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Everything posted by Crissy

  1. LOL! Note to self: Don't refer to The Queen of Wild Things as 'hormonal'. ;)
  2. Type your blog name, then highlight it. Next, click on the icon that looks like planet earth with a link of chain in front of it. A window will open where you will type in your blog address. That's it. Easy as can be. So you're blogging again? I'm on my way...
  3. Hey! There you are! You're one I was thinking of when I posted about those MIA. And thank you. I'm glad to know someone doesn't think I'm a jerk. ;)
  4. Yes, I remember something to that effect. Shall we choose a date and force the issue? :D
  5. WHAT is wrong with those women?! I had the privilege of meeting Nicole when we gathered in December. In the words of my nephew, "She's AWESOME!"
  6. Oh, I love line-dried linens! I don't start until May. Do you have a covered area in which to hang your sheets and towels?
  7. I'm getting used to the new feel, and I'm beginning to miss some of the 'old folks' ;)
  8. Oh, these sound good! Our geography study is primarily through game play, and each of these look like a great additions to our collection
  9. Quiche? I use this basic recipe, and change the ingredients depending on what I have in the fridge. Tonight it does happen to be ham and asparagus.
  10. Neither had I. Guess I'll have to tear myself away from the Kindle page and take a look.;)
  11. Oh, yes! I'll read a post I've written and I just *know* people are rolling their eyes and thinking, "She's such a jerk!" But it doesn't keep me from posting. :D
  12. Ack! I am rather out of touch. I didn't know there was a revision coming out.
  13. Clean sheets all around every week. But I only change mine. The boys have been taught how to change their sheets. Once a week I put a fresh set at the end of the bed when I wake them, and the know to pull the old sheets off, toss them into the laundry and make the bed with clean linens. My 9yo still needs a little help getting things tucked properly, but they do a good job.
  14. Sorry I missed your follow up, Susan! I'm having a terrible case of sciatica and sitting at my desk is a killer. I found a solution, though! I put my laptop on the bar in the kitchen and it's just the right height to stand and type. I am much like you when it comes to reading on the go. I never know what I'll be in the mood for, so I always tote several books with me. What a convenient thing to have them all in one slim device. I also like the sound of changing the text size for reading during a workout. I used to try to read and walk on my treadmill, but I'd get a headache from trying to focus on the small print while I was moving. Ugh! You know? I may have to start saving my pennies. I like the sound of this more and more! :D
  15. I don't know if I'll watch the Super Bowl. I'm not sure if I can handle watching the Big Cheater win it all. Ugh. I feel so bad for Miz Booshay and her guys.
  16. The only thing I would do differently is to extend my cover image over the spine and into the inner flaps of the dust jacket. Other than that, I was extremely happy with the book. Will you share when your book is finished?
  17. Me, too. I was cheering for the Packers, but in the end I was happy for NY and Little Manning.
  18. Love these, especially the Kendall Hailey quote! Thank you
  19. I agree with the others, Jean. And you never know, maybe she'll pick up a knife and help you with your food prep.
  20. I believe it is legal. Our library allows us to load content on players, but we are required to delete it at the end of the check out period.
  21. I'm still put off by the price. I can justify a $12 paperback purchase on any given day, but not the price of a reader *plus* new books when the mood hits.
  22. My first thought was to put a portrait of your son on one side, and your daughter on the other. Maybe in black and white with matting to conform to your room colors.
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