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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. :iagree: I used Core D+E with dd11 and ds9 last year. We loved it. This year dd11 is using Sonlight Core F & it's going very well. Ds9 is using something else b/c he wasn't ready for Core F, but he'll be using it in a couple of years. We plan to stick with Sonlight for the duration. The literature is awesome, the planning is done for you, and the discussions you and your dc have as a result is priceless.
  2. I hope you're feeling better soon & that today is a wonderful first day.
  3. We enjoyed Sonlight science in the past. I'd be using it again if my children weren't doing Apologia science in co-op.
  4. :grouphug: I have a difficult mil, too. I am sorry for your dh, you, and your kids.
  5. Check this: http://www.christianbook.com/portraits-american-girlhood-popular-historical-fiction/cindy-sotelo/9780972697705/pd/697705
  6. :grouphug:We all have our hard days, trust me. Make sure to carve out some time for yourself to just be "you." Take your kids on some fun field trips, do some crafts together, or bake together...take a day off for fun.:) Hang in there, you'll find your groove.
  7. Congratulations! And, yes, usually that first week is the toughest, but you did it! Keep up the great work.:)
  8. We are planning to trick or treat in our neighborhood. I'm not sure what my kids are going to "be" this year. We're still thinking about that.
  9. :iagree: I enjoy reading posts like that here. I feel like we can all celebrate together.
  10. I just made a list of what I'd like to do. Here it is (both small things & big dreams): -Zumba class -Write a book -Continue writing articles about special needs homeschooling (I've had one published & another one will be published soon) -Play the piano (we have one from when dd11 took piano) -Play the guitar (hubby plays & could teach me) -create a YouTube video series of me teaching my little one (maybe it's just me, but I feel that there is a real need for help for special needs homeschoolers--just thinking maybe I could show others what works for us) -teach Five in a Row next semester at co-op -create a special needs homeschool curriculum -read The Hunger Games series & watch the movies -drink coffee with friends -host ladies' get togethers -Try the couch to 5k program -shopping (frugally!) -decorating (on a budget) -nature walks/study -new hairstyle -watch movies -do at home facials, manicures, & pedicures -have more date nights with hubby -organize -crafting -shoot my gun/target practice -have giveaways on my blog -try new foods (low carb, my "forever" way of eating) That's what I have so far. I know I need to get out of this rut & nobody can do it for me. I've got to just make up my mind & do some (or all) of these ideas!
  11. :grouphug: I know how hard it is. We are just now getting out of a very bad phase with my dd4.
  12. I love this aspect, too! I've discovered new books, as well as rediscovered old favorites.:)
  13. Our year is going beautifully. Ds9 is using FUFI and dd11 is using Sonlight Core F, while dd4 is doing a light mix of Montessori & Oak Meadow Preschool.
  14. Five in a Row's booklists are our favorite picture books. :) Cranberry Thansgiving is a great fall book. Another good one is The Story of Thanksgiving.
  15. I voted "to some degree." I chose this b/c there have been times when I felt the text did teach the "why," but there have been other times in which I felt I needed to give more explanation as to "why." I will try to think of a specific example and post it later.
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