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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I purchased my watercolor paints and brushes through Oak Meadow as part of their preschool package. You could also check Rainbow Resource.
  2. We painted wet on wet today. It went well! I followed instructions found here: http://simplehomeschool.net/painting-wet-on-wet-waldorf-watercolors-for-children/ All my children enjoyed it, even my non-artsy ds9 and my special needs dd5! That is huge. I had to do hand-over-hand with dd5, but she moved the brush on her own at times. Dd12 and ds9 asked for red in addition to yellow, so I went ahead and let them use two colors. I took lots of pics. Should I upload them on my blog and then post a link in this thread? Or how should I do it? Thanks!
  3. Oak Meadow is Waldorf inspired. You could read their Heart of Learning book. It gives some good Waldorf insight without a heavy emphasis on anthroposophy.
  4. Maybe just use Wynstone's Kingergarten Series and A Child's Seasonal Treausury? Lots of verses, crafts, baking, and circle time. That's what I'm doing with dd5 over the next couple of years- in conjunction with Oak Meadow Preschool.
  5. Yes, we have brushes of all kinds. My dd5 is reluctant to try anything new. She wouldn't even dye eggs yesterday. She has beeswax crayons, but we haven't tried beeswax modeling. I would like to, though. How expensive are the materials? I also haven't tried single color painting, but since you mentioned it, I plan to try it today. :) Also, there are samples of my children's work on my blog. My dd12 is quite the budding artist, so a lot of the drawings and paintings are hers. Thank you.
  6. I read it. It should be fine for a 14yo.
  7. I don't normally ask for this stuff, but I really want my special little one to win this photo contest. Please click on this link for my baby girl's picture and "like" it. Thank you. Here's the link: https://www.facebook...&type=1
  8. Good for you! And irrational...well, let's just say if *I* gave up my coffee, "irrational" would be an understatement of how to describe me. ;) I am sure you will lose some weight and also feel so much better!
  9. Hear: thunder and my hubby playing the guitar Foods: eggs, roast, peas, corn on the cob, squash casserole We celebrated by attending church.
  10. Death is defeated and the grave is conquered! Amen!
  11. :grouphug: Praying for you and for this family.
  12. Here's ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/03/homeschooling-life-and-happy-easter-mar.html
  13. Cream cheese Sour cream String cheese Natural peanut butter Almonds Coconut flour Almond flour Flax meal Unsweetened cocoa powder Liquid Splenda Butter Ricotta cheese
  14. I am very interested in the art aspect of Waldorf. My dd12 loves to paint already, so she'll be thrilled. I am still trying to help dd5 become interested in coloring and painting-her significant needs make everything challenging. Ds9 is not necessarily an art lover, but given the tools and instruction, I believe he would really enjoy it. I would love to learn how to incorporate art in all the subjects. So far I'm finding that to be most difficult in the area of mathematics. I have watercolors and nice oil paints, as well as beeswax crayons. I also have a couple of watercolor sketch pads. I purchased these things through Oak Meadow. It is full-on spring here now, but we will move quickly into summer (south Alabama.) I am definitely willing to share my questions and problems, as well as my children's work. I share things on my blog, so it's no problem. :) I don't know much about setting up websites, except for blogs. Thanks!
  15. Spinoff works for me. I will post my info and my children's info there. Thanks!
  16. The painting is still something I'm trying to master. Right now I "cheat" and use colored pencils.
  17. I am low carb and hubby is low glycemic index. Dd5 is gluten free. All of us avoid prepackaged and processed foods except my older children, who eat those type things in moderation. We order special flours (almond, coconut) from Amazon, and they typically last for three months. My husband is an avid hunter, so we eat a lot of deer meat. We have friends and family who garden, and we do a bit of that as well. I make a lot of foods from scratch. We are able to spend about $500 on groceries (actual food items, not cleaning supplies, toiletries, etc.) per month. So since we have five people in our house now, I voted for the $100 per person a month.
  18. I don't live in a trendy city at all. I follow trends myself, though, and pin them to my clothes and accessories boards on Pinterest. Two big colors this year are emerald green and lemon yellow. I know I can easily pull off green, but I'm not so sure about yellow.
  19. Yes. Ours is tomorrow afternoon.
  20. Have you considered drinking coffee? It contains a lot more caffeine than sodas, so one to two cups a day would work for you. And then you wouldn't have the bad chemicals issue.
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