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Everything posted by lanalouwho

  1. Chickens freak me out. DH likes to joke that in my head I see a bunch if tiny raptors running around. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  2. I have really found this entire thread enlightening. I have always thought that I was disorganized, scatterbrained, and just not good enough to complete basic tasks. I had never even considered ADHD, but a lot of what is being described really fits me to a tee. I have developed some coping mechanisms over the years, such as setting reminders on my phone so I don't forget to eat (or feed my children). I keep a box of toilet paper right next to the toilet so its always within reach. But sometimes the most basic tasks seem impossible. So I want to thank everyone for sharing their experience, and I will be doing some further research and investigation.
  3. I like to think I'm fairly open-minded. But I am stubborn as all get out, and no amount of campaign mail will make me forget to actually research the issues. So yeah, it would be a waste of time and money on their part. But a girl still likes to be wooed. Okay, not really. I'm glad that they leave me alone. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  4. I have no advice on how to make that happen, but I think it is a wonderful idea!Does your library have a programs director you could talk to? Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  5. We live in the boonies and have large dogs. No one knocks on our door. Ever. We also haven't received a single piece of election mail. I guess nobody cares who I'm voting for. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  6. Mal asked for a drink so I gave him a grape flavored water. A few minutes later he asked for a drink again. I told him to drink the water and he started crying. I thought he was crying because he wanted tea. It turns out, he was crying because his water was 'not water.' He thought there was something wrong with it because it tasted like juice. So I started calling it juice and now he's drinking it happily. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  7. And now you have motivated me to clean. But only a little. I probably have one 15 minute session in me. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  8. We're having frozen pizza for dinner. DH's overtime is starting to ramp up. Lots of late nights and no Saturdays off for the foreseeable future. He'll still have Sundays off until January. And he'll have the holidays too. Then it'll be 7 16s until he drops dead of a coronary embolism or they finish the job, whichever comes first. I need to start working out again. Maybe I can get a Y membership with one of those big fat overtime checks. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  9. I should really stay off other threads. I am now fully convinced that I have undiagnosed ADHD. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  10. C. O. F. F. E. E. ..... Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  11. I want some too! Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  12. I have chicken in the crock pot. We will have chicken tacos after basketball practice. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  13. So, way back at the beginning of autumn, we had a 'fall party.' We ate apples with caramel dip, read books about autumn, and made a pumpkin craft. Since then, Weapon X has asked daily why the leaves aren't falling. So I tried to explain that we live in Texas and we don't really get 4 defined seasons. Today, he ran in all excited, yelling, "Mom, I saw it! I saw a leaf fall!" "Oh yeah, they're finally starting to fall?" "Well, just one fell." Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk ETA: #only2seasonsbooya
  14. My DH is writing a story, and he talks like that too. Like he has no control over where the story is going; he just has to wait and see. I used to think it was awkward, but apparently he is not alone.
  15. If you could educate your child in exactly the way that would best suit both of you, free of all restrictions and fears, what would that look like? What skills will this education develop? Life skills: basic housekeeping, cook simple meals, an understanding of personal finance and how to build a workable budget, basic survival skills (how to build a fire, catch and clean a fish, edible plants, etc), time management, and public speaking. Academic skills: ability to think critically, ability to write/speak effectively, basic (and some not-so-basic) math skills and the ability to apply them to general situations. What qualities? Confidence and integrity. Bravery. Compassion. Service. Are there teachers, courses, external structures? Or does the child pursue his own learning? Umm...yes? Primarily mentors or guides and peers in lieu of teachers. I'm having difficulty describing what I envision for courses and structure. The student would be presented with a problem to solve, and would be an active participant in figuring out how to solve the problem and which resources to use. Does this education involve travel? Yes, but not too extensive. Maybe one extended or intensive trip per year, smaller day trips as opportunities and interests present themselves. Is it primarily active or book centered? Projects or written assignments? All? My ideal would be book-centered. My students would probably prefer active. What part does earning money play/not play in this scenario? ... Aside from teaching personal finance and budgeting, I don't know. My brain hurts. In what places does learning happen? Home, outdoors, institutions? Learning is actively pursued at home, libraries, museums, outdoors. Wherever the subject matter takes us. Does this education involve any apprenticeships or internships? Absolutely. Once a student is developing strong interests, those should be nurtured in real life situations. How does evaluation happen? Does the student take tests, write essays, perform a hands-on demonstration? In the early years, evaluation should be through discussion and observation. Discussion and debate should play a large part throughout the course of education. Hands-on demonstrations are appropriate for certain subjects and interests, while written work would be expected across the curriculum. What does the day look like? When does the child get up? What occupies the bulk of the day? When does time with family happen? Natural sleep rhythms should be respected. My children (and I) need more sleep due to illness, allergies, growth spurts, etc. In the younger years, play and exploration should take up the majority of the child's time. Family time should be a priority, ideally dinner and at least one night a week should be spent actively interacting (not TV), but that of course depends on the family schedule. Early years- 60% free play 20% academics 20% life skills Middle school- 40% free play 40% academics 20% life skills High school- 10% free time 50% academics/pursuing interests 20% life skills ETA: That last one only adds up to 80%. I told you my brain hurt.
  16. I keep wanting to comment on it, but can't seem to formulate my thoughts into a coherent response. I'll try again later. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  17. When I was in school, the 'queen bee' had a birthday the day after mine. After one awful sleepover where no one showed, I began asking to do things instead of having a party. Sports or concert tickets, laser tag, my favorite restaurant. Now that I'm older, I think it's better that way anyway. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  18. I am much too lazy to be an unschooler. If I have a detailed plan with resources readily available, about 75% of it will actually get done. If I tried to school without a plan, nothing would happen. Absolutely nothing. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  19. We're going to have an 'award ceremony' at dinner for Weapon X. I also counted read-alouds and buddy reading. He's still having trouble blending so he's not quite up to reading anything on his own yet. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  20. There's a spider in my dining room. I can't find him, but every morning I walk into webs. My kids think I'm insane because I just randomly start waving my arms and yelling. Every. Day. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  21. Coffee! School! Housework! Let's do this!! Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  22. Yesterday was good, but we got zero schooling done. None. But we ran errands and got groceries, so I can feed my children something other than candy for the next 2 weeks. Tues- Schoolwork: Memory work, phonics, math, logic, read aloud....science, maybe? Other: Speech and OT, library, drop off donation stuff Housework: deep clean living room, clear off table, get rid of pumpkin Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  23. My normally early riser is still asleep. That normally means he's either sick or growing. I'm gonna be really mad if he doesn't fit into the Halloween costume we've been making. Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
  24. Monday. I'm not mentally prepared for it to be Monday again already. I think I'm going to modify our schoolwork a bit. It feels like we're doing a lot of language work and not enough of the fun stuff. It's about time to start cleaning and decluttering for the holidays, too. I need to get all the mess cleared out before its time for decorations to come out. And yes, that will take me about a month. Mon: Schoolwork-phonics, math, science, logic, read aloud Housework-more laundry (it never ends!), clean out fridge, declutter in the master bedroom, take out trash Other-maybe run some errands in town, fall festival and/or trick or treating tonight Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
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