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New at this...Do I have what I need?


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Okay, I am going to start HSing next year, so I'm totally new at this. But this is what I have so far, please tell me where the gaps are, or if you recommend something different.


My son is going into 5th grade, I got:

Writing Strands 4


Spelling Workout E

Mind Benders A1, A2, A3, A4

(haven't purchased yet, but going to do MUS Gamma I believe)


My daughter is going into 2nd grade:

Spelling Workout B

First Language Lessons

(haven't purchased yet, but going to do MUS Beta)


For combined studies:

SOTW vol. 1

Usborne Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Natural World (although now I think this may be more for my 2nd grader, not my 5th grader).

Drawing with Children

English from the Roots Up Flash Cards


I am wondering about the following things: Should I get Vocabulary from the Classical Roots for my 5th grader? Should I also get a Writing Strands for my 2nd grader? Her spelling is horrible right now so I was thinking of waiting until we do more of the spelling. I also guess I need handwriting for both of them? And what about the English from the Roots Up? Does my 5th grader need more Latin than that? And what about science? I was thinking of doing it together with them, just more advanced for him, but not sure now if they should have separate curriculum for that. And what about Classical Music, is Color the Classics still what WTM recommends?


Sorry for so many questions. I'm new and trying to get everything we need, and just going off what the WTM recommends!!

Thanks for any help you guys can provide!


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Okay, I am going to start HSing next year, so I'm totally new at this. But this is what I have so far, please tell me where the gaps are, or if you recommend something different.


My son is going into 5th grade, I got:

Writing Strands 4


Spelling Workout E

Mind Benders A1, A2, A3, A4

(haven't purchased yet, but going to do MUS Gamma I believe)


My daughter is going into 2nd grade:

Spelling Workout B

First Language Lessons

(haven't purchased yet, but going to do MUS Beta)


For combined studies:

SOTW vol. 1

Usborne Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Natural World (although now I think this may be more for my 2nd grader, not my 5th grader).

Drawing with Children

English from the Roots Up Flash Cards


I am wondering about the following things: Should I get Vocabulary from the Classical Roots for my 5th grader? Should I also get a Writing Strands for my 2nd grader? Her spelling is horrible right now so I was thinking of waiting until we do more of the spelling. I also guess I need handwriting for both of them? And what about the English from the Roots Up? Does my 5th grader need more Latin than that? And what about science? I was thinking of doing it together with them, just more advanced for him, but not sure now if they should have separate curriculum for that. And what about Classical Music, is Color the Classics still what WTM recommends?


Sorry for so many questions. I'm new and trying to get everything we need, and just going off what the WTM recommends!!

Thanks for any help you guys can provide!




A couple of questions:

Do you just want WTM recommendations? Or recs in general about different topics?


As far as Latin, you should decide what your end goals are for your dc. Do you plan to read classical texts in Latin in high school, for instance? Or do you simply want a good roots program to help with vocabulary and, later, standardized tests? The answer to that question will determine which type of Latin (or roots) program you should invest in.


I think your 5th grader will need more in science than simply the Usborne book. There are many programs out there. Are you looking for Christian-based science materials (like Apologia, God's Design for _____, et al) or non-faith based material?


As for music -- again what are your goals? Familiarization with broad sweeps of music history? General knowledge of composers? Theory? An instrument? I've never heard of Color the Classics, so I can't comment on it. I'm teaching my 2 oldest piano, so they have theory intertwined with that. Other than that -- I'm exposing them (actually, immersing them would be more accurate) to various eras and genres simply by having our local classical music station on almost constantly (if you don't have a good one in your neck of the woods and if you can stream music, I highly recommend streaming http://www.kmfa.org. One of the best classical music stations in the country.)


For your 2nd grader -- how is her reading? Does she still need phonics instruction? You might look into WWE (written by SWB). I've heard very good things about the program from others here on the board.


I'm sorry I haven't answered your questions about specific curricula; I use exactly 1 of the curricula you mentioned. I just want to encourage you to think outside the book, as it were. There are many, many programs out there. If you'll search the Curriculum Board for any of your choices by subject, you'll probably turn up lots of information. Good Luck with your decisions! And welcome to the wild and wonderful world of educating your children!!

