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Is anyone ready to be done with school!.......

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This is our last week. I am sooo ready to be done - maybe more so than dd!


I resolved next year not to plan for 180 days, but to plan to finish curriculum in 165-170 days, giving us more flexibility for field trips and the like. I so wish I'd done that this year! As it is, we're done with history already, and she'll finish her main math text tomorrow. That chance to mark things complete a little early is helping a lot!

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"How can I be so excited about next year and so ready to be done with this year?" That is totally how I'm feeling.


I feel the same way! I am tired, tired, tired of school, but am so excited to begin again in August. :confused:


Our last school day is May 29 and I can't wait!

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We have three weeks to go. I am just plugging through each day, not letting myself or my dc slack off even though we're almost through. It's SO hard. I want to be done!!!


I can't wait for August, though.:001_smile:

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It helps that subjects will stop dropping off this week. Science will be done this week. Grammar will be done next week. I have dropped a couple of things, but overall I'm pleased with how we've done this year and I'm not going to beat myself up over the end of school.


For the first time, we are doing an official "last day of school" and that helps keep us focused. On the last day we are going to turn in school books (just like they do in PS - I always loved that feeling. :) ) We're also going to have an end-of-year party with some friends.

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We have five weeks to go to finish 4th grade, and I am looking forward to taking a break in June. We will do some light studying over the summer, mostly reading, writing and art - but back to the heavier schedule in mid to late August.


I think our saving grace is that we have two part-time days during the week, and three really full days. That breaks it up for us enough to go longer and enjoy what we are doing.




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This is ds9's last week of school. I am SO READY for a break. We will be doing very light school all summer (2-3 subjects - about 30 minutes total a day), but it is not MANDATORY and if there are days when I just don't feel like doing it, we just won't (in the summer). It is much more relaxed and I really need that right now!

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This is exactly why I homeschool year round! I find that taking a month off three times per year gives me and my kids the break I need. I get lots of things done during my month off and the kids get a chance to unwind. It's also not as hard to get back into the swing of things after only taking a month off.



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I'm getting to that point, yep! First week of June is our last for this school year.


I do a modified year round schedule. We take 6-8 weeks off for summer break which is plenty, and I have them still doing some subjects just to keep it fresh and they don't get completely bored with nothing much to do. Works well because I still get that big block of time off AND I am able to take about one week in every 5-6 weeks off during the year. Helps tremendously with burnout!

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Our last day isn't until June 5th, and it is killing me to think we still have three more weeks to go after this one. I want to be done now! I am determined to finish strong though. It will probably take lots of encouragement and praise (for the kids) and chocolate (for me), but we will persevere. And putting a big "X" on the calendar each day after we finish school is helping too.


I am excited to start back up in August. I was really inspired after hearing Susan speak last month in Cincinnati. I have new curricula sitting on the shelves, full of promise. Next year will be our best year yet, right? ;)

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We are switching to a year-round schedule but are on a break right now. This has been a difficult year. Mostly due to our move at a strange time and settling in. We all really just needed a break. We will start back up soon though.


We are having fun picking berries, gardening, going on field trips and taking care of our animals.

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I do a modified year round schedule. We take 6-8 weeks off for summer break which is plenty, and I have them still doing some subjects just to keep it fresh and they don't get completely bored with nothing much to do. Works well because I still get that big block of time off AND I am able to take about one week in every 5-6 weeks off during the year. Helps tremendously with burnout!


Hmmm.... sounds interesting. I think I need to try something like this. My oldest will be in 7th grade this coming year, and the work load is getting heavier. I want to ensure that we still can take time for field trips and other fun events as they pop up. Maybe the solution I am looking for is to extend our school year, so we can keep some flexibility, but still accomplish all we need to academically.

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We're still deep in the midst of our studies, but we will take off for a week in about a month.


We'll also take 3 weeks in July for art camp, science camp, and oldest DS will go to overnight camp.


We're looking forward to it, but that's pretty much all for our summer break.

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For us we have schooled all year for the last five years and it works so very well. We take off for family trips and sometimes end up counting a day or two of that for field trips. One of us will usually do some research and find new places we have never visited like a re-inactment of a time period or visit one of our past presidents homes, we all do some reading and then go learn and absorb all that we can hold in a day. The book work always gets done through the year and we add a new class in when the other class is finished.

To tell you the truth I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel with my oldest working on clep test and starting distance learning this summer. I think I will miss all this and look back on these days wishing they just hadn't past so quickly.

Have some great summer fun.:auto:

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We have three weeks to go and I can't wait :thumbup:. We'll take a week off and then start "Summer School" :blushing:. We do Summer School for June, July & Aug. We take one week off from each month. With school we alternate subjects. One week math and grammar, another week math and reading and so forth.



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I'm soooooooo looking forward to Diva being done math I could spit! And its completely up to her how quickly it gets done. As soon as the Horizons book is done, so is she. She can do 2 units a day without breaking a sweat, or drag it out...she's dragging it out :svengo:As soon as the math is done, we're only doing science and SOTW...then french when it arrives. Yanno, the fun stuff! That's it! And with the butterfly kit arriving at the end of the month, I mean fun dang it. I just wish she'd get the math done already :banghead:

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I am so ready to be done. I don't know how you all do it who school year round. :( Isn't there anyone out there who is finding it VERY hard to do any school right now? How are you "finishing well" ?



Actually...this is why we school year round! When I feel like this I just stop for a while. It usually doesn't happen to me in spring and summer (I'm allergic to outdoor life almost in its entirety). I'm more apt to feel like this in the cool, golden days of Autumn, or the brisk happiness of winter. At any rate, YES, I know what it's like to be done. That's why we're taking a break this week!

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Yep, we're having that trouble, too. My daughter complains about doing the same work she was unphased by a month ago. I like the official end-of-school party idea--we're going to put one on the calendar. I'm also trying to come up with some exciting review games for the two-week end-of-school review time we have planned to help us make it through. Part of the problem is my attitude, because I'm so pumped about planning next year that it's difficult to get excited about finishing these last few weeks myself.

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We are done with some things but still have lots to finish - my 18 yo is working hard to finish Latin, Logic and IEW. Math will continue through summer. My ds14 is still working on everything and we added the Bible Bee- it is almost overwhelming.

My 9 yo and 6 yo are still doing math, writing, etc. and Bible Bee.

Co-op is over. We added in lots of gardening, walking, mowing and bible memory. The summer will be consumed with the Bible Bee- I can see it now.

Plus a conference I have 3 booths at this weekend and our oldest coming home on Sat for a week for the 18 yo's graduation, then to Romania for a month, then back for 5 weeks before college again so we have to make a temporary sleep/dresser/junk spot(s) for her without getting the 6 yo too cozy back in my bed!!. I'm a little overwhelmed actually and all the while my 6 yo is telling me how bored and lonely she is- aagh!! to read a book and blog :001_smile:

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A friend said to me the other day, "How can I be so excited about next year and so ready to be done with this year?" That is totally how I'm feeling.




That so describes me right now! I am having a lot of fun making plans, buying curriculum, etc for the upcoming school year. However, with each subject the kids finish up for 08-09, I jump for joy as I cross it off my list! :tongue_smilie:


We homeschool year round, but only do a couple subjects (3/x week) from June-August, taking a break whenever I see one is needed.



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