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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Sometimes I wear jeans, but my favorite pants to wear around the house are yoga pants. I go for comfort.
  2. I feel that Ambleside Online and Simply Charlotte Mason come the closest to what a CM education would be like. I feel that Living Books Curriculum and Heart of Dakota are nice CM approaches. I prefer a heavier/meatier book selection, with fewer books, but with increasing difficulty as each year progresses. Daily readings should be short. I prefer living books for science. I would LOVE for living books to be enough to meet high school credits! I would prefer to have only one history thread per year. I would like for history and literature to match every year, but especially in the upper years.
  3. That's tough. I guess you have to decide if following your passion is worth the financial sacrifice, or if the higher salary is worth sacrificing your passion. Which way would you feel more content? What does your husband think?
  4. I'm inclined to choose passion. In the long term it will be more fulfilling.
  5. The Rock commercial. Well, the commercial was actually for milk I think, but all I really noticed was Dwayne Johnson. :)
  6. Iron Man...the arrogant bad boy gets me every time. ;)
  7. For kindergarten we used Five in a Row, and I added Phonics Pathways and Saxon Math K.
  8. I'm cheering for The Ravens since they're the underdogs. My hubby has to work tonight, so I'm kinda bummed. I am trying to get excited for the game, though, in hopes it will cheer me up a little.
  9. Well, I admit I am a "germaphobe freak," as my ds9 puts it, but I wouldn't go. Plus, with my little having special needs, you can multiply a "regular" sick kid times ten for her. I avoid illness as much as possible. So, nope, I wouldn't go or let anyone in my family go.
  10. :grouphug: I am so sorry. My little one has special needs, so I can somewhat understand.
  11. Mine is listed as stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. Not too creative, and nowhere near describes all I do. :laugh:
  12. You are more than likely building muscle. If your clothes fit better, then you are losing inches. Don't be a slave to the scale. It sounds like you're doing great! :)
  13. I would wait until she's 7. There is also a Year 0 on the AO website.
  14. Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/02/homeschooling-life-jan-28-feb-1-2013.html I am so excited b/c this week my dd4's vision therapist loaned us a special piece of equipment, so I took pics & blogged about it!
  15. I have lived a LCHF lifestyle for almost three years. I follow the Atkins plan. I also exercise at least four days a week on average. I would like to cut down on my Atkins bars and shakes consumption, but I am not quite motivated enough to do that yet!
  16. We have dinner together at the table at least four nights a week. Hubby works a second job on Friday nights, and lots of times my middle two children are at a friend's house on one weekend night (or they have friends here.)
  17. I'm going to color dd12's hair today...per her constant begging. She's going red-her choice. I am nervous!

    1. freeindeed


      My hair is reddish, and I color it regularly, but I am freaking out over my daughter's hair! What if she hates it?

    2. JudoMom


      How did it go?

  18. My kids watch most of the Disney sitcoms, but I watch with them & we discuss the stereotypes and the buffoonish adults. They know that it's not real life. Personally, most of the shows really grate on *my* nerves. The acting is terrible! I am looking forward to when my kids outgrow Disney.
  19. We are mostly happy. The biggest problem we have is when a curriculum I've chosen doesn't "fit" my child.
  20. I voted "other." I converse with dh's male friends, but I would not say that I "nurture" those friendships. I would not share my intimate life details with any man other than my husband.
  21. I really feel like my house is spotless after looking at those pictures. That house is really disgusting, but I am not sure that CPS should have removed the children.
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