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Posts posted by Momma2Many66

  1. I think a lot might depend on what kind of "financial problems" you are talking about.


    For example, is your financial problem on-going or something you can remedy in the next few years ? Such as credit card debt or student loans that you can pick up some side job, part time or evening work so that you can get out of debt quickly.


    If it is something you can remedy in a short time, perhaps a dream of wanting another baby may help kick you into gear into clearing up the financial problem faster. It may give you an incentive to get yourself a good budget and get on track or find some way to bring in more income. We use Dave Ramsey and budgeting every month and staying on track has helped us to clear up our financial problems and stick with the program. Now I am not stressed every month wondering how I am going to pay our bills and worrying where the money will come from.


    If you are in really bad debt or dependent on others or the goverment for financial help or really struggling to be able to pay your bills on a monthly basis, then I think you should definitely wait until you can fix the income problem.


    Sometimes a finacial problem can have a quick solution so you can meet your dreams and sometimes you have to wait on those dreams until you can get to a better place finanically, so that you are not causing yourself more finanical hardships before you are ready to handle them.


    Think how much better you will feel about bringing another child into this world when you are not struggling and worrying each month how you will make ends meet. You are young yet, you have plenty of time for more babies. I had my last 4 children between the ages of 32 to 40.


    Good Luck to you !!

  2. Here is one of our Aussie Pouches. I got one for each of my children piped in "their color". My 13 year old son is "Red", my daughter is "Yellow", my 8 year old son is "Orange" and my youngest son is "Blue".


    We have had the Aussie Pouches for almost 2 years now and they hold up very well through daily wear and tear and constant pulling out and putting in of school supplies. They are large and roomy and can fit a good bit of supplies like notebooks, binders or reading books. We picked the one with double pockets. I highly recommend the Aussie Pouches ! They have several different choices and colors to choose from. We chose the Twill Material with the pin stripe of color. They also have them available in Denim and I think other fabrics too. schoolroom8.jpg

  3. We are much more structured now.


    I started homeschooling when my oldest daughter (now 23) was 13 years old. We actually pulled her out of our local public school to cyber school her here at home. I didn't know anything about homeschooling, never even heard of it before until we moved to our farm and met a family across the way who homeschooled their children. I decided to start out slowly and try cyber schooling, since it seemed as if I wouldn't have all the work of planning and scheduling on myself. I was very new and nervous and cyber schools seemed like a good choice for our family at the time. Cyber schools were very new back then and their were only one or two of them. The one we picked was not able to handle the number of students they took on, work was never put up and the teachers were constantly quitting or not able to keep up with all the students.


    We then switched to homeschooling after 6 months of a terrible cyber experience. I had several little ones then and was pregnant and so to make it easier for us I had my daughter do a computer homeschool program (Switched on Schoolhouse). She did well, graduated and went on to college, but I wanted to do more hands on work for my younger children. I wanted to be more involved in what they learned and to actually teach the subjects myself. I wanted them to have a better math and english program then what I felt my daughter recieved through SOS. I felt much more confident in being able to homeschool and no longer felt as if I needed a program to hold my hand like Switched on Schoolhouse.


    Then we found TWTM and I became very gung ho on teaching the children myself. We use TWTM as our guide, we do not do everything, but we do a large portion and my children are doing great. So we found something we really like and that works for our family :001_smile:

  4. It happened to my husband and I when we were "farmhouse hunting" some 15 years ago.


    We found a very nice farmette on 4 acres that we went to look at with our real estate agent.. The older couple (late 50's) that owned the home did not leave while we were shown the house as usually happened when we did home tours. Instead the husband sat in the living room and made very loud and very rude remarks about how we were wasting their time because we were way to young to afford this farmette and probably had no money to our name. We continued the tour at our real estate agents urging, but I felt very uncomfortable the entire time.


    My husband and I were 30 years old at the tiime, so we were young, but not that young. We were dressed in nice jeans and shirts, but not dressed up or dressed to impress. We were planning to look at farms, so we figured the type of places we were looking at would not require "dressng up" especially since we were planning to walk property lines and look through barns and out buildings. We also had our two oldest children tagging along at the time and we were all very courteous and polite to the owners as we walked through the home on the tour from our agent.


