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Anyone done "bees" with their kids?

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My 8 year old ds signed up for the Bible Bee. It'll be the first academic type contest he's tried.


We ordered the book and quiz cards to study so we didn't have to print them out. I'm trying to work out a study schedule. They got here today, and we want to get started.


Has anyone done the "bee" type contests with their kid?



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We do Bible Bowl which is kind of the same thing I think. The kids study one book - this year was John and take a test. Bible bowl is part of the larger Leadership Training for Christ which has competitions in all sorts of things, drama, poetry, chorus, Bible reading, song leading, puppets, art, etc. My dd wasn't going to participate in the test, but everyone at church studies the book together. She decided the last week that she wanted to take part in the competition and I was pleasantly suprised, she got 65 out of 75 questions correct with no extra study time at all. That tells me she really did pay attention during class! ;)

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My older did a spelling bee at a homeschool building. She was awful. Her spelling was fine (it was the kindergarten level, nothing much more than "pen" and "gum."). Her behavior, OTOH, was terrible. She could not sit still and be quiet while it was someone else's turn. There were maybe 20 kids, so the first couple of rounds were long for a 5yo, and of course she got put next to a boy she already knew from our park-day group. So she's talking to him, wobbling around in her chair, standing up & sitting down, just generally being a distraction. Every time I caught her eye I signed "sit down" and "quiet" so she stopped looking in my direction. I kept hoping she'd get kicked out, and learn that you just can't act that way, but it didn't happen.


My point is, talk about the format and expectations ahead of time (we did, but maybe not enough). Of course an 8yo will be more capable of conforming than a 5yo (though mine was the ONLY one acting this way).

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