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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Not an Apologia fan either. I am looking at Noeo Science as a possibility.
  2. :iagree: Yep, no guarantees of getting rid of hardship in this life.
  3. To me, "hurting your testimony" does not mean that you're not a "true" Christian. It means doing something that could be a stumbling block to a person who is not a Christian or to a newer believer. It could be letting a curse word slip out in front of the aforementioned people, or getting drunk, or condemning other people (being judgmental), etc. I know that I try not to hurt my testimony, but as a human with fleshly struggles, I have messed up a few times.
  4. Sonlight: Uses living books Has experiments Schedule is done for you
  5. So thankful for good news!!! I am praying for continued growth in your precious little one and for your peace as you wait.
  6. Oh, those look delicious! And I didn't even know they made pumpkin spice Hershey Kisses. Yummy!!! I am a HUGE pumpkin spice fan.
  7. I know two people IRL who have had great success with weight loss surgery. Mind you, it is not an *easy* option like some people think it is. Both these ladies had great adjustments to make as they recovered & had a liquid-only diet for some amount of time (sorry, I don't remember how long.) Also, sometimes they will get sick if they overeat or if they eat too many bad fats. I think that if you're committed to it, and if you've looked at the pros and cons & still feel that WLS is the best option, then discuss it with your doctor.
  8. Yay! I'm looking forward to hearing how it works for your family. I am really leaning towards it for next year.
  9. I recommend Sonlight Science. We LOVE it! We've also had experience with Apologia & we didn't care for it as much. Sonlight uses living books, whereas Apologia is more of a textbook. Hope that helps.
  10. :lurk5: I just looked at (drooled over) the Noeo website.
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