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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I'm going to watch it first, but since my dd11 (almost 12) is currently studying China in SL Core F, and b/c this movie came highly recommended by one of our guides during our trip to China to adopt dd4, I'd like for my dd11 to watch it, too. Just wanting a heads up on what earned this movie an R rating. Thanks!
  2. Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/10/homeschool-and-life-oct-22-28-2012.html
  3. I think he's Dr. Frankenstein. I'm looking forward to Sunday night. I love this show!
  4. Adventures in Babysitting...but it has language, too. I remember one line: "Don't f--- with the babysitter."
  5. Seriously, do any of them enjoy school? And, if they do, please tell me about the curriculum. Thanks!
  6. I love that movie. Also, Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink. :)
  7. I see it most of the time I go somewhere. Maybe it's just me...:tongue_smilie:
  8. I voted "other" b/c it changes from week to week. Typically I do the weekly "full" grocery shopping, but who goes with me varies. Sometimes I go alone, sometimes my dd11 goes or my ds9 goes, and then sometimes they both go with me. I don't usually take dd4 b/c she doesn't do well if we have to spend a long time in stores. Hubby stays home with her while I shop. ETA: Sometimes hubby stops by the store on his way home from work to pick up a few items for me.
  9. Whew, we've had a rough week, but I managed to find some bright spots. Here's our review: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/10/homeschooling-life-oct-15-19-2012.html
  10. :grouphug: I know it's hard to see right now, but one day your kids will look back and not only will their faces light up, but their hearts will be warmed by precious memories of the time you spent with them. Believe me, I know. That's what I remember about my parents...time and love. I know it still hurts now, though. Hugs sent your way!
  11. I use two small ones daily. One has the date, day of the week, and co-op assignments. The other has vocabulary words.
  12. Congratulations! Keep up the great work. Low carb is how I live now. It really is worth it.:)
  13. Title says it all. Does anyone know of a forum or website? I've looked for a local group, but none exist. If I had more energy right now, I'd start a local group myself. Perhaps I will in time. Thanks.
  14. Atkins, but it's not a diet for me. It's a lifestyle.
  15. I was also angry that Lancelot was killed. I really wanted to know more of his story. Hopefully we'll at least get to see it in flashbacks if nothing else.
  16. Thanks for the suggestions. Now to decide which one to pick first....;)
  17. I enjoyed the Twilight series a while back, and I just finished The Hunger Games series yesterday. So now I'm looking for another series. Any suggestions?
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