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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Oh, I am a total germaphobe! I hope you are all well or will be soon.
  2. That sounds really good. Thanks!
  3. Fauxtatoes Deluxe: 1 large head cauliflower 1/3 c. Cream 4 oz. Cream cheese 1 tbsp. Butter Salt and pepper Simmer cauliflower in water with cream added to it. When the cauliflower is very soft, drain thoroughly. Put the still warm cauliflower in food processor with cream cheese, butter, salt and pepper, and process until smooth. (I usually just mash mine with a potato masher by hand.) This is SO good! We are having it tonight. :)
  4. It sounds like you're doing all that can be done. I hope you stay well!
  5. I probably have enough books here to cover everything except math through the college level. ;) I *could* just use what I already own, plus add in nature studies/walks, field trips, and lots of interest led learning. I do this for a week or two from time to time, and we enjoy it, but I just can't completely let go of my need for curriculum.
  6. I don't have tissue paper right now, but I can easily get some. Thank you again for all of your help and instruction. We appreciate it.
  7. There will be hard days, but there will also be days that are absolutely glorious-yes, really. :)
  8. I plan to order their Spanish soon. Thanks for this information. I may need to stock up on it.
  9. Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/04/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-april-8.html
  10. Here is what we did this week: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/04/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-april-8.html Both dd12 and ds9 really enjoyed it this week...once they got started. :) Initially they were nervous so they were hesitant at first, but once they got into actually doing the painting, they were both enthralled. Now dd5...well, she just did a few strokes and that was it. But at least she did something!
  11. It depends on the day for me. Our good days match my vision, our bad days...well, let's just say they are the polar opposite of my vision. Also, having a child with significant special needs has radically changed our lives.
  12. Well, I got both qualities of an Aspie and a neurotypical person. I figured that.
  13. I think paring down toys is a good idea.
  14. I think you are doing a beautiful job as a MIL. I can clearly see love in your intentions as opposed to just being meddlesome. If you don't hear from her for a few days, just call to check on her and the baby and leave the next move up to her.
  15. ((hugs)) My dd5 has significant special needs. Right now I am using a mix of Oak Meadow Preschool, Wynstone's Kindergarten Series, and A Child's Seasonal Treasury with her: circle time, lots of singing, movement verses, some arts and crafts-lots of fun stuff. I will do these things with her for at least two more years before moving to Oak Meadow Kindergarten. Right now pushing academics with her would be a disaster. Also, we have a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly rhythm that we try to follow. That way dd5 knows when I'll be working with her and when I'll be working with her older siblings. She also knows when I'll be cooking, or doing laundry, or cleaning, etc. and when I'll be taking her outside, to the store, or park and what day we'll have co-op. We try to eat meals and snacks around the same time each day and *try* to stick to a bedtime routine. I say *try* with bedtime b/c my dd5 has sleep issues. Sometimes just knowing what to expect can help our special needs children so much- actually all of our children and ourselves. :) Find some fun learning activities that both children can do. Cuddle on the couch and read great books together. Get outside and play and take nature walks. Just relax and enjoy each other's company. And please don't feel that you are whining or complaining. You are looking for help and support, which we all need sometimes.
  16. My dd5 gets to sleep until she wakes up, and we *try* to have her asleep between 9:00 and 10:00 pm. She has special needs and sleep issues, so it's difficult with her. My dd12 and ds9 go to bed at 9:00 pm, and I wake them up at 8:00 am.
  17. Agreeing that you should toss. :(
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