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This is a big transition for you and for the kids, so I wouldn't go overboard in what you get. You can start out slow and add-in/build up as you get into a rythm of how your homeschool will work. If you throw all new stuff at'em it could overwhelm them or you. I'd start out with math, science and English/grammar for a few weeks, then pull in the other things one at a time. You can tweak each thing you use to fit you and your children's learning/schooling style.


I don't know what GUM is??? I think SWB has VftCR A and B starting in 6th grade. I'd save it 'til then. I think you're right to hold off on the writing until your dd has more of a handle on the spelling. Others may disagree though. Whenever you and she feel comfortable you can start it, you don't ahve to wait until the beginning of a school year.


We are ones that haven't done much Latin for the boys, and my dd hasn't had ANY Latin. So, that's a personal choice. If we do it, it won't be to read Latin texts, it will be to have a good base for vocabulary in the highschool years.


For Fine Arts (music and art appreciation) check this site out: http://www.harmonyfinearts.com/

I'm getting the 7th grade for my dd, and the 10th grade for my son. The author is a homeschool mom, and she divides things up for each grade based on the 4-year cycle WTM recommends. Very cool!


DOn't worry about asking a lot of questions! There are a lot of knowledgeable women on here, so it's a great place to come and ask those questions you have! You will often get quite a variety of answers! Just remember--As you get more comfortable with homeschooling, feel free to tweak and branch out to help the program fit your children! Don't do what's in the WTM just because it's there. It's not always the best fit. Do what will work for your children!


Have figured out their learning styles yet? That helps you know what type of curriculum works best for them! You can Google learning styles to find info. if you like.


Also, if they are throwing fits and frustrated all the time with a certain curriculum, no matter what, you may have to be willing to switch to a curriculum that fits them better. As much as one curriculum works GREAT for some, it WON'T work well at all for many others. That's why I'm saying to first off take your kids into consideration when deciding curriculum, and be willing to move on or go back or whatever they need.


One more thing: We are eclectic homeschoolers and don't follow WTM to a T, because it just wouldn't work for our family. Also, I get whatever level my child needs to work on, whether it be "behind" or "ahead" of their grade level. My dd struggles with grammar, so she's 1-2 levels "behind" her grade level. We have always called them levels, not grades. My children realize that it's more important to work on a level they understand and can move forward in to learn well, than to be constantly frustrated by something they don't understand just because it's their grade level! Or, on the other hand, dd is "ahead" in math, so is doing Algebra 1 in 7th next year. But we're using an 8th grade math (CLE) to supplement that, to keep the basics strong as she works through the Life of Fred Beginning Algebra book. It's just a level, not ahead or behind to us. That may be something you might want to incorporate with your children. No child should EVER feel bad when they work at a level that is best for them, which may be a little lower than some! Likewise, no student should brag about being ahead when they work at a little higher level than some. They work at a level that is best for them to learn well, advance well, and do their best!


Best wishes as you start out! And, WELCOME!

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You need a history encyclopedia to go with SOTW. I recommend the Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History. The internet links are great. You can check my blog for my book list for K-2nd grade as I get to it. You will probably want to get the SOTW Activity Guide for the mapwork and such, as well as possibly getting the tests for your 5th grader.


I am working on spelling with DD so that she will have that down when we start a different writing program. WWE works without the spelling skill in place, since it is copywork and narration. It is an awesome program! But, I have trouble doing both WWE and FLL, so I recommend that you get only one of them and get the other when you finish the first program. (WWE seems more important, IMO.) You might look into spelling programs that differ from SWO. Programs that are phonics based like All About Spelling, and programs that are based on studied dictation, like Spelling Wisdom and Simply Spelling seem to work the best for poor spellers.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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You need a history encyclopedia to go with SOTW. I recommend the Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History. The internet links are great. You can check my blog for my book list for K-2nd grade as I get to it. You will probably want to get the SOTW Activity Guide for the mapwork and such, as well as possibly getting the tests for your 5th grader.
:iagree: Yes, that's a great encyclopedia and helps the interest level a lot! I wouldn't do SOTW without the Activity Guide! We LOVED the extras it offered, including the maps. It has so many neat activities! We did some of those and found even more on-line! We didn't have the tests....I don't think they had them then, but they learned SOOOOO much and had so much fun, and remember it so well!:001_smile:
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Okay, I am going to start HSing next year, so I'm totally new at this. But this is what I have so far, please tell me where the gaps are, or if you recommend something different.


