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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I love what you're doing. It sounds great. Last year my dd12 and I did a Twilight unit study as a fun extra. She did some of her best writing ever! :)
  2. Thanks, everyone. I am going to talk to my doc about taking me off this med. I also take Inderal as a preventive, but I'm pretty sure it isn't the culprit. I take a couple of natural supplements also, as well as either Imitrex or Maxalt when I get a migraine. I am going to look into the book mentioned by the pp, even though my headaches are triggered by hormones, barometric pressure changes, and smells. I am still willing to give diet changes a shot!
  3. So, I have been eating low carb and exercising regularly for three years now. I lost 35 lbs. in the first 6 months and kept it off, but then hit a stall at ten pounds above my goal weight...very close to it, though, so I was pretty content. But in two years, not another pound has come off, and in fact, I've gained back about 10-15 lbs. And I have NOT changed my eating or exercise habits other than decreasing my carb count and increasing my exercise (did not work) and then I tried eating a few more good carbs and decreasing my exercise (in case I was depriving my body, therefore causing it to hold on to weight.) Well, now I realize that since I started taking 30mg of Amitriptyline daily for migraine prevention, that is the time frame in which I gained this weight back and I CAN'T get it off. It was dropping like crazy prior to this time. How does medication itself make you gain weight? Water retention? Slowing effect on metabolism? Help!!!
  4. Five in a Row is another very nice, more reasonably priced option.
  5. Oak Meadow, Wynstone's Kindergarten Series, Beyond the Rainbow Bridge, Seven Times the Sun, Waldorf Essentials Journey through Kindergarten...ideas from all of these. That's what I'm doing now with dd5 for preschool and kindy, which will likely stretch over a few years due to her special needs. Very gentle, hands-on, fun things.
  6. It sounds like he gets a lot of outside interaction. Sometimes other people plant seeds of doubt in us, whether intentionally or not. If *you* feel like he needs more peer interaction, just find a way to incorporate it. Otherwise, try to let that doubt go. :)
  7. I empathize with you. Set boundaries for her and stick to them.
  8. I struggle with anger, too. I recommend the book She's Gonna Blow as well. In the meantime, though, these things work for me: Walking away when I start to feel the anger rising in me is a big help. I will go to my room or go outside and pray. I will breathe slow, deep breaths. I will speak in almost whispers. I have to make a daily, sometimes hourly, decision that I will not allow my anger to control me or turn me into the kind of mom that I don't want to be. It is a struggle, but the fight is worth it. Sending hugs and prayers!
  9. Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/04/homeschooling-life-and-birthday-for-bug.html
  10. We didn't have a 10th. This year is our 20th and I've been contacted about my interest in attending. I am still undecided. My high school years were the worst years of my life. 22 years ago tonight my boyfriend and I were in a car accident and he was killed instantly. Six months later I was pregnant by one of his best friends (the biological father of my ds20.) I am just not too sure I want a walk down memory lane.
  11. Oak Meadow and Five in a Row, as a PP mentioned...they are my favorites.
  12. I think Regina does NOT want to go back, so she will try to destroy the magic bean crop. Also, I agree with a PP about Michelle Williams. She would make a good Tinkerbell. I am absolutely dreading the season finale, though. I am sure it will be a cliff hanger that will drive us all crazy over the summer! :p
  13. I can't come up with anyone who would make a good Tinkerbell...hmmm...
  14. Here are some helpful links: http://theinclusivechurch.wordpress.com/2010/06/06/starting-a-special-needs-ministry/ http://shadowbrookchurch.org/site/index.php/ministries/children/p-u-r-e-ministry/ My church is very small & is a new church plant, but we are working on being a church that reaches special needs famililes. As of right now, we are the only special needs family at our church, but we are helping other members to know how to minister to families like ours.
  15. Thank you, Pen. We have had a crazy week this week, so we will try these new ideas next week.
  16. Agreed. I don't like this whole Lacey thing.
  17. I love Steven Curtis Chapman. He doesn't know it, but he was an integral part of our decision to adopt from China. But I actually got my username from my favorite Bible verse: John 8:36 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
  18. I am counting down the minutes to OUAT! I do know Robin Hood makes his debut tonight. Can't wait! :)
  19. Gotta love fresh starts! Here is our week: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/04/homeschooling-life-and-mini-vacation.html
  20. We tried the exercise with folding the paper in three parts (for D and B.) They both did sunset scenes. For BG, I just let her paint a few strokes as she wished. Then the next day I just let them all paint freely, and they enjoyed both exercises. :) Here is the link: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/04/homeschooling-life-and-mini-vacation.html Thank you again for doing this, Pen. Also, when we get our tax refund, I am going to purchase some beeswax so BG can start molding it. Can't wait!
  21. Oak Meadow Kindergarten is what I'll be using with my special needs dd5 in a few years. Right now she's using their preschool package in combination with a couple of other Waldorf-inspired resources. I find that this method of teaching/learning suits her very well.
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