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Everything posted by Crissy

  1. Could you mean Manning? Archie (dad) and Peyton (brother)?
  2. Since the day MFS introduced us to Project Feeder Watch, my 9yo has been fascinated with birds. Last week, as we were reviewing our progress, and refining our plans for the second half of this school year he asked if we could focus our nature studies on birds. With spring just around the corner (it is just around the corner, isn't it?!), I think it will be a great time to observe not just our back yard feeders, but birds in the neighborhood parks as well. It occurred to me that a fun, long-term project might be a Field Guide of our neighborhood or city's birds. Have you done anything similar? Any tips for a mom who doesn't usually do 'projects'?
  3. Is it wonderful? Is it part of a challenge (888, perhaps)? Is it for school (yours or your children's)? Was it recommended by someone you respect? Did it follow you home from the library or bookstore? I'm between books, and I can't seem to settle on anything I'd like to read next.
  4. I'm at my computer restoring a few photos I've been meaning to get to.
  5. So you'll come out even. That's not so bad. :D Sounds like fun!
  6. Yes. Me. For the past several years I have cut my own hair. If I colored, I'd do that myself, too. :D
  7. We have a NordicTrack. There are four of us who walk/jog on it every day. It has been a great machine for the three years we've used it.
  8. I love my husband. He had surgery on his foot yesterday and I was *certain* he would be as big (or bigger) a baby as he is when he has a cold (UGH!). I am happy to report that he is pleasant and compliant. Could it be all the Vicodin I've been feeding him? ;)
  9. Me, too. I am beginning to see that my children will do well without me, and I am looking forward to the hours I will have to devote to My Stuff.
  10. Well, yes. I am a Queen Bee. I'm not sure anyone else recognizes the fact, but...
  11. I was just thinking "I'll just go to Mindy's!" But I don't drive in the snow. I do drive in the rain. And we have plenty of that!
  12. Well, not every artist creates every day. Think ahead. Your children will be in college soon and you'll be in that studio for nine or ten hours EVERY SINGLE DAY! Life gets in the way some times. It's not your fault.
  13. Here's a thought... Quit letting that 'self-taught' label hold you back. Do you think most artists have formal training? I think the majority just have an artistic soul. It's just part of the person. You are, simply, an Artist.
  14. I just want you all to know that you inspire the artist in me. Lisa, LB, Toni...I do hope you keep creating and sharing.
  15. -50?! How can you possibly stand that? I b*tch about +30!:rolleyes:
  16. I use post-it type notes to mark passages I want to remember as I read throuh a book. When I finish I copy all of them into a notebook, and sometimes post them on my blog.
  17. Sounds like my younger sister. She was *always* getting hurt. We believe it was due to the fact that she tried to keep up with our older brother.
  18. That must be it, Janna. While the cancer is also in her stomach and colon, it is, by far, worst in her liver. Thank you for helping me understand. And for the hugs.
  19. My grandmother saw an oncologist for the first time today. This was her first meeting with him, and their conversations about her diagnosis were based on her recent CT scan and blood tests. He gave her a life expectancy of two weeks to two months. How does a doctor make such a statement when the cancers have only been found in the past week? How can they predict how fast they will grow? Two weeks to two months? How can he know that?
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