My son is going into 5th grade, I got:

Writing Strands 4


Spelling Workout E

Mind Benders A1, A2, A3, A4

(haven't purchased yet, but going to do MUS Gamma I believe)


My daughter is going into 2nd grade:

Spelling Workout B

First Language Lessons

(haven't purchased yet, but going to do MUS Beta)


For combined studies:

SOTW vol. 1

Usborne Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Natural World (although now I think this may be more for my 2nd grader, not my 5th grader).

Drawing with Children

English from the Roots Up Flash Cards


I am wondering about the following things: Should I get Vocabulary from the Classical Roots for my 5th grader? Should I also get a Writing Strands for my 2nd grader? Her spelling is horrible right now so I was thinking of waiting until we do more of the spelling. I also guess I need handwriting for both of them? And what about the English from the Roots Up? Does my 5th grader need more Latin than that? And what about science? I was thinking of doing it together with them, just more advanced for him, but not sure now if they should have separate curriculum for that. And what about Classical Music, is Color the Classics still what WTM recommends?


Sorry for so many questions. I'm new and trying to get everything we need, and just going off what the WTM recommends!!

Thanks for any help you guys can provide!



From looking, it seems you have the basics covered. However, I too have no idea what GUM is. If it is an English/Grammar program, good. That was missing from the list. You covered spelling and writing, obviously.


I 3rd the Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History. I also like the Kingfisher Illustrated Encyclopedit of World History (white cover).


If you want to do science, then you definitely want to add that in. You may want to try something like NOEO which is an all in one, but could be used with both kids at the same time. There are also about a million other curriculums in Science that could fit your needs. :)


I am not sure about English from the Roots up. Sounds like you are just using flash cards and not the whole program?


I would not start writing strands with a 2nd grader...and I would definitely get it and let your older use it and see what you think of it first...we used it and really hated it. That is not to say that you will feel the same, just saying.


Handwriting is really up to you. I did handwriting when my older needed the practice. I also do it up until they are writing in cursive well. After that, and when they are doing a lot of writing in other subjects, I take away the extra handwriting stuff.


My best advice on "extras" is to start with the basics and add in slowly. I bought all of this wonderful art and music stuff last year and never touched it because my kids did art and music in co-op instead! This year, I am going to try to use some of it...but it will be contingent on schedule and where it "fits." :)


Best of luck and enjoy your first year homeschooling!

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GUM is Grammar, Usage and Mechanics, it was recommended in the WTM book I have (an older edition).


I do have the SOTW Activity Book and tests, and I was going to go off the reading list they recommend.


Since I am new to this, and I know I want to follow the "classical" model, I pretty much just thought to start I would do everything they recommend and see how we like it, then tweak it from there. My son is ADHD, a very kinesthetic learner, so I am wanting to get things he can be active in while learning (my reasoning behind going with MUS, the manipulatives).


My daughter, I think she's auditory, she's the social butterfly, but not quite 7, so I'm not 100% sure with her yet. It will basically be trial and error for a while.


I am planning on getting one of the encyclopedias for history. Just wasn't sure which one was better, maybe I'll get both :)


Thanks for the help though. It's easy to get completely overwhelmed! As far as my goals, with Latin, Music or anything else right now, my goal is just to see what works for us and for them to get a better education than where they are currently, and for us to become closer as a family. Anything else is gravy.


Thanks again!!


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There are too many things called G.U.M., could you tell me which one is recommended?


Nevermind... found it. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/resource5.php


G.U.M.: Instruction and Practice for Grammar, Usage and Mechanics series. Columbus: Zaner-Bloser, 1997. $8.37 for each student edition. Order from Zaner-Bloser. Teacher's editions are $17.95 each; you should buy them for yourself if possible.

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