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I have been battling fatigue for several months now, and have been to the Drs numerous times having various tests done - hormones, thyroid, iron levels, prolactin, etc. Everything has come up normal.


These past couple weeks I have been insanely tired where I am fighting to stay awake, and some days I didn't win - laid in bed all day until DH came home to watch kids and instantly fell asleep.


I just found a lump in my neck, seems pretty large and I have not been sick or anything.


Have a Drs appt Thursday but am flipping out, of course :(

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Guest janainaz

It is probably your thyroid. My dh had to demand a few different tests. You have all the symptoms. Find another doctor, but I would not worry about the super-scary stuff.

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And the great news is that even if it's thyroid cancer, which is pretty unlikely, I have heard 3 different times from people who have had this that their oncologist told them that that is the best cancer to have because it's just about 100% curable.


And if it's just malfunctioning, it's one of the easiest things to fix.


I think that you will be feeling amazingly better really soon!

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I don't know anything about lumps, but did they test you for Epstein Barr? I've had severe fatigue like that, thought it was the flu, thought it was allergies, etc. etc. Finally, my allergist had me tested for E. Barr, and that's what it was.

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Guest janainaz
And the great news is that even if it's thyroid cancer, which is pretty unlikely, I have heard 3 different times from people who have had this that their oncologist told them that that is the best cancer to have because it's just about 100% curable.


And if it's just malfunctioning, it's one of the easiest things to fix.


I think that you will be feeling amazingly better really soon!



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I had a HUGE cyst removed from my neck about (wow I feel old thinking about this!) 17 years ago. It was a bronchial (branchial?) cleft cyst - which apparently was in a weird spot on me. It reacted to antibiotics the first couple of times (very slow growing, annoying but not killer pain) and shrunk down, then it grew nuts and was unresponsive to meds. One surgery, a couple weeks recovery and I've not had a problem since. Feel free to PM me if you have a similar diagnosis. I know the stress. Pray. Relax as much as you can. We're here for you!

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Guest janainaz
Thank you everyone, for your thoughts/support.


The lump is higher than the thyroid - under my jaw, and is only on my left side, I have had my thyroid checked twice in the past two months and both times normal :(


My husbands lump was also under his jaw. He has thyroid problems and is on medication for it now. He said sometimes he also felt a little horse and he had other symptoms like being "fuzzy-headed" - he said he just could not focus and think very clearly and was going to bed at 8:00 every single night. I think they did an MRI and then a biopsy. The thyroid blood tests can be a bit off because what is normal for one person is not necessarily "normal" for someone else. Again, his thyroid was just a bit off and it made him feel pretty terrible.

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I am so sorry to hear what you are going thru! :grouphug:


Are you seeing an Endocrinologist -- one who specializes in thyroid, lymph nodes, diabetes, etc? Have you had a full bloodwork (i.e. liver panel, ammonia count, glucose count, A1C, etc.) lab done? Much of what you are suggesting as your symptoms -- are his specialty. I think he can even run a blood lab to rule out Lyme Disease (I am not suggesting you HAVE it...) as it can be tricky to diagnose, for example.

Keep us in touch,



P.S. If the doc does the blood ammonia lab work... make sure it is run "STAT" (no overnight lab) and the vial is packed in ice ASAP. Please don't worry. But that is info for anyone having to get an accurate reading for blood ammonia levels. (If it is high -- then it is a metabolic issue.) My son and I have to have our blood ammonia levels checked -- fatigue, confusion, irritability, vomiting, headaches, etc -- all symptoms for us that our rare genetic liver disorder is outta whack and we go to the ER pronto. (LOL)

Edited by tex-mex
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Thanks so much for all the support! I go to the Drs tomorrow at noon (yes it seems very far away!) and will keep you posted!


These are the blood tests I have had so far, everything coming back within normal:


basic metabolic pan

hepatic function


manual differential


BMP total calcium




Pregnancy test


some thyroid and hormone tests


(In addition to my fatigue I have also been having chest pain, so they did all that blood work + an ultrasound and mammogram of the left side of my chest)


EVERYTHING is coming back normal, and I think my Drs think I'm a hypochondriac, but I know somethings up. I have not been to an Endocrinologist yet, I was actually going to ask my Dr for a referral when I went in tomorrow.

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Take a look at the thyroid info at drrind.com.


There is also a blood test for cancer. It will come up positive if you have cancer anywhere in your body, at least you would know if you have it. Then you would have to track it down if it came back positive. Doctors are very averse to using it. I can't imagine why. (Maybe because doing 5 different tests a year makes more money?)

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Chest pain was one of my symptoms that baffled the doc. It took a physical therapist (who was correcting my crooked hips and shoulders) to recognize it for trigger point pain....fibromyalgia often goes hand in hand with hypothyroidism and I seem to have developed them both. Be sure that they are checking for Free T-3 when they do those thyroid tests. I diagnosed mine myself and was able to show them morning basal temperatures that were terribly low along with overwhelming symptoms. Tests were conclusive, but not everyone is able to "prove" their condition. I hope that your appt. goes well tomorrow.

