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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. How much magnesium and B-2 do you take daily?
  2. Currently I take magnesium, plus Inderal and Amytriptyline (weaning off Amytriptyline due to weight gain) daily as preventive measures. I also have Imitrex and Maxalt to take when I do get migraines. I am actually reading Heal Your Headache right now, which was suggested to me here on another thread. That's what got me thinking of an elimination diet. I eat low carb for weight control and health reasons. I drink coffee to survive. ;) But I am willing to let go of all foods that might trigger my migraines. I'll look into Whole30 and Paleo. Thanks!
  3. Help me do this...PLEASE! Recipes, sites, cookbooks, anything. I am REALLY UPSET about eliminating coffee. It is a staple of my life. Really needing some encouragement here, also b/c I eat low carb, I'm already limited. Thanks!
  4. I'm 38 and I still call my father "Daddy." I'll always be his little girl. :)
  5. These are all great ideas. Thank you all.
  6. My dd12 has struggled with insomnia for over a year. She takes 3 mg of Melatonin every night, but it's not helping any more. She can't take Tylenol PM b/c it can interact with her seizure medications. I am looking for natural ways to help her sleep. So far I have these: 1. Get at least 45 min. of physical activity each day. 2. No sugary treats past 3:00 p.m. (She doesn't drink anything with caffeine, so no issues there.) 3. No screen time starting at 8:00 p.m. (Her bedtime is 9:00 p.m.) 4. Wake up between 7:30-8:00 a.m. every day. (We do this for school, but this will be her wakeup time-even on weekends.) Any more thoughts and ideas?
  7. WOW!!! What an amazing experience he will have.
  8. Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/05/a-mini-vaction-week-may-13-19-2013.html
  9. I second Wee Folk Art. Also, Little Acorn Learning is great as well.
  10. Glad she's unstuck now, but that is so funny!
  11. I voted "What the..." Dd12 said, "I don't know." And looked at me like I was crazy. :D Ds10 said, "What type of question is this?"
  12. I allowed dd to wear a little makeup at age 11.
  13. FIAR. Combine it with Galloping the Globe and Cantering the Country, also the Trip Around the World books and the Draw Write Now books.
  14. Saxon is all I've used with my older children, but I plan to use Oak Meadow Math with dd5.
  15. When does OUAT in Wonderland start? I don't like this second show idea.
  16. So...there will be two separate shows: Once Upon a Time AND Once Upon a Time in Wonderland?
  17. A bad boy can turn good...really! But honestly I hope Hook keeps some of his bad boy ways. That's what makes him so appealing to me. ;P
  18. We've used different curriculum through the years, depending on what the best fit for us was at the time. I love blogging! My blog is mostly about homeschool, but I also have a "2013 Fun" series, which is about what I am doing for *me.* I am honest about our good and bad weeks. My blog is like an online journey of our lives, and I love looking back at our beginning homeschool years...precious memories! Of course I've grown since then, but I don't feel embarrassed by it. :)
  19. Yeah, Bae is definitely a better man right now, but perhaps Hook will become the bad boy turned good. :)
  20. I really like that Peter Pan is a bad guy. Cool twist! Also, Greg & Tamara work for Peter Pan, although they don't know it, so they're clueless as to why they've really been sent on these missions-supposedly to rid the earth of magic, but really to find Henry. I like that Regina and Emma worked together, and I hope Hook and Mr. Gold will be able to do the same. Man, that Hook...nice eye candy! ;)
  21. Hubby pays ours. I used to do it, but a few years ago he did it one month, and I just let him keep on doing it. :)
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