    The older man kept up his loud rude remarks to his wife and kept insisting how we had no money and could never afford his home. He went on a rant about how the real estate agents kept bringing "un-qualified people" to view his home over and over again. Our real estate agent was also embarrassed by this man's rudeness and interrupted him politely to let him know we just sold our ranch home for a very tidy sum and with our savings we had cash to pay for " his farmette".


    All of a sudden the man practically fell over himself to be kind to us. He followed us around and told us nice stories about the house, barns and the property and kept saying how friendly and nice our children were. He said we could visit anytime while making up our minds about his property and he and his wife even invited us for dinner some evening.


    But the damage was done for me even though we did like his property. When it came down to the final decision between his farmette and another one that we were deciding on, we chose the other property, it offered 5 more acres of land although needed much more re-hab work, but the owners were very gracious from the start.

  5. schoolroom7.jpg

    Here is one more picture I found to post and show you my favorite "homeschool purchase" this year which is our Aussie Chair Pouches. Since we don't have desks and my children needed a place to keep their individual notebooks, pens and pencils and small white boards I purchased these Aussie pouches for the backs of each of their chairs. I got one for each of them in their own colors. My 13 year old son is trimmed in red, my 11 year old daughter is trimmed in her yellow, my 8 year old son is trimmed in his orange color and my 6 year old son's pouch is trimmed in his color blue. I was really pleased with these pouches since they hold up so well and are very sturdy even with daily use and wear and tear. The chairs themselves came from our local library that sold them for only 1 dollar each when they decided to change up their furniture. I was thrilled to purchase them for so cheap, since they are very sturdy chairs and take a beaten from my childrens constant use.

  6. schoolroom4.jpg

    This photo shows a close up of our table (which also has 3 wooden dividers on legs) that are not pictured that allows me to make the table into seperate "desks" with the wooden dividers set up. The wooden dividers allow my children to still see me but not be distracted by each other while we are studying individual subjects for each of their grades. It also is great for testing purposes. I just give each child sound proof headphones to use with the dividers to allow them better concentration and privacy even while sitting right next to each other. You can also see my "shower curtain" periodic element table over our half door.

  7. In this photo you can see our computer area to the right with our two computers. You can also see my " handmade by my husband" horseshoe table which allows me to sit in the center and swivel my chair to help each of my 4 children that sit around the table. You can also see our rain gutter bookshelf filled to the brim with books on Ancient Egypt as well as our Ancient History timeline underneath.


  8. I have to post my homeschool classroom in several seperate posts, since I do not know how to do them all in one post. Please bear with me :001_smile:

    I teach 4 children in 4 different grades so I try to condense all subjects and everything into one area. For this reason I use every square inch of the room including floors and ceilings for an optimal educational atmosphere :) Which results in this fun for us homeschool room ! There are 4 pictures posted in four different posts of the 4 different walls of our homeschooling room.



  9. My 11 year old daughter and 13 year old son are both fidgiters. They cannot just sit still they have to constantly be touching something or distracted by something to help them focus on their school work.


    They constantly pull at their shirts or put them in their mouths or find some other way to fidgit while doing school work or reading. My daughter had gotten into a habit of picking at her fingers and nails, which I wanted to stop before she hurt herself.


    They do this subconsioulsy, they are not even aware that the do it when they are either stressed or anxious.


    Anyway, I was looking for a good healthy way to curb this problem and I stumbled upon this item that really helped my children curb their fidgiting habits and to focus better on their schoolwork and reading.


    I thought since it is on sale right now at Amazon with free super saver shipping some parents of fidgiters may want to purchase this item as a good stocking stuffer.


    Click here: Amazon.com: Tangle Creations - JR. TEXTURES (7 inch): Toys & Games


    It is only $ 5.12 with free shipping, so if you have a fidgiter and are looking for a calming techinque for them, this item may be a blessing for your family like it has been for ours.

  10. I'm going to be the dissenter and say that I have one and I LOVE IT !!


    I have gotten them for each member of my family, we are all HUGE night readers. My kids each love having their own and lug them around everywhere ! They have made fantastic stocking stuffers over the years :001_smile:


    The one I use is over 5 years old and still going strong. It has gotten some scratches on it from wear and tear, but my husband fixed the scratches by applying some type of car wax or something, now the scratches are practically invisible.