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EVERYTHING is coming back normal, and I think my Drs think I'm a hypochondriac, but I know somethings up. I have not been to an Endocrinologist yet, I was actually going to ask my Dr for a referral when I went in tomorrow.


Have you ever been a hypochondriac? I mean, do you have a generalized health anxiety? If not, don't let them make you feel like you are blowing this out of proportion.


I say this because I AM a hypochondriac. I can tell you that, unfortunately, I do NOT know my body and I do not have the sense of when something is actually wrong versus when I am being hypochondrical. If you have never been a hypochondriac before - never really worried about health issues, but this one is bothering you, then trust your gut and get some answers. Don't let the docs make you feel crazy. Trust yourself!


Best wishes that this lump actually makes diagnosing the problem BETTER and they can get it figured out tomorrow.:grouphug:

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I'm so sorry you're so scared right now -- I know what that's like, and it seems like the doctor's appointment is years away, even when it's only a day.


It's probably not anything they can't cure, but that's easy for me to say!


I would definitely consider the possibility of Lyme Disease, because that can cause everything you mentioned. I have had Lyme for years, and I have had all of your symptoms -- and often all at once.


Another poster suggested it might be a swollen tonsil. When my Lyme disease acts up, my tonsils always get messed up.


Whatever else they test for, be sure they run a Lyme titer test. A lot of doctors will say you're being silly, but as someone who has contracted the disease three separate times from three different ticks (and I'm not the outdoorsy type,) I can tell you that it's definitely worth checking for. You might be on doxycyclene for a while, but you'll be ok.


Please keep us updated on your doctor visit, and whatever you do, don't let him (or her) convince you that it's all in your head. If you think something is wrong, make them find out what it is.





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I was JUST logging in to update :D Thanks so much for checking in on me!


So my Dr. did another quick physical and said that even though my throat is not sore it IS red, so that could be why my gland (it is my submandibular gland) is swollen, so she is not concerned about it yet.


She did a strep test, and drew blood for a ton more tests including mono and HIV - just in case, I am unbelievably low risk but that is one that can cause the submandibular to swell and cause fatigue. Amazing how scary it is waiting for those results, even when you are 99.9% sure of the results!


So the strep, mono, and HIV came back negative. She is testing me for about 3 more diseases that can cause fatigue, although I cannot remember the name of them... I had never even heard of them! It will take 7-10 days for the rest of the blood work to get back so she wants to see me again in ten days and we will go from there, both on the fatigue and check on the lump. She also wants me to gather all lab work I had done at my Gyn so she can look it over at the next appt, and gave me the name of an ENT just in case. So I have an appt. with ENT next week.


Just a waiting game now, I was relieved to hear my throat was red, but that doesn't explain months of fatigue so still a bit scary. I'm sure the trip to the ENT will be helpful though.


Thanks again, I really appreciate being able to come here and get support!

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I hope you get it taken care of.


Have you had sinus infections?


If you are still having trouble pin-pointing it and want to do some researching later, I recommend you get the book "From Fatigued to Fantastic".


I have not had any trouble with sinus infections. Thank you for the book recommendation - I just ordered it from Amazon. I figured it would come in handy either way, and the first few pages they let you read sounded like me!

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Thanks so much for posting the update -- I've been thinking of you all day today, and am glad to hear the doctor was encouraging. It also sounds like she's being very thorough.


I hope your results show that it's nothing serious, and that a prescription or two will have you feeling as good as new in no time.


I have had both mono and Lyme Disease, and I know from experience that both of those can cause your symptoms -- I hadn't even thought of mono until you mentioned it, though!


Please keep us updated when you can, and try not to worry.





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Have they tested you for Hashimoto's disease? It's an autoimmune disorder and can cause nodules on your thyroid. It is *the* leading cause of hypothyroidism.


I had my thyroid tested on two separate occasions, both times it came back normal, but I do not think they tested me for that specific disease.

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I had my thyroid tested on two separate occasions, both times it came back normal, but I do not think they tested me for that specific disease.


The problem is that it's an autoimmune disorder. *Very* simplified-your body produces thyroid hormones (which is normally what they test) but your body is not absorbing them because it is attacking them. So, your body isn't using the hormones it is producing. You therefore need synthetic thyroid hormones to make up for it. And it *very definitely* causes fatigue.


My mom suffered with this for years and years before she diagnosed herself via the internet and made her doctor give her the blood test.

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I don't know anything about lumps, but did they test you for Epstein Barr? I've had severe fatigue like that, thought it was the flu, thought it was allergies, etc. etc. Finally, my allergist had me tested for E. Barr, and that's what it was.

:iagree: Sounds like I did when I had mono

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