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We had to put our dog down yesterday...

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Our neighbor's dog got a hold of her and drug her under the fence. Her injuries were just too severe. The vet did everything he could. The two kids that loved her the most saw everything. It was horribly violent and my ds10 hasn't stopped crying. He keeps talking about how he wished he appreciated her more when she was alive. He told me he talked to her when he didn't feel like he could come to us. :crying:

If you get a chance, pray for Aaron and Chelsey. They are already stressed from our move. To move without Princess will be especially hard.

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I am not sure what will happen to their dog. They paid for everything and have been so gracious. It's not my hope that they have to put their dog down, but their vet is helping them with that decision. My DH was frantic when he finally got to their house. (We share a fence, so picture him running around the block to get to them to tell them what was going on.) They have two teenaged sons that helped my DH try to get Princess away from their dog. It was bad. She lost a foot and her hips were broken. Poor thing. I just don't know what the answer is. My DH is a mess. He held her as they gave her the shot.

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Our neighbor's dog got a hold of her and drug her under the fence. Her injuries were just too severe. The vet did everything he could. The two kids that loved her the most saw everything. It was horribly violent and my ds10 hasn't stopped crying. He keeps talking about how he wished he appreciated her more when she was alive. He told me he talked to her when he didn't feel like he could come to us. :crying:

If you get a chance, pray for Aaron and Chelsey. They are already stressed from our move. To move without Princess will be especially hard.

I am so sorry that this happened. How aweful for your dc and your husband.

It would be hard for me to believe that this neighbor would want to keep the dog. It was terrible for it to happen to your dog but it could have been a small child!

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That is absolutely awful!! I am so sorry!! Thank god it wasn't one of your children! Do you have to notify your buyer of the agressive dog next door?


That's a good question. Our buyers have a 6 month old baby. I am really waiting to see what happens, though. Their vet did not seem the type of man to just let this go. Our neighbor also metioned several times that they were going to have to take some action. I will definitely follow up. Thank you for bringing that up. I'd feel terrible if this dog did this to someone else's dog or even worse, someone's child.

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I am so sorry for your dog and your kids. It is awful for them to see something like that. I think I would sue your neighbors.....not so much for the money...but to let them know they can't get away with something like that. Not too many judges these days feel sorry for a dog that attacks and kills another dog. Just think what it might do to a small child. ((((((HUGS)))))

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Oh, how awful. I'm so sorry to hear that this happened, and I'm sorry for your family's loss.


My GSD is aggressive towards some other dogs - only large breed. His is fine with small breeds (probably because our other dog is one) and he absolutely loves children. Even so, I no longer take him out. I realize that I can't control him if he goes into aggressive mode, and I can't take that kind of a chance. We are slowly working through his issues with a trainer, but it's rough. Dh is the only one in the family capable of keeping him in line at all times, so the GSD's exercise and time outside fall onto his shoulders.


Had I thought this all through before buying the GSD, we probably would have opted for another small dog.

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I am so sorry. I can't imagine watching that scene unfold.


What kind of dog does your neighbor have? I would cetainly follow up with this. Any dog that would be that to another dog could also be that aggresive with a person.



The other dog is a terrier mix, I believe. It's not huge, but bigger than Princess. (She was a pug)

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Our neighbor's dog got a hold of her and drug her under the fence. Her injuries were just too severe. The vet did everything he could. The two kids that loved her the most saw everything. It was horribly violent and my ds10 hasn't stopped crying. He keeps talking about how he wished he appreciated her more when she was alive. He told me he talked to her when he didn't feel like he could come to us. :crying:

If you get a chance, pray for Aaron and Chelsey. They are already stressed from our move. To move without Princess will be especially hard.


:grouphug: I'm so sorry.

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The kids are better today, We did a lot of talking and hugging yesterday. They have camped out in our room the last 2 nights. DS10 is actually smiling a little today and was able to talk about her without crying. DD11 is still asleep. She never sleeps this late. She's one to not really "let it out", so she's probably exhausted from holding it in. Thank you for your prayers. I am so thankful for you. :grouphug:

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