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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. You got it right. Sean Penn as Jeff Spiccoli. :thumbup1:
  2. Baby Girl is on a gluten free diet due to her needs. My older children have no issues, so they are allowed to have candy, "regular" cookies, and Kool-Aid drinks in moderation. The weekly treats are for my older children. Baby Girl has her own gluten free treats. I personally do not eat processed foods, sugars, or white flour at all, and my hubby and older children only do so in moderation. We typically eat lean meats, vegetables, fruits.
  3. Me, too. I tried five years ago & only made it two days. I drink 3-4 cups of coffee everyday and have no intentions of trying to go without it again. But I know some who have been successful. Best of luck to you!
  4. If you can afford it, get the whole package. You might be able to piece the craft items together yourself, though.
  5. Yeah, me, too. My kids will NEVER get to watch that one! :ohmy: :svengo:
  6. No nudity. There is language. We own it & just watched it last Friday night.
  7. My little one has to have a regular rhythm, not a rigid schedule, but a definite rhythm.
  8. Atkins revolutionized my body and my life. I was a bad carb addict, but no more. Lost 35 pounds and have kept it off for almost three years. But it is a lifestyle, not a diet. Also, regular exercise is key.
  9. I am going to order So You Really Want to Learn Spanish Book 1 for my upcoming 7th grader. What do I need to purchase? I know I need the student and teacher book, but what about the CD and assessment pack? I can speak some Spanish. I know how to pronounce words. I took two years of Spanish in high school and traveled to Mexico a couple of times. Thanks!
  10. I'm glad that things will be okay. I will keep you and your family in my prayers!
  11. So many children need loving homes. If the Duggars can provide that, then I'm all for it. Some of our family members didn't think we should adopt a child since we already had three & that's "enough." :glare: :001_rolleyes: And, truth be told, my little one, because of her significant special needs, would have been left to die in her orphanage. So, if the Duggars feel called to adopt, then that's wonderful. ETA: Amy, I am sorry. I know how painful the waiting is. :grouphug:
  12. I haven't used these, but here are some links: http://www.preschool-plan-it.com/nursery-rhyme-activities.html http://www.thevirtualvine.com/nurseryrhymes.html http://www.first-school.ws/theme/nurseryrhymes.htm http://www.childcarelounge.com/general-themes/nursery-rhyme.php http://themes.atozteacherstuff.com/960/mother-goose-nursery-rhymes-activities-printables-lessons-and-teaching-ideas/
  13. I can tell you that Waldorf inspired has been therapeutic and healing for my dd5. She has significant special needs (visually impaired, developmental delay, mental insufficiency, suspected ASD) as well as other issues stemming from the fact that she spent the majority of the first two years of her life being ignored in an orphanage. The daily/weekly/monthly rhythm is a lifesaver for her and for me, as well as for the rest of my family. The delayed focus on academics also suits her perfectly. She LOVES Circle Time and can sing/recite her verses beautifully. The toys made from natural materials are soothing to her. She has truly begun to blossom with the Waldorf method. This is a list of the books/curriculum I use with her: http://www.oakmeadow.com/curriculum/preschool.php http://www.lulu.com/us/en/shop/betty-jones/a-childs-seasonal-treasury/paperback/product-20347265.html http://www.novanatural.com/winter-poems-songs-stories.html http://www.novanatural.com/autumn-poems-songs-stories.html http://www.novanatural.com/spring-poems-songs-stories.html http://www.novanatural.com/summer-poems-songs-stories.html Here are links to some of my blog posts that will give you an idea of what our schooling is like, and how Waldorf-inspired looks in our everyday life: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/03/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-mar-4-8.html http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/03/homeschooling-week-of-march-11-15-2013.html http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/03/homeschooling-and-life-march-18-22-2013.html http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/03/happy-birthday-baby-girl.html I hope this helps.
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