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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Actually got mine done early. Here it is: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/02/well-we-had-another-good-week.html
  2. I buy most of my stuff from Amazon. I use liquid Splenda (brand name I like is EZ-Sweetz.) I like to have the following on hand also: Hershey's Cocoa, almond flour, coconut flour, golden milled flax seed, vanilla whey protein powder, and coconut oil.
  3. It's a cutesy version of kid. I use it all the time, especially on my blog & FB. My youngest child has special needs, and I've never heard "kiddo" used to describe a disabled child.
  4. I knew you were trouble when you walked in....

    1. sassenach


      Ack! I just got that song out of my head.

    2. unsinkable


      so shame on me now

  5. OP, that's a great idea. We school year round, but we just take breaks here and there. I really like the idea of a 5-6 weeks on & one week off rotation. That would be a nice break b/w schooling times, plus it would give me a built-in week for doctor's appointments, deep cleaning, etc. One thing I've done that I consider to be wonderful for homeschooling is becoming a member at Paperback Swap. I've gotten so many books that way!
  6. I live in Alabama, too, but I wish we'd get snow. Of course just enough to be pretty, not dangerous. I hope everyone will stay safe and warm!
  7. My dd12 was this kind of baby. She is by far my most challenging child, so get ready! :)
  8. I just received OM 6 for my dd12 today. :) We are making the switch from Sonlight. I will probably start OM 6 with her next week & blog about it, so you can check out my blog at the end of next week. I can say, though, that just glancing through the materials this afternoon, it looks very nice. ETA: I also have Oak Meadow's Preschool Package. I use it with my dd4. It is sweet and gentle and I really like it.
  9. Magnesium B Vitamins Taking walks outside - even just short ones, fresh air works wonders A couple of small pieces of dark chocolate each day An occasional glass of wine in the evenings Prayer Talking things out with a close friend Reading fluff Watching a favorite movie Listening to favorite music
  10. In this age of texting, I'm afraid that spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are taking a nose dive anyway. His message is clear, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. :)
  11. She is very active during the day. She is actually never really still when she's awake. I could try actually playing chase with her, though. A more concentrated exercise effort might help. I'll give it a shot this afternoon. Any fun exercise ideas?
  12. Thank you, Karyn. My dd4 is visually impaired, has developmental delays and mental insufficiency, and is also suspected to be somewhere on the autism spectrum. Her orphanage situation was bad, but she actually hasn't had attachment issues. I am sure she would have if her mental ability wasn't so low, but her cognition is not enough to process what her "old" life was like. I hope that makes sense. She slept in a baby bed in our room for the first six months we had her, and then we moved the baby bed into the room beside ours. Now she's in a toddler bed, which she gets out of at night. We actually don't go to her when she wakes up. Usually she just starts playing...and singing...loudly. That keeps us up! I know we could do earplugs, but I wouldn't want to NOT hear her if she did happen to get hurt. I hope no one will flame you. Anyone who hasn't been in our shoes cannot even begin to understand. I appreciate your words of wisdom. And you are so right about finding a way to take care of ourselves. I slept until 9:00 today b/c dd4 did. I actually got to sleep for nine hours last night! Pure heaven.
  13. Twilight...yes...I am admitting it. As a teen I loved Some Kind of Wonderful. I'd forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding me! Speaking of teen faves, I love the end of Sixteen Candles when Molly Ringwald has the candlelight birthday cake with her dream guy. Now I want to watch that movie again!
  14. Both my girls see a neurologist: the older for seizures and the younger for anxiety & developmental delays. I see you've already had the appointment. How dod it go?
  15. She sees a neurologist for her anxiety and her developmental delay issues. She was tested for seizures, and she does not have them. I am starting a gluten free diet with her on Monday in the hopes that it will decrease her meltdowns and help her sleep better. And I would love for someone to volunteer to be a night sitter! I have great IRL friends, but none have offered to do that.
  16. Nothing, I mean NOTHING we have tried to help dd4 sleep has worked. We've tried early naps, no naps, melatonin, and a mild sedative prescribed by her neurologist. Any ideas?
  17. For my dd4 I am using Oak Meadow's Preschool Package. For kindergarten, we like Five in a Row. Then I add in Saxon Math K and Phonics Pathways. If your 4yo is fairly advanced, this might be something you'd like to use.
  18. We use and really like PLL and ILL. We are Charlotte Mason style homeschoolers, so they fit us well. My only complaint is that sometimes the lessons are irrelevant to today's culture. One example is a lesson that asks all about farming tools. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  19. Congratulations! I am glad he is taking it well. Our third was a "surprise," and he has been my "easiest" child. Babies truly are blessings!
  20. Exercise. Hot bubble bath by candlelight. Read a fluff magazine. Watch a favorite movie.
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