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Everything posted by LauraQ

  1. Daisey, your description of how you *forget* things repeatedly I think is key to some of us not liking certain chores. I would much rather do a chore that takes 30 minute in one chunk than a chore that I have to do in 3 or 4 2-minute chunks because, inevitably, the 2nd 2-minute chunk will not get done on time. LOL! Some of us (me me me!!) are just too ADD to do sheets with any sort of consistency. For instance, if I get behind on laundry, I would rather go to a laundromat rather than wash at home because it saves me time. If I try to do more than 2 loads a day, it won't get done because even though the cycle only takes 30-45 minutes, it takes me sometimes *hours* to remember to rotate the clothes.
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