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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/10/homeschooling-week-of-oct-8-12-2012.html
  2. :grouphug: I am so sorry. Praying for you.
  3. :iagree: My hubby is a nurse. Go to urgent care or the ER.
  4. We homeschool. My ds9 is using a unit study based on The Chronicles of Narnia this year. We read a chapter each day and then discuss it.
  5. Mine came today, too. We haven't looked through it yet. Good stuff, huh?
  6. I am SO not a cat person, but even I couldn't resist that face.:)
  7. I'd like coffee with heavy cream and sugar free coffee syrup. I'll have low carb munchies if you have them. My favorite part of fall is the cooler weather and the changing colors of the leaves, although living in south Alabama the colors are not as vibrant as they are in other places. When my little one wakes up from her nap, then we have to go to the bank & the drug store, but I SO wish I didn't have to leave the house today.
  8. :grouphug: I would be completely livid if I were you.
  9. Oh, yes. This is dd11's second year with Latin, so she should have scored much higher. I think she failed on purpose b/c she thought I'd just let her drop Latin. Ughh!
  10. that does NOT mean that you just get to quit Latin b/c it's "too hard." It means that you get to study for another week and then retake that test and then continue your Latin. That is all.:banghead:
  11. Ds9 is cooking dinner tonight as part of his Narnia unit study: fried fish boiled potatoes freshly baked bread marmalade roll
  12. I looked into it. I bought Volume 1, but then we decided to go with Sonlight. I liked it, though.
  13. My kindy recommendations are: Five in a Row Saxon Math K Phonics Pathways
  14. I voted for the second choice.:) I live in Alabama, and I think it's a cool state. I know there are stereotypes about the south, but they don't fit me...well, the good ones do.;) Seriously, I would live anywhere I felt like living and wouldn't worry about the state's presumed coolness factor. I'd find a way to make it cool.:D
  15. Our past two weeks are up here: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/10/homeschool-happenings-end-sept-begin.html
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