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Wow! Mountain Dew has went back to using real sugar instead of HFCS.

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Mountain Dew is one of my weaknesses. I drink one every afternoon. It's the shot of caffiene that gets me over my afternoon slump. We have been trying to cut back on the HFCS for awhile now and I have slowly started noticing that more and more products are saying no HFCS, breads, cereals, condiments, etc. Many of the products are surprising but this one tops the list. As far as I know, it is the only top brand soda with real sugar right now. Now if we could only get Mrs. Buttersworth to come around. :)

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the mt dew and pepsi throwback are only for a limited time. i hope they are popular enough that pepsi co decides to make the switch permanent.


Well darnit!!! I was so happy to find Pepsi Natural. I know it's not health food, but I was excited that there wasn't HFCS in it. I was enjoying a small glass every now and then. Maybe I should stock up while it's here!!

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I recently called Del Monte because I knew I'd been buying their catsup for several years because they didn't have HFCS. I noticed it's in there now. They said it started on October 15th 2008. I told them that was funny timing considering people were watching for it now...

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The Coca-Cola that is made in Mexico has real sugar in it, instead of HFCS. I have found it at Walmart, and Costco often sells it by the case. It's in the real old-fashioned glass bottles. My older ds is allergic to corn, so real pop that has no corn in it is a blessing to us!

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Is it just sugar, or is it "invert sugar"? Dh was looking into Jones soda, as he'd heard they don't use HFCS (which we started avoiding when dh took biochem at the university :D...now that we've discovered that D has a corn sensitivity it's an even bigger concern) but found that they use invert sugar.


He looked into it, and it's not regular-old-sugar, but inverted, so that the molecules are mirror-images of natural sugar molecules. He thinks it must hold carbonation better than sugar (same reason HFCS is preferred in soda over sugar), and suspects that it will probably go unrecognized by the human body, and be stored as fat, just as HFCS is. :glare:


We don't really drink soda, but every now and again it's fun for a treat. If there is one out there that uses regular sugar (or even better--organic evaporated cane juice ;)) and has NO corn ingredients (including caramel color), I'm :bigear:. Especially if it's root beer. :)

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Hallelulah! I love Mt. Dew. Maybe the food companies are finally seeing what HFCS is doing to the nations. You just made my day.

From what I understand both Mountain Dew Throwback and Pepsi Throwback (also made with real sugar) are just temporary products.

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Only for a limited time. I wonder why only for a limited time? Is this some sort of gimmick to lure people in? Then switch it back quietly? I assume once upon a time natural cane sugar was used and not corn syrup. Corn syrup is in so many foods because it is cheap. Yogurt, it is in so many brands yogurt.

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From what I understand both Mountain Dew Throwback and Pepsi Throwback (also made with real sugar) are just temporary products.


I'm thinking they're testing the market. People have been complaining about HFCS and cutting it out of their diet, which costs them profit. I'm guessing they're testing the waters to see if they can really make money if they give the consumers the non-HFCS sodas, or if consumers are just giving up soda altogether and won't buy any soda regardless of the sugar ingredient.

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Now if they'll just stop sticking aspartame and/or splenda in EVERYTHING... it's even in non-bubble gum now.





And take that junk out of fat-free yogurt, for crying out loud. Some of my favorite flavors are now coming only in the fat free variety and I won't buy anything with aspartame in it. blech.

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I recently called Del Monte because I knew I'd been buying their catsup for several years because they didn't have HFCS. I noticed it's in there now. They said it started on October 15th 2008. I told them that was funny timing considering people were watching for it now...


I thought I was going crazy - you have just confirmed that I am not. I swore up and down that Del Monte did not have hfcs in it and suddenly it did. I thought perhaps I was confused about the brand, but can't find ANY ketchup that doesn't have it.

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I thought I was going crazy - you have just confirmed that I am not. I swore up and down that Del Monte did not have hfcs in it and suddenly it did. I thought perhaps I was confused about the brand, but can't find ANY ketchup that doesn't have it.



Heinz Organic Ketchup is free of hfcs. We buy it in the big 2 pack at BJ's. It lasts us forever in those huge bottles since only my ds eats ketchup regularly. It's probably in the regular grocery stores too but I haven't looked for it there. Our grocery store has a whole aisle in the health food section of organic sodas/ginger ale/root beer that are free of hfcs. They are really expensive, though, so we've never tried it. Also our farmer's market sells natural homemade rootbeer (made with real sugar) we are dying to try.

I'm keeping a lookout for the pesi throwback stuff but haven't seen it here yet. Not a big fan of Mountain Dew but my sis lives on the stuff. I'll have to tell her about the throwback stuff. She doesn't care at all about being healthier but she might be interested in comparing.

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OK y'all, here comes the nutrition police. :D Did anybody see the Diane Sawyer special a few months back about the 'forgotten people of Appalachia? It was very interesting but so sad. I was shocked to hear that most of the residents of the areas she was visiting were *addicted* to Mt. Dew. I mean they were willing to do without food to get it. The area dentist said he had never seen teeth problems like he did there, and 100% of his patients were Mt. Dew drinkers. He thought it should be outlawed. It was a sobering thought as I realized it could easily be me or one of the girls. I'm hoping that the change from corn syrup to sugar makes a big difference.


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I was thrilled to find the Throwback MD...and bummed when it went away. It sold out at the Wal Mart where I work rather quickly. Mexican coke is always available here, but it's more expensive than the regular. I usually drink Starbucks energy drinks when I need a pick-me-up at work, and try to avoid the sodas.


I've found that just about any organic catsup, including Hunt's (which is available fairly cheap at WM), is free of HFCS.

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