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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. We ended up just letting her play with eggs in our own front yard. She actually enjoyed it a lot. We are still adjusting to what I call the new normal. Today is better.
  2. :grouphug: It will be okay. :grouphug:
  3. I think it sounds like a great idea. I'd love to see the finished products.
  4. I say 8:00 bedtime for a 6:30 wakeup. My middle children have a 9:00 bedtime for a 7:30 wakeup.
  5. Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/03/homeschooling-and-life-march-18-22-2013.html
  6. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I would do interest - led for everything. Play, play, play! Read books and cuddle. Spend lots of time outside. Just have fun together.
  7. We were headed out to dd5's special needs Easter egg hunt today, but on the way she had a major meltdown. She does not travel well.at.all. The hunt was a 45 min. drive from our home, so we just turned around after 10 min. and came back home. The thing is *she* doesn't even know what she missed b/c she is not at the cognitive level to even understand Easter or hunting eggs. It just makes me really sad sometimes. It is painful to me that we can't do these things that so many other families take for granted. It is hard on my older children and my hubby, too. Prayers appreciated.
  8. Oh how sad. I am so sorry.
  9. I eat low carb, so I usually have an Atkins bar or a bag of nuts with me.
  10. Great ideas! I'm using Cantering the Country and Galloping the Globe with ds9 next school year. I'm going to "borrow" some of your ideas. Thanks!
  11. Great thread! "Now you have to go with me to the drugstore since it's dark outside and I'm scared." I said this to ds9 after he, dd12, and hubby spent our entire dinner discussing the impending zombie apocalypse and how to survive it. LOL
  12. ((Hugs)) I know it sucks. My oldest child is in the Army and has not been home the past three Christmases or for any other major holidays.
  13. I love Nutiva. Yummy stuff! It makes the best low carb pancakes when combined with coconut flour. Love me some coconut!
  14. Congratulations! Brings back memories of our little one's Gotcha Day. :) Such a precious little girl! It warms my heart that she has a family now. I am going to PM you.
  15. My oldest went to public school and had a few friends. My middle two have only home schooled and they have a few friends. My oldest met his closest friends through school (including his wife) and my middle two met their closest friends through church, co-op, and our neighborhood.
  16. Also, look on Pinterest. I've pinned tons of Waldorf ideas to my homeschooling board. Here it is: http://pinterest.com/happyhomescool/homeschooling/
  17. My blog is in my siggy. I'm going to check yours out now. :)
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