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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I've thought about this, too. Was it successful for her? Did insurance cover it? Thanks!
  2. I'm considering this. I have hormone related migraines. I'm currently taking two different preventive prescriptions, in addition to natural supplements, to try to prevent my migraines. Also, I have two prescription triptan medications to take when I do get migraines. Lately my headaches have increased in duration and, although they go away when I take my triptan meds, they return later that day. I'm at the end of my rope here. So, anyone had success with surgery? Thanks.
  3. :lurk5: Fall is my favorite season. I thumbed through magazines today and got some ideas. Now to find the time to make those ideas a reality. Hopefully this thread will inspire me! One thing I *know* I'm going to do is make homemade apple sauce in the crockpot.:)
  4. For K, I recommend a gentle approach. We used Five in a Row, Saxon math, and Phonics Pathways. That is all we did for K.:)
  5. :iagree: The cookbook is a must.:) Some of our fondest memories (and best recipes) came from it.
  6. First, I'd try to sell them. If you have some that just won't sell, then post them somewhere for credits.
  7. OK, I am, in the words of my ds9, a "germophobe freak." He literally introduced me as that at a party once, as in, "This is my dad. He's a nurse. And this is my mom. She's a germophobe freak.":glare::lol: So I ALWAYS have hand sanitizer in my purse wherever we go. With that being said, if for some reason I didn't have it with me (gasp), then I'd scrub as hard as I could with water and then wash/scrub my hands with soap and water ASAP.
  8. Here's mine, with a "special" mom treat at the end: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/09/homeschooling-week-sept-17-21-2012.html
  9. I voted 6:30. Hubby gets home from work around 6:15 & we eat a few minutes after that.
  10. I voted 6:30. Hubby gets home from work around 6:15 & we eat a few minutes after that.
  11. We used and loved FIAR when my kids were young. It didn't take up much time. You can do as much or as little as you like each day. There is a chart somewhere online for using FIAR by season. I'll try to find it. For a four year old, I wouldn't add much-only phonics or preschool math at the most.
  12. She probably won't be showing at the wedding. I just wouldn't mention it to your dd now. It's unlikely she'll do the math when the baby is born.
  13. Sounds delicious! My kids would love to make...and eat...those!
  14. I love pumpkin! I wonder if there's a low carb version of pumpkin ice cream....
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