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Can someone help me place DD for fall?

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DD1 is 5. I'm trying to decide on what to do this fall. Last year we gently did Rod and Staff Preschool and Singapore Earlybird 1a and 2a, as well as Hooked on Phonics Kindergarten. Right now she's working on Hooked on Phonics 1st grade (she's almost finished that in the last 6 weeks!), Cursive First (she's almost finished this), Singapore Earlybird 2a and Miquon Orange.

I predict by the end of summer she'll have finished everything she's currently doing, and probably have finished HOP 2nd grade, too.

We don't spend a lot of time on this stuff- she's clicking through it happily, willingly, and QUICKLY.

I was originially planning to do Kindy this fall, but after rereading the Kindy suggestions she's already done everything. I don't want her to be bored- so far she really enjoys schooly stuff and asks to do more.

I was thinking about starting the 1st grade suggestions with her. Would this be a bad idea?

She's reading well independantly on a 2nd grade level or so.


ETA- no matter what level work she's doing I'm officially calling her a Kindergartener.

Edited by theretohere
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To get a handle on where your child is (free), take the LA and Math placement tests at http://www.k12.com (go through the independent purchase route, not VA academy, to get to the tests).


You will definitely be "safe" with 1st grade materials for next year -- but you might be better off with even 2nd or 3rd grade materials in some cases.


My DS5's K year included FLL 1 & 2 (which he LOVES, and begs to do), Abeka 1st & 2nd grade readers (but we did the Letters & Sounds 1, not 2), He's now working on ALEKS Level 3 (mostly QuickTables), and playing at ChalkDust Math 3 (we're going at his pace, as long as we work on math every day, I'm happy), and then doing Bible, history, science, art & music with his older sister.


That's the beauty of homeschooling -- meet your daughter where she is. Go as quickly, or as slowly, as she needst to understand the material, and enjoy all of the moments in between.

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I agree...you call her Kindergarten because that is her age. You give her 1st-3rd grade materials because that is where she is academically.


Yep, this is exactly what we did with my ds who is 5.9 but doing mostly end of 1st grade work and reading 2nd grade level.


Because your child is a good reader and likes to read, have you considered Heart of Dakota? I will be using it next year with my ds who will be 6 and it is just perfect for him (we are starting with Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory). I love that I can customize the subjectes where he is ahead, but still get the great reading and rich literature approach to other subjects on his level.

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I think that starting first grade curriculum suggestions is fine.


Considering her a first grader is not. She might slow down and you will be grateful that you "kept" her in Kindergarten. Experience speaking here.

:iagree: too, including the experience part! My ds15 roared through stuff once he started doing it (a late bloomer, but then supercharged!). He was way ahead in reading and math levels by the time he turned 8. I thought of letting him just continue, and advance his grade level by 1. But I'm glad we kept him where he would be if he were in school. His maturity level is behind, and that extra year will give him opportunity to mature more before he hits college! Plus, he DID slow down later, and is more on track with "normal" level now anyway!
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:iagree: too, including the experience part! My ds15 roared through stuff once he started doing it (a late bloomer, but then supercharged!). He was way ahead in reading and math levels by the time he turned 8. I thought of letting him just continue, and advance his grade level by 1. But I'm glad we kept him where he would be if he were in school. His maturity level is behind, and that extra year will give him opportunity to mature more before he hits college! Plus, he DID slow down later, and is more on track with "normal" level now anyway!



My DD is socially immature, as well.

I think I'm pretty set on doing 1st level work and continuing to call her a Kindergartener.

Thanks everyone!

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Yep, this is exactly what we did with my ds who is 5.9 but doing mostly end of 1st grade work and reading 2nd grade level.


Because your child is a good reader and likes to read, have you considered Heart of Dakota? I will be using it next year with my ds who will be 6 and it is just perfect for him (we are starting with Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory). I love that I can customize the subjectes where he is ahead, but still get the great reading and rich literature approach to other subjects on his level.



I've looked at it a few times, but the way religion is mixed in part makes me nervous. We're Christian, but I want my type of Christianity, not another denominations. How prevalent is religion in HOD?

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