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Rigorous yet easy homeschooling - does that make sense?

MIch elle

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I have a question for you CLE LA users - How is writing handled in CLE LA?

I would love to hear about it. I am asking for junior high/high school ages only.






Have you looked at the scope and sequence? I will be honest. Even though we have used all of the books through 8th grade I do sometimes skip some of the writing. I don't have my kids write a speech or do an interview. I think this is because my son struggled so much with how to get started with a writing assignment that I just dropped it.


In the 3rd grade level they do write reports, and I do have them do that. There is a research paper in 5th and 8th grade. We do those. I really recommend that a child do the 5th grade research paper first even if they aren't in 5th grade because it really holds the child's hand through the process. Then they are better prepared to write the 8th grade paper.


I didn't have my dd do the 5th grade research paper until this year when she was in 7th grade. It worked out very well. My son, the struggling writer, attempted the 8th grade research paper, and he never finished it. He needed more hand holding.


Next year will be our first year with the high school level material. I know the English 1 has an essay light unit. I think this should go well for us, but I think the second one is a speech. I am a little more apprehensive about that.



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I bring my favorite books with me each night to read in bed. Lately, many of them are on my Kindle but some aren't, like Abeka World Literature.


I remember when my dc were little they use to sleep with their favorite new toy. It's like that with our books! :D





That is so funny! While my dh was out of town this week, his side of the bed was taken over by the SOTW 4 act. guide, All Through the Ages, Writing with Ease, God's Design for Chemistry, & the new Clive Cussler novel. :D

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Have you looked at the scope and sequence? I will be honest. Even though we have used all of the books through 8th grade I do sometimes skip some of the writing. I don't have my kids write a speech or do an interview. I think this is because my son struggled so much with how to get started with a writing assignment that I just dropped it.


In the 3rd grade level they do write reports, and I do have them do that. There is a research paper in 5th and 8th grade. We do those. I really recommend that a child do the 5th grade research paper first even if they aren't in 5th grade because it really holds the child's hand through the process. Then they are better prepared to write the 8th grade paper.


I didn't have my dd do the 5th grade research paper until this year when she was in 7th grade. It worked out very well. My son, the struggling writer, attempted the 8th grade research paper, and he never finished it. He needed more hand holding.


Next year will be our first year with the high school level material. I know the English 1 has an essay light unit. I think this should go well for us, but I think the second one is a speech. I am a little more apprehensive about that.




Agreeing that there is a LOT of writing included in CLE. I've heard some say that there isn't, but if you study the scope & sequence closely, you see that that just isn't true. It's not taught as a separate subject, no... it's integrated into the LA and Reading through the years. Which is how it should be, IMO. ;)

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But it's mostly straight from Scripture - no trinity or doctrine that I see that might offend JW's (2 of my sisters are JW's).



Look carefully at the reading samples http://www.clp.org/store/by_subject/1 and then call CLE and ask them. Also you can join the CLE yahoo group and ask there http://groups.yahoo.com/group/christianlightfamilies/?yguid=93229998


If you click "View Details" you can see samples that available to look at.


Actually, CLE is a Mennonite publisher, and the more you use it, the more Mennonite doctrine and lifestyle beliefs you'll find integrated throughout the curriculum. Especially in the upper years.


It's a good idea to get their scope & sequence book -- both books for elementary and high school if you're interested in going that far -- to find out exactly what's taught in which subjects.

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Agreeing that there is a LOT of writing included in CLE. I've heard some say that there isn't, but if you study the scope & sequence closely, you see that that just isn't true. It's not taught as a separate subject, no... it's integrated into the LA and Reading through the years. Which is how it should be, IMO. ;)



I, too, have noticed lots of writing with CLE Lang Arts (we're wrapping up the 500 series). Surprised to learn that there is writing included in their reading curriculum. Really?? I'll have to pull out my scope and sequence to check this out for myself. Glad you mentioned this! Excellent thread, Michelle!!

Edited by BizyPenguin
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I didn't have my dd do the 5th grade research paper until this year when she was in 7th grade. It worked out very well. My son, the struggling writer, attempted the 8th grade research paper, and he never finished it. He needed more hand holding.


They also have a separate reasearch paper writing Lightunit in the electives section. I suppose one could buy that if they did not want to go back and buy the grade level it was first done in.


Research Paper I http://www.clp.org/product/research_paper_i_1635


Research Paper II http://www.clp.org/product/research_paper_ii_1636

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I, too, have noticed lots of writing with CLE Lang Arts (we're wrapping up the 500 series). Surprised to learn that there is writing included in their reading curriculum. Really?? I'll have to pull out my scope and sequence to check this out for myself. Glad you mentioned this! Excellent thread, Michelle!!


There are a lot of little writing and thinking exercises throughout the Reading curriculum, just plugged into context here and there. Especially as they get older.


I have the 7th grade Reading curriculum here for my oldest to do this summer (because I've been looking at it for so long, I really just wanted to try it!), and I like how the teacher's guide gives additional lit. recommendations for each unit in the reader. I really recommend getting the teacher's guides, even though they're not needed for the student to work independently on a day to day basis. The ideas in the teacher's guides just round it out so much!

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They also have a separate reasearch paper writing Lightunit in the electives section. I suppose one could buy that if they did not want to go back and buy the grade level it was first done in.


Research Paper I http://www.clp.org/product/research_paper_i_1635


Research Paper II http://www.clp.org/product/research_paper_ii_1636



Yes, all they are selling is just the single light unit listed as an elective. If you went to the Language arts 500 page, you can by the light units individually there as well.



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