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Decluttering Dilemma Poll - Keep it OR Sell it

What should I do with the quilt kit?  

  1. 1. What should I do with the quilt kit?

    • Sell it on ebay
    • Keep it - who knows - you may make it someday
    • Other (as always - please elaborate!)

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I am starting to SERIOUSLY declutter my home, and I figured I would soften the blow by starting in my craft area. I LOVE to craft (scrapbook, sew, photography, etc.) so I have a lot of junk. One item I found to get rid of has me on the fence.... It's a full quilt kit - block of the month style with fabric (for quilters - it's Monsters by Sue Garnan). It's ADORABLE, but I will likely never get to it. I bought it in 2001 or 2002. I've moved it 3 times. It has 9 blocks, plus border, though I actually bought 2 blocks twice - so I have 2 kits I can play with should I want. I want to sell it on ebay, but a part of me really, really wants to keep it. I *think* I'll actually make it some day. LOL! Really, I will never do it all, but it's so stinking cute!!! I am normally a tosser when I clean, my kids call me "Chuck". But the quilt kit... (and I can hopefully get around $100 on ebay...)

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I voted sell it on ebay. If you have already moved the kit that many times, I think it is time to retire it. But I am someone who constantly needs to be getting rid of things and decluttering.


I actually would give it away because I wouldn't want to be bothered putting it on ebay. But if your up for ebay that would be a nice amount of money for the start of decluttering.

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Sell it. Its been nearly 10 years since you bought it. If you havent found time to do it by now its likely not going to happen!! :)


I sew and totally understand the feeling of not wanting to let go of "that" awesome project but I figure someone else out there can make it totally awesome while I enjoy less clutter and guilt for not doing something.


Good luck on your decluttering.

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Sell it. Try on a fee-free website and/or crafty themed forum/website.


If it were me, having that unfinished thing around would make me sort of feel unexcited about doing it; there's something sort of unhappy about those projects that never get done. Whenever you get ready to do it, buy a new one, without looking back. And reread the section

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I voted eBay but then I remembered that I sometimes donate unused craft items to the local senior citizens center. Some of them would love to have a quilt to piece together and then quilt together. I know one of ours is in a lower income neighborhood and they sell their items at craft fairs to buy needed items for members and for the center. Maybe you could buy it back after they finish making it :)

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You love it. It makes you smile.


Declutter other stuff that does not.


You don't want to regret this later--if you do, you'll probably clutter your home up worse than ever at that point to avoid repeating that mistake.


Make it for yourself, sometime. Or get someone else to make it up for you. I like to knit, and scored some gorgeous and very expensive novelty mohair for free. I knit a shawl for our women's group boutique, and someone liked it so much that she offered to pay me to make one for her daughter, whose shoulders were too broad for the one I had made already. Since she liked to sew, we traded. I had some heavy fabric I had woven, and she sewed it into a coat for my little 2 year old. We were both thrilled not to have to do what we detested, and to have what we ended up with.


We also did something unique with some needlepoint kits of fish that we bought on a vacation. We just never seemed to get around to them, so we sent the most complicated one to DH's mom, who wanted to try needlepoint. She made it up and sent it back to us as a gift, and we had it framed and hung it in a lovely spot. Then we sent her another one to do, and she made that one up and kept it. Worked out great--they are still in the family and we are all enjoying them tremendously.


Don't give up what you love. Give up something that you don't love.

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I put other....

Do you want to keep it because you want the finished quilt? Find a quilters group that's looking for projects and let them do it for you.

If it's taking up space and you know you really won't get to it, give it away to someone that will get to it and love having it. Freecycle is a great place to find people that will love what you can't use.

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I love the Hive!! You guys rock - thank you so much for your advice. I am still completely on the fence! I will be praying about it and when I finish the decluttering project I will make the call then (kind of like the yard sale prize on Clean Sweep, LOL!). So much to do - and to think about!! :) THANKS

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If its worth $100, I would try ebay. I am a big chucker myself (I just gave away boxes of books I could have sold but its just not worth the time, trips to the post office, unreliable buyers who dont pay for weeks etc ). But for a one off item worth $100, I would sell it.

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I'm not big on keeping everything, but I do have one or two projects that I started before I had kids. When I had dc#2, I pretty much stopped doing much crafting of any sort. But, it's not because I stopped liking it. It's just because I don't have time! But, my kiddos are growing up so fast! They'll be out of the house before I know it (or maybe just in high school), and I'll have a lot more time! I still love that sweater that I'm overstitching, and I'd love to finish that tablecloth with the 12 days of Christmas around the edges. Someday, I will have more time, and I will pull them out and finish them.


I say, since you love that quilt so much, keep it. You WILL have more time one of these days. The time will come quicker than you can imagine. You'll be so glad you still have that quilt. You can make it for your grandchild! :)

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