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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Any more ideas? Especially free resources?
  2. Clairol Natural Instincts or Nice 'n Easy has given me nice color. I use the auburn shades.
  3. :grouphug: So thankful that all is well, but I know that was scary.
  4. :lol: I have both Jesse's Girl and Stacy's Mom on my iPod. I was feeling mischievous one day & told my dd11 that I should have named her Stacy. She asked me why & then I played that song. She was like, "Mama!" and she just shook her head.:D And what a cute bird!
  5. Our Week Four is up: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/09/homeschooling-week-sept-10-14-2012.html
  6. What books, websites, etc. are available for middle school nature study? I already know about The Handbook of Nature Study & Harmony Art Mom's blog, so I'm looking for other ideas. Thanks!
  7. :iagree: and :lol::lol: Large towels always remedy that for me.;)
  8. That sounds great.:) We love nature study!
  9. Thanks. I was hoping for free, but I guess I can't get something for nothing.;) It's going to cost me either money or time, LOL.
  10. Is there an answer key for the questions at the end of each chapter? My dd11 is using this for science, and I'd really love not to have to read it myself to find the answers.:tongue_smilie:
  11. :grouphug: It could be the stresses of life, or it could be that you're not feeling as confident about your body as you've gotten older--NOT saying you don't look great--I don't even know you IRL;), and also NOT calling you old...I'm 37! It might also be hormonal, so you should probably see the doctor just in case. ETA: I just went back & read your comment about your weight.:grouphug: I lost thirty pounds about two years ago by eating low carb, which I've kept off & I will continue to eat this way...otherwise I'll gain it all back. Before I lost the weight, I was not very much into teA b/c I felt so badly about myself. Losing the weight made a big difference in how I felt. Still, though, even when I was overweight, my hubby loved me & my body & wanted frequent teA. Your hubby, from what you've said, desires to be with you. If it's just your feelings about your weight that's holding you back, I hope you can put those into perspective and know that he wants to be with *you.*:)
  12. I'm not sure. I was summoned for jury duty about three years ago, but I didn't have to serve b/c they had me scheduled for the week we left to go to China to adopt dd4.:) Hopefully someone else will know more.
  13. :grouphug: Hopefully you guys will be back in the groove again soon!
  14. I would go with the older, less expensive option. Sonlight changes things here & there, but IMO their older materials are good, too.
  15. :):) Thanks for the encouragement. It definitely feels like the right thing.
  16. :glare: I'm so jealous!!!:tongue_smilie: We had a brief "cool" spell (for us this time of year, anyway) with low humidity at the beginning of this week when our lows were in the 60's and our highs were in the low-mid 80's. Now the high today is back in the upper 80's. Blah....we won't really get fall weather until October. I am SO ready!
  17. Well...my kids would be laughing & giggling & playing all day. They are just silly like that. My dd11 would be talking about One Direction the whole time, while my ds9 would be talking about video games. My dd4 has special needs, so I'm probably always going to have to do work with her. I am hoping that my children will mature in time, but right now I still have to be present for them to complete work.:tongue_smilie:
  18. Dd4, who is visually impaired & has developmental delays, can open doors now! This is wonderful, but we have to make sure to keep our doors leading outside locked at all times now.:) I know this is not a big deal to some, but for us it's HUGE!
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