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I saw something fluttering around my backyard late last night.

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Bats are wonderful to have around as bug control. We keep meaning to build bat houses to attract more to our buggy property.


They sometimes fly a bit low for my taste, but nothing to worry about.


When I was little, my mom went to hang laundry outside, stuck her hand in the clothes pin bag that hung outside, and pulled out a bat. Freaky, but no damage done! :001_smile:

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I'm in Madison now (by Huntsville), but four years ago I was in Monrovia. While sitting on our deck at around 9:30 or 10:00 at night, this HUGE moth flew towards our bug light. It must have been five inches across! We thought it was a bat until it came back and we realized it was a moth. :scared: I'd only seen moths that big in zoo exhibits!!

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Bats are wonderful to have around as bug control. We keep meaning to build bat houses to attract more to our buggy property.


They sometimes fly a bit low for my taste, but nothing to worry about.


When I was little, my mom went to hang laundry outside, stuck her hand in the clothes pin bag that hung outside, and pulled out a bat. Freaky, but no damage done! :001_smile:


I remember going out just after dark to bring in the laundry when I was a teen (I had forgotten to do it earlier in the day). I dropped a clothespin in the bag, and heard a rustling sound, and a bat flew out!



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