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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Date nights and evening chat/alone time together helps hubby and I to stay connected. Also, we try to keep the lines of communication open. We can always tell when we're slacking with these things!
  2. When my oldest got married this past June we danced to his favorite song from when he was little: "Tub Thumping" by Chumbawumba. (sp?) It's a fun song, fast dance, and no tears...well, at that point anyway.:)
  3. I'm looking ahead to high school. Dd11 and I just tried an Apologia science text and it bombed for us. We use Sonlight, and they suggest Apologia for the upper science courses. I am wondering if you all could tell me what you use b/c we won't be using Apologia. Thanks!
  4. Um, yeah.;) Maybe you could let them watch a movie instead of going to bed.
  5. Love that! My ds9 is doing FUFI this year so I think I'll make this cake to celebrate when we finish The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
  6. Put the kids to bed early after feeding them an early supper. Then you and hubby have a romantic, candlelit evening "alone." And happy anniversary!
  7. I would say nine for the first few books, and then eleven-twelve for the later books.
  8. Every day this week. Some days (or weeks) are like that. But then others are really wonderful! Hang in there, you can do this.:grouphug:
  9. What would you do and why? Ds9 is in 4th grade this year and we're using FUFI. We are Sonlighters, but I'm waiting until he's in 6th grade for Core F. So what suggestions do you have for next school year? I'm an early planner and a budget shopper, so I'd like to get a jump on things. Thanks! ETA: He had American History using Sonlight Core D+E last year in third grade.
  10. Great suggestions so far. I don't have one to add, but I just wanted to thank you for reaching out to the special needs community. I often feel out of place at church b/c there is no support like this. It's awesome that you're doing this.
  11. Told me I was sexy when my hair was in curlers covered with a scarf.
  12. :grouphug: Many prayers and much love being sent your way.
  13. My dd11 did that & it turns out she was having seizures. Not wanting to scare you, but I'd take your dd to a neurologist. :grouphug:
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