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I'm so sorry but... Would you eat/cook this?

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I cooked two chickens last night. I was going to make broth after we ate. I threw the bones(cooked) in a pot with the 2 necks(raw), vegetables, and covered it all with water. My intention was to turn it on when I went to bed and let it cook all night. I found it this morning still.:glare: The temps were in the low-mid 60's last night. The heater wasn't on and the kitchen window was open a few inches.


It didn't smell bad and I turned it on immediately to start simmering. Should I even bother?

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If the food was expensive...like an entire pot of stew with 5 pounds of organic stew meat in it, I would probably boil it and try not to worry. But since it's just chicken broth that is reasonably cheap (not as tasty, but inexpensive) to replace, I would chunk it. Chicken is the absolute worst salmonella magnet. FYI-I heard on TV today that some study revealed that SUN TEA could actually be dangerous. Unless the jar was sterilized and the water purified before placing in the sun, the little beasties in the water could multiply extremely rapidly in the warm environment all day long. :tongue_smilie:


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