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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I will! We have a really busy day around here. Our to-do list includes: 1. School 2. Carving pumpkins for our co-op harvest festival's contest 3. Baking cupcakes for co-op festival's baking contest 4. Fixing chicken salad for the feast at the festival 5. Baking low carb cookies for me--I want dessert at the festival;) 6. Coloring my hair 7. House cleaning 8. Finally relaxing tonight!
  2. We moved to hubby's small hometown eight years ago. I still feel like an outsider, but I don't even care anymore.;) I have several close friends who live here, but they're fellow outsiders--as in also NOT from this town.
  3. Thanks for the encouragement! I'm feeling great.:D
  4. Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco...makes me cry every time I read it, but it's a can't-miss.
  5. :grouphug: I live in my hubby's hometown...little city with lots of little minds!:tongue_smilie:
  6. If he wants snow and mountains, maybe north Alabama or Tennessee? Or Kentucky?
  7. I'm done taking cr#p from other people. DONE! There. I feel better getting that off my chest.
  8. I'm located in south Alabama. The COL is relatively low here.
  9. We vote in a community building. It used to be a senior citizens' recreational facility.
  10. I agree with the PP who mentioned the Trip Around the World books. We used those when we did FIAR. Also, you might look at Galloping the Globe. We used it as well.
  11. True! Good days and bad will always exist. I'm just so thankful for the good ones! They help me make it through the rest.:)
  12. We had a great week. Yay!!! Here it is: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/11/well-thankfully-we-had-great-week-i-am.html
  13. Homeschool Enrichment--I've written two articles for this magazine. My second article is in the current (Nov./Dec.) issue. Better Homes and Gardens Family Fun Family Circle All You Woman's Day Ladies Home Journal Good Housekeeping DIY
  14. I'm a Mississippi State fan, so my last two weeks have been :glare::cursing::banghead: But my hubby is a HUGE Bama fan and is having a major meltdown in the living room right now. I've escaped to the computer room.;)
  15. :lol::lol::lol: Wow! I have walked away from this thread with some great ideas.:001_smile:
  16. Oh, that is so cool! Post some pics if you can.
  17. We had a good week this past week! Finally! I think.hope.pray that my middle schooler is, at long last, accepting the fact that middle school requires more time, work, and effort than elementary school and that she'd better just learn to deal with it cheerfully. At least that's what I'm telling myself!;)
  18. Yikes! I bought the DVD a while back, but I haven't watched it myself yet. This thread definitely reinforces my notion that I'd better watch it before I show it to dd(almost)12.
  19. :grouphug: I am glad that she contacted you.
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