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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Plenty of pens & pencils Scissors Glue & glue sticks Three-hole puncher Binders Index cards Printer paper Construction paper Paper clips Correction strip Crayons Colored pencils Markers Ruler Notebooks Clipboards
  2. :grouphug: Take a long walk alone...just cry, pray, vent...get everything out. Then go home and take a long, hot shower or bath with some wonderful smelling body wash. When you get out, put on some nicely scented lotion. Then put on your pajamas, curl up on the couch, & read some "fluff."
  3. :grouphug: I hope you two can resolve the issue & have a nice anniversary.
  4. It must be this time of year. I usually order in the spring & my things get here quickly.
  5. Permission granted. If it makes you feel better, I chose to drop Apologia Physical Science today. It was just WAY over dd11's head. I'm going to create my own science program for her to use this year. So, go ahead & drop what needs to be dropped!:)
  6. Well, I decided today that we are going to "table" Apologia Physical Science for a couple of years & pick it back up when dd11 is in 8th grade. She is only in 6th grade this year & it's just way over her head. I am going to put together something for her to use this year. I have some ideas already.:) Both she & I are feeling much less stress and a great deal more excitement.
  7. I say go for pig tails! ;) If you look closely at my avatar, you will see that both my dd and I have pig tails. It's fun! And I am definitely over the age of 25.:)
  8. Thanks, everyone. The responses have given me a lot to ponder. At this point dd11 is interested in pursuing a career in acting or in the culinary arts. Of course she is young, so that is subject to change.;) She is using Apologia Physical Science in co-op, so I am thinking that I'll add some living books to that. While I *love* the idea of living books only, I just feel like a college bound student needs to be exposed to textbooks.
  9. How do you feel about your choice to homeschool? I feel absolutely that it's the right thing for our family. Are you happy you started homeschooling? Yes. Are your children happy to be homeschooled? Usually. What do you feel is your favorite part of the school day? least favorite? My favorite part is the great discussions we have. My least favorite (right now) is my dd11's complaining about Latin and her increasingly challenging assignments now that she's in middle school. What is your favorite part of the school year? least favorite? My favorite is about a month into the new school year, when we've found our groove & everything is still fresh and exciting. My least favorite time is getting back into school after the fall/winter holidays. What is your favorite subject to teach? Your children's favorites? My favorite is history & Bible. My dd11's favorite is history and my ds9's favorites are history, science, and math. How do you feel inside when you tell people you homeschool? Sometimes excited, sometimes apprehensive. It depends on who it is I'm telling. This exact moment in time....what are you feeling when you look back on your day (or yesterday if your day hasn't started yet)? I'm feeling content.
  10. I miss our "old" way of science (this concerns dd11.) Must we use textbooks for middle & high school science? Is there any way to use living books all the way through 12th grade & still meet college requirements?
  11. :lol: Oh, that's great! Sorry I'm having a laugh at your expense, but this is just too funny!:)
  12. :grouphug: I hope tomorrow is much, much better!
  13. I own around 20 pairs. One is my workout tennis shoes, then lots of flip flops & sandals, plus several pairs of heels that I rarely have occasion to wear.
  14. Yes, FUFI could work for a 12yo. It is geared towards fourth through eighth grades. You could choose some of the more challenging activities.
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