I know it will be great, but I wanted to check it out before plopping my pennies down. :)

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I didn't find so many links when I searched!


I can't wait to get it. I've been hesitating because dh is out of work & we have very little money. I might borrow it from the library when it becomes available. But then I can refer to it over and over again!



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I've been working F/T since the end of March & haven't been on the forums until this week. I though maybe I missed something. I don't know when it became available - just that it was now.
No problem, I hope I didn't sound rude, I didn't mean to!:001_huh:


I need to dig into it some more still. It was a beautiful day here today, and my family and I spent a lot of time outside, doing yard work and enjoying that thing called the sun!:001_smile: There seem to be more explanations in this one, which will help me I'm sure. My dd will be in the last half of the Logic Stage (7th) next year, and Luann told me there were changes on that level, so I just HAD to get it!:tongue_smilie::lol:

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Can you explain why one is a favorite over the other, and what about the 2nd edition you didn't like?



I find it interesting that people are concerned about the little bit of talk about the book already! IT JUST CAME OUT! You gotta give people a chance to get their books and peruse them before you can ask. And I agree--GET YOURSELF A COPY! Don't rely on others to give all the details, cuz there's so much that we just can't. It's too good not to somehow get a copy of your own!:001_smile:


Why do you like the 1st edition better than the 3rd? I have only seen the first ed. (Library).

I liked the resources in the first edition the best. The second one wasn't bad at all...I just felt it listed fewer resources that were compatible with the way I school. I still loved the book in general. The third edition is great. I've read through it once, but haven't had a chance to really go through it in depth, so who knows, maybe I'll end up loving it the most!

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I bought mine at the conference and I love it. Of I course I was able to get it autographed and that is fabulous. I think it is a much bigger help than the previous editions in terms of practicality. It is very detailed. I have to say though for sentimental reasons the 1st is still my favorite. I remember pulling my kids out of school, thinking how am I going to homeschool? I was at B&N looking at what they had(year 2000) I had no clue about homeschooling. There was this this big beautiful book named The Well Trained Mind- who wouldn't want there kid to be like that. It changed my life. Now that I have had all these years to reasearch its scary to think what I could have fallen prey to in my naiveness(not a word). I will always be grateful for her hard work. Go buy it even if just for yourself. The Rhetoric stage is unbeliavable and I plan on giving myself the education I never had.


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That's what I did, too. So, I'm still waiting patiently... :tongue_smilie:I know it will be great, but I wanted to check it out before plopping my pennies down. :)

Yes, I'd like to see how it compares, and, since my kids are little, I don't know how much I'd need it, before the next edition comes out!

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I was just renewing books on my library account page, and I see that the copy I requested is in transit!!! I figured I would be getting it sometime in June or July! It couldn't hit at a busier time for me, but I'm sure I will sacrifice some sleep to read it this week or next.:D

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I'm so jealous of all you who have access to the book at your library. Ours only has the 1999 edition! I bought the second edition used, and will likely buy the new edition from amazon in a couple of days. I won't have time to read it until we finish up at the end of June and take our break. I am going to order new curriculum over the summer and would love to take a look before I proceed.



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I love my new TWTM. I read the second edition a long time ago and although I liked it, this one is even better.


Wisdom I've gleaned so far:


- Reading, Writing and Math are the most important you should focus on in the three years. Everything else is extra (I know many of you knew this already, but I was convinced here :))


- to see if your math program works for your child he's not just learning through rote workbook pages, have him do a workbook or three from another, completely different program (inexpensive ones mentioned). Then you can see if he truly understands the material.


- when you're studying a modern foreign language with your child in the elementary years Latin is not necessary until fifth or sixth grade.


- The Teaching Company DVDs are a viable alternative in the rhetoric stage


I was happy to see:


- Life of Fred was mentioned as a good math supplement


- sample schedules are everywhere


- book lists and recommendations are wonderful


- that I can see the big picture with this program


- a neat writing program section


- grammar program explanations and resources


- a plethora of resources


- how-tos explained in detail


- this book is and will continue to be a wonderful resource in all the years I'm going to be homeschooling both children



I expected to see but did not see:


- R.E.A.L Science Odyssey by Pandia Press mentioned




- more math programs


- more complete science programs reviewed, especially in the logic stage


- more history programs reviewed, especially in the logic stage



I realized:


- My approach has more of a classical flavor than I thought, even though it's still predominantly Charlotte Mason; probably 20/80


- I agree with history studied chronologically, although we'll be combining Ancients and Middle Ages in 7th and doing Renaissance and Modern in 8th to start all over again in 9th with Ancients to start a four-year cycle then.


I love Susan Wise Bauer's writing style -- frank, lucid and engaging. I love the many resources, the alternatives, everything. The Great Books lists and many resources alone are worth the price of the book. A treasure trove in the true sense. I won't be needing any new copies. I think this one will stand as a tome for all our school years, and likely beyond.


I'm still reading it, and steal a half hour here and there to peruse its contents. IMO there's no better guide out there to prepare your child for a solid, rigorous, college prep education at home.

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I'm so jealous of all you who have access to the book at your library. Ours only has the 1999 edition! I bought the second edition used, and will likely buy the new edition from amazon in a couple of days. I won't have time to read it until we finish up at the end of June and take our break. I am going to order new curriculum over the summer and would love to take a look before I proceed.






I am in the same library system that you are. Did you know that you can ask the library to buy the newest edition? Since they already have the 1999 edition, they will not have a problem with purchasing the new one.


My kids and I reguarly ask for books, and they order them and we are the first ones to check them out. Go over to the reference desk and they will help you there.


I didn't ask for the newest WTM, since I got one at the conference.


Best of luck!

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