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Everything posted by Crissy

  1. The more in-utero active of my two has always been my most content and easy-going. Definitely not a busy baby, kid or teen.
  2. Me, too. My older son now declines to sleep in my room, but the 9 year old is still happy to keep me "warm and safe"
  3. 7:30 or 8:00, but I love to stay in bed until 9:00 and have a cup of coffee with my husband.
  4. My teen said, "I'll pay half!" I said, "No way! I'd have to let you use it half the time!"
  5. GREAT! He is so glad to know someone is using stuff he'd normally be throwing away. One of these days I'd love to visit your studio and see all the things you create.
  6. If I placed an order today, how long would I have to save my pennies? I'm itchin' to push that 'order' button!
  7. It occured to me that those reading in anything other than Linear (which is how I view) would be seeing my post where it probably didn't belong if I use the Quick Reply, so I don't.
  8. I think Quiver has some experience. Maybe post directly to her? Hey, I'm sorry we didn't get together yesterday. My BIL loves to show up and surprise us. We did have a great visit, though. How were the board sizes? Any of those scraps not work for you?
  9. I am considering offering photo books to our clients. The China book is one I made as a memory book for our family, and an extra copy for our friends who offered so much help during our time in Beijing. I am working on one of my dad's family photos now. I will be making copies of it for my sisters for Christmas. Nothing wrong with a calendar, though! We've made plenty of those, too! :D
  10. I'd be inclined to think someone is just being snotty. I post my art and projects here, some of which are part of my business, so the fact that your stuff might be for sale doesn't equal a negative response. Besides, I think TPTB are much more straight forward if you're out of line.
  11. I'm with Volty. I'll be happy with either Clinton or Obama getting the nomination, and I've always been a fan of McCain. Just not Romney. I can't put my finger on it, but I really don't care for the guy.
  12. The best I've found is The Body Shop's Body Butter. It's a little expensive, but everything else I've tried it either too greasy, or ineffective.
  13. This is how I remember which is a leap year. One extra day of campaign ads. :rolleyes:
  14. We have a small photography and printing business. Or main focus is sports photography, as the local NFL team is our biggest client. My husband does all of their game photography, as well as event photography for internal and public affairs, player foundations, etc. I do a lot of large-format printing for them, as well as some graphics and photoshop work, and designing and printing all of the team's security credentials. We also have several high schools in the area for which we photograph and print images of their sports teams (both action photography and team photos). We photograph and print group pictures at 35-45 golf tournaments each year, and a cover significant number of charity auctions and award benefits. This is our eighth year working together, though my husband has been a sports and event photographer for 35 years. 2008 is his 31st year as the Seahawks team photographer.
  15. One of my favorite people in this world is headed to Washington to become your new offensive coordinator. I'll be sad to see his family move away again, but what a great opportunity for him! I might just end up rooting for your team next year!! :D
  16. I look at the scope and sequence of a program over the long term, and worry less about what it covers in individual grade-years.
  17. It's a mixed bag. Some start adding outside classes in jr. high, others dive right into public high school. Some others will homeschool every class, every day all the way through.
  18. It is hard, isn't it? For eight years now I have been the other half of our small family business, and it has not been difficult at all to carve out the time to get my work done, regardless of the hours it takes. I have only recently discovered the reason, though. My job has been a support position for my husband. It is *his* photographs I retouch. It is *his* photographs I color correct and print. It is *his* client that I design for. Now that I have a different avenue I would like to pursue, a part of the business that would be mine alone, I am hesitant. I cannot name the thing that is stopping me, but it all seems so much less important than my husband's work, or my children's needs and wants. I know I can succeed, but first I must move forward.
  19. That's a beautiful sight! I am terribly intimidated by horses, but I do appreciate their beauty. I married into an family of equestrians, and ten years later I cannot make myself get on a horse.
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