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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. **Since you have military in your family, you're probably aware of a lot of what I'm saying, but here is my post from the other military thread** My ds20 enlisted in the early entry program (Army) when he was 17. We signed the papers for him, and he was fully aware that he would be deployed. We discussed it in detail, and his heart was set on it. Two weeks after he graduated from high school, he headed to Basic and AI (advanced infantry) training. He has already been to Afghan. once...for a one-year deployment. He is infantry, and I am so proud of him, but that's a hard thing for a "mama" heart to handle. Just make sure that your son knows what he's signing up to do.:grouphug: Also, my ds is stationed overseas, so we only see him about once a year, even when he's not deployed. That's something else to think about, too.
  2. :iagree: My ds20 enlisted in the early entry program (Army) when he was 17. We signed the papers for him, and he was fully aware that he would be deployed. We discussed it in detail, and his heart was set on it. Two weeks after he graduated from high school, he headed to Basic and AI (advanced infantry) training. He has already been to Afghan. once...for a one-year deployment. He is infantry, and I am so proud of him, but that's a hard thing for a "mama" heart to handle. Just make sure that your son knows what he's signing up to do.:grouphug: Also, my ds is stationed overseas, so we only see him about once a year, even when he's not deployed. That's something else to think about, too.
  3. :grouphug: I am continuing to pray for you. You are in my thoughts. I hope that you are feeling better today.
  4. You've gotten some great advice. We had some negative reactions when we told certain family members that we were adopting...from China...a special needs child. But we didn't want or need their approval, and we kindly told them so. Then we just let their comments roll off our backs and figured that they'd come around, and, if not, their loss. :)Congratulations to you on your little blessing!
  5. I can attest to the fact that Hawaii is the worst state. My ds20 is stationed there & the cost of living is outrageous. His wife posted a pic on FB of a bag of Doritos & it cost almost $6.:001_huh:
  6. I think the dress and the shoes look great on you. I think the length is fine.
  7. :grouphug: I am sorry. I wish I had great advice about how to cut ties with her without it affecting your marriage, but I don't. You are in a very difficult position. I hope someone can give you some helpful insight.
  8. Thanks, all. I haven't been sleeping well lately, so I took something to help me sleep a few nights ago. Next day, no migraine. So last night I took something to help me sleep again, and (so far) no migraine today. Also, since I eat low carb, I don't eat much fruit, but today I ate some strawberries and plan to add more fruit in at least a couple of times a week. Hopefully these things will help. I really DON'T want to have surgery, especially if there's no guarantee that it will help. Also, I'm making notes about everything you all mentioned in this thread. How I pray that one day my migraines will disappear as suddenly as they started for me at the age of 19!
  9. They should be made in America. I mean, they're "American" Girl dolls.
  10. Yeah, I've thought about that. No easy answers here. Seems like there's always a negative side effect to every solution.:(
  11. I'd have those removed, too. We are finished having children, so I'm willing to have everything removed.
  12. :grouphug: I'm sorry. She sounds like an awful person.
  13. I've been eating low carb for 2 1/2 years, but it hasn't helped with my headaches-but I eat this way for other health reasons. I've kept a food journal before, though, and have never been able to trace my headaches to food triggers. They aren't connected to chocolate, aged cheese, nuts, or other "typical" food triggers.
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