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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Thanks for the input, ladies. I am really hoping OM will suit her better. She looked over the catalog and samples with me last night & said she likes the looks of it. Any more thoughts about putting her in OM 6? That is what I'm leaning towards doing. She will continue with Saxon math, though. We aren't going to change that. Everything else will be OM.
  2. I learned (the hard way! :D) that talking over my kids makes me nothing more than their puppet. I walked this path with my oldest and I will tell you what worked. As few words as possible, cheerfully and calmly expressed. I was zen like every Buddhist monk I have ever seen in the movies. :tongue_smilie: I had iced tea, lots of it. And I was right there next to him, engaged with reading, writing, grocery ad/list compiling, tongue-biting... "What, sweetie? You are still on your first page of math? That's OK. I have all the time in the world." Unaffected. I was the very picture of unaffected. ^^^^^ Thanks, Kristina! This worked for me yesterday, except I had coffee, and lots of it!
  3. My dd12 is currently using SL Core F. She used Core D+E last year. She is NOT one who enjoys reading, which I posted about in an earlier thread. I am pretty sure we are making the switch to OM next year. Others have mentioned that we should start with OM 6 b/c it's the first year of a two year history. My question is: if she uses OM 6 in 7th grade, then how will I get in all the years of OM if she is one year behind? Thanks!
  4. If I chose to go with Oak Meadow 6 for next year, dd will be in seventh grade. How would I work that out, with non-matching grade levels? How would I get in all the years she needs for high school if we're a year behind? Thanks. I am thinking that we probably will go with OM, so I want to get this figured out. Thanks!
  5. Here to commiserate! Yesterday was like this with me and dd12. I am going to do the "Zen" thing today. Thanks, Kristina!
  6. My best friend's children use SL and they LOVE it. If your son enjoys reading, then he will probably enjoy Core F. I myself am an avid reader, and I adore SL. It's just that my dd12 is not one that enjoys reading a lot. :bored:
  7. I have a tween. She is totally into Batman and One Direction. My kids like to listen to music, play games, laugh, and talk...a lot! My kiddos will snack on almost anything, from cookies to chips and dip to raw veggies dipped in Ranch dressing. My favorite sea creatures are sharks. They fascinate me!
  8. Same problems with my dd12 here. I am still trying to decide if a curriculum switch would be beneficial for her, or if she would just continue to argue about that, too. I hope someone can give you an answer. Meanwhile, you have my sympathy and my empathy. :bored:
  9. Thanks to both responses. I am still in the process of deciding. I think my biggest question is in whether or not her attitude would change with a different curriculum choice. If a child truly does not like to read, I just wonder how feasible it is to continue with Sonlight.
  10. I am feeling relieved that Christmas is over, and that makes me sad.
  11. I totally understand what the OP is feeling. I am watching this topic closely. Something is missing in my faith lately.
  12. My dd12 is currently using SL Core F, and she used Core D+E last year. All the reading is an absolute battle! She is smart and fully capable of doing the reading, but she hates it. Also, she doesn't seem to be retaining much. I had all intentions of sticking with SL for the duration, but now I'm not so sure. BTW, she is a difficult child in general. Chores are also a battle with her. So, should I just forge ahead with SL? Or should we give Oak Meadow a shot? I am considering OM b/c it appears to actually fit her learning style better. Thanks!
  13. I also agree that BFIAR would be better in this situation.
  14. Here's mine: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/01/homeschooling-and-christmas-dec-2012.html It's for the second half of December.
  15. Hugs to you. It sounds like RAD. You've been given some very good advice. Adoption is a blessing, which has also graced my family; but we've had many unforeseen difficulties with our little one as well. I hope things will be resolved and healed for your precious child and your family soon.
  16. I have a fear of heights, but flying doesn't bother me. Hopefully it will be the same for you.
  17. I like this cut: http://www.hdwallpic.com/ashley-greene-twilight-wallpaper-hd-345.html
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