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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Atkins is something that might be helpful.
  2. The Before Five in a Row booklists, and then the Five in a Row booklists. Also, we love A Child's Garden of Verses and A.A. Milne's poetry books: When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six.
  3. This site, homeschool classifieds, vegsource, and yahoo groups for the curriculum I'm wanting to purchase-for example I just bought Oak Meadow 6 from someone on the OM Yahoo group.
  4. Atkins. I've been living that lifestyle for almost three years. I feel great! And Zumba is an awesome workout. I love it, too.
  5. I personally have oily skin, and my dd12 has oily skin & is prone to acne breakouts. This regimen works well for both of us: Wash face both in the morning and at bedtime with Noxzema. When in the shower, use Clean & Clear's Acne Control Cleanser three times a week, and then use St. Ives Apricot Scrub for acne prone skin three times a week. We do have prescription cream (Adapalene) that we put on breakouts when they occur.
  6. Sonlight Science would probably be a good fit. Here's the link: http://www.sonlight.com/science.html
  7. Ours is up: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/01/homeschooling-jan-21-26-2013.html
  8. Having so much fun trying out new eye makeup looks this year! So glad my one & only New Year's Resolution is to have more fun.

    1. Elinor Everywhere

      Elinor Everywhere

      That's an excellent resolution!


    2. freeindeed


      Yep, and I am loving it! It was so hard for me to see until now that *me* time is not only unselfish, but also necessary and highly beneficial to both myself and my family.

  9. We like them. Here are a couple of studies to go along with them: http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/blog/2011/06/worlds-greatest-artists-unit-study.html http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/blog/2012/01/worlds-greatest-composers-vol-1.html
  10. Hugs to you and I am so sorry. I had two miscarriages between my first and second child. I had a D&C after my first miscarriage. I went on to give birth to two healthy babies-dd12 and ds9. I just want to encourage you that my D&C did not harm my future chances of conception. Again, I am so sorry for what you're facing right now.
  11. This is a fun approach for younger children: http://www.amazon.com/Science-Play-Discoveries-2-To-6-Year-Olds-Williamson/dp/1885593201 Keep it light and fun, with lots of hands-on activities, real life science experiences, and living books.
  12. Five in a Row, with extras from Homescool Share, would be great for these ages. Here are links to each: http://fiveinarow.com/ http://www.homeschoolshare.com/five_in_a_row_resources.php
  13. Thank you for sharing! I'm going to be using Cantering the Country with ds9 next year & this is a great project to go with our studies.
  14. Here's ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/01/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-jan-14.html
  15. I let my dc start drinking sodas when they turned four, but even now it's allowed for special occasions only.
  16. I'm going to use Cantering the Country with my ds9 next year.
  17. Here's a list of blogs: http://countingcoconuts.blogspot.com/2010/04/must-read-montessori-blogs.html?m=1 I have the book Teaching Montessori in the Home: The Preschool Years by Elizabeth Hainstock, which is very helpful. You can also go to my blog and search for posts labeled Montessori. I have some ideas there.
  18. For my preschooler, who has special needs, we use a mix of Waldorf and Montessori. I have Oak Meadow's preschool package and we use it. I have purchased or made several Montessori materials. I have books about teaching Montessori in the home, as well as bookmarked websites.
  19. Just got my hair chopped! I really like it. Hopefully hubby will, too!

    1. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Must be in the water--I got mine cut today, too!

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