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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. You are NOT the worst mom. You recognized the problem and then took steps to solve it. Don't be too hard on yourself.
  2. I agree, Karyn. I will definitely read my Bible daily as well. One thing I'm hoping the devotional will do is point me to some encouraging Scripture passages.
  3. I use Oak Meadow's Preschool package with my dd4, and we love it. I am currently using Oak Meadow 6 with my dd12, but we don't use their math-we use Saxon. I still find OM to be worth it, but I did buy it used.
  4. I am sorry you are sick, but glad to hear that your kids are doing an amazing job of working! That's got to help you feel a little better...maybe?
  5. Well...I did read the Twilight series as an adult, and I loved the Sweet Valley High series when I was in middle school...but my favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird. So, twaddle doesn't hurt me. I am still able to read & enjoy classics, too. As long as your dc get a steady diet of "good" stuff, I wouldn't worry about a little fluff every now & then. :)
  6. Adjusting...I'm still learning. It is a roller coaster of emotions. I did find this book and I ordered it today: http://www.amazon.com/Special-Devotional-Mothers-Children-Challenges/dp/0785268057 ETA: My dd4 is visually impaired, has developmental delays and mental insufficiency, and is suspected to be on the autism spectrum.
  7. I am just really down right now. It is so hard to parent my dd4 sometimes. I just need some encouragement. Is there a daily devotional book for special needs moms? I think it would help me to have something concrete to latch on to each day. Thanks.
  8. Ugh...awful day around here, too. It's 5:30, and we're still schooling....dinner, what dinner? We'll be doing math until midnight.
  9. Better late than never, plus our new puppy's pics are included: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/02/homeschooling-and-life-feb-11-17-2013.html
  10. Hello and welcome. You've gotten some good advice. I just want to add that you also need to decide what type of learners your children are. Would they prefer a textbook approach, a unit study, or a literature-based style of learning? Do you want to teach each child separately for each subject, or are you thinking of teaching some things to the entire group? This will help us get a better idea of what might work for your family. Once again, welcome!
  11. Looks like someone decided to give us and our neighbors new puppies.

    1. Reflections


      As in they just dropped them off into your neighborhood???

    2. freeindeed


      Yep. Hubby and the kids convinced me to keep the puppy. The kids have taken on full responsibility for it. That's the only way I would agree to it. But she is a cutie! She appears to be a full-blooded black lab.

    3. Reflections


      Wow! What awful people. BUT good for you! Very nice!

  12. Mock potato soup Toppings: shredded cheese, bacon bits, green onions
  13. I checked two: dancing and weightlifting. These are my standard workout choices, and I love them both!
  14. Wow, timely topic! My dd12 just got a snack when I read this, and it's bedtime here, too.
  15. I think it was actually Regina. She seems to be heading back to the dark side.
  16. Bring her home. :) Join a homeschool group and let her interact with the other children there.
  17. I am using Oak Meadow Preschool with my dd4. Because of her special needs, we will continue it for a long time. When she's ready, we'll use Oak Meadow Kindergarten. It is gentle and perfect for my little one.
  18. Funny this movie is a topic today. I own it & I let dd12 and ds9 watch it with me Friday night. It was their first time to see it. I think Kate Winslet is a perfect Rose. I think she is gorgeous...that flaming red hair and real curves! My children didn't think she was pretty, though. And I cried buckets again, even though it was probably at least the tenth time I've watched it. My ds9 cried when the mother was reading to her children in bed, knowing that they were all about to die. He didn't cry about Jack, though. My dd12, who very rarely cries at movies, said it was sad; but she did not cry one tear. I will admit that I LOVE this movie, even though it depresses me.
  19. My ds9 will be using this next year: http://www.home-school-curriculum.com/product/cantering-the-country
  20. I am pumped! I just bought the original Footloose. I love that movie. Gonna watch it with dd12 in a few minutes. :)

    1. elegantlion


      The 80s thank you for your support.

  21. Do you all order Galore Park from their website? Thanks.
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