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Everything posted by Crissy

  1. I'm reading Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence and Dave Eggers' What is the What.
  2. There is a professional photographer in this house, so our lives are pretty well recorded. There is no escaping it!;)
  3. And he lives here in the lovely Pacific Northwest, doesn't he?
  4. Love, love. love all the photos. Check the Member List to see all of them!
  5. Actually, you can click on the scales in the blue bar at the top of someone's post to add to their 'reputation'. I gave you a vote of confidence, Jenn!
  6. Wow! I am surprised at the number of "2 kid" homeschoolers! I guess the bigger families haven't answered yet?
  7. Send some my way? We had a little flurry the other night, but it was just a slushy mess by morning. I'd love a big, beautiful snowfall just about now.
  8. Trying to get to the next stage in your metamorphosis? :)
  9. This year we are using Latin Prep with our 3rd grader, and the 8th grader uses Lingua Latina.
  10. *sigh* It does, Faith, and it looks Fine. FineFineFine.
  11. Type in your blog name then highlight it. Next, choose the link symbol from the tools at the top of the post window (it looks like a little globe with two links of chain in front of it.) A window will come up and you will type in the address for your blog. Hit enter and you're done.
  12. It seems to me that threads I have read completely are in a regular font, but anything with a new message is BOLD. Does that make sense?
  13. My thoughts exactly! I have a plan (accept aging as it happens) but it may change!
  14. We use the library for history. I have a timeline and we read non-fiction, historical fiction and biographies corresponding to each point on the timeline that I want to cover.
  15. My teen is reading Dracula and Nathaniel Philbrick's Mayflower. He is enjoying the former, not so much the latter. I am working on two books at the moment. Age of Innocence and What is the What. Post-football season is the time of year when I can read more than usual and I am enjoying every minute of it.
  16. I use several cool, wet cloths rather than a bath, but not until the fever is over 102. I like to give the fever a chance to do its work.
  17. So do I. No going back to my bookmarks when I realize I want to visit someone's blog. Oohh. This is fun. Thank goodness it's my slow season!
  18. I wonder if they can cancel your account so you can start over? Maybe an email to the Webmaster is in order.
  19. I use this, a color glaze. It doesn't cover my grays (not something I want to do) but it makes my hair a brighter, shinier brown. I like that. It does not make a drastic change the first time (or three) that you use it, but it works gradually, building shine with each use.
  20. It's okay. We'll get the hang of this place. I think your locker's right next to mine. By the cafeteria.:D
  21. Way to go, Andie! Did I tell you I usually make two loaves? Half of us like nuts in our baked goodies, the other half hate them, so I make one with and one without.
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