    I love the way I can lay it on the page and it lights up the whole page so well. This allows me to read at night and not disturb my husband in bed beside me. If I may make a recommendation though, get the solid colored ones, the translucent colored lightwedges make too much light from the handle portion and it pulls your eye away from the page. It can be very distracting. So I solved the problem by purchasing solid colored handles instead on the lightwedge.


    Read the reviews for the lightwedge on Amazon and you can get a good idea if it will be a fit for your family.

  11. No, we don't do CIO.


    I co-slept with all my children until they weaned and then we gently moved them into a toddler bed ( in our room) when they were ready at about 2 to 3 years old.


    They eventually then moved into a room to share with a sibling at about age 3 to 4.


    I am now long done with night nursings and co-sleeping and toddler beds in our room. My youngest is 6 1/2 years old now and looking back I am so glad we did do everything the way we did, I have no regrets in the co-sleeping not CIO method. All my children are very good sleepers now and very independent, so it did them no harm.

  12. We take turns and watch each other. I want my kids to really enjoy opening their gifts and enjoy watching the expressions on their brothers and sisters faces. I love to see all my children ooh and aww over their siblings gifts and discuss how they all can share it later or what they will do with it together. I want to see my children show appreciation for each gift that they recieve whether it is from us or from their grandparents or other friends and family members.


    I also spend a HUGE amount of time picking out the perfect gifts for each member of my family and it would KILL ME if they had a free for all and nobody took their time and appreciated the gifts.


    Same way as when I make a HUGE holiday dinner, I want everyone to take their time, enjoy their food, talk to one another and enjoy the meal together. Not shove the food into their mouths to rush to get the whole experience over with as quickly as possible. I spent weeks and weeks planning the menu, finding the perfect recipes, shopping for all the ingrediants, preparing the foods and then they shove it in their mouths at a marathon pace. No way, not in my house.


    Gifts and food on Christmas for our family are to be savored and apprecaited and absorbed slowly. :001_smile:

  13. All of my children were born exactly 3 days past my due date except for number 5, he came three days prior to my due date. He was born on April 1st ( My little April Fools Baby) and I was shocked, since he was my only "early" baby. He was also my only baby in which my water broke at home before labor set in ( all others occured at the hospital after labor began). Labor started 15 minutes after my water broke and it progressed extremly fast ( my other births were all very long 12 to 30 hour labors). He was also almost born on the side of the highway as we raced to the hospital going as fast as possible. When I arrived at the hospital, they put me immediatly on a gurney and hustled me up to labor and delivery and he slid right out of me as they put me on the bed. From the time we arrived at the hospital at 4:31 pm to the time I was holding him in my arms 4:34 pm it was only 3 minutes. He was my most exciting labor and delivery !


    All were natural labors and births except number 6 who turned into an emergency c section.

  14. :grouphug:


    I agree with some of the other posters who said to give yourself some more time and to wait before dating.


    Find a way to meet some girlfriends, divorce can create some cherished relationships with women, it can be a true bonding issue where you can help each other to grow and heal.


    I joined a woman's divorce support group and that had really helped me meet some nice women going through the same issues and dealing with the same problems as I was.


    Your children still need all your concentration and energy on them for a little longer, while they heal from everything.


    I share this because I made the mistake of dating too soon after my divorce ( because of tons of pressure from well meaning family and friends) and I did not make some wise choices in a few of those men. I then realized my mistake and took some time off (another 2 years) and then went on to meet my now husband (married 16 years this past October). Those 2 years helped me so much to grow and to heal and to make much wiser choices, my husband is a wonderful man and I am so glad that I waited for him and found the "right one" instead of rushing into another doomed relationship before I was really ready.


    P.S. I loved reading your blog, you are so strong and brave !! Your doing an awesome job !! I know sometimes it is lonely, I have been there and done that, but it is only for a season and you even grow in the lonely parts :001_smile: In fact, I found I grew more when I was lonely, it is when I spent the most time just concentrating and healing myself and it helped me to grow strong and independent.

  15. We have been microwave free for the last 16 years.


    We heat up leftovers in the oven, stovetop or in a toaster oven.


    My four younger kids have never had a microwave in our home, so they have never missed one or even knew that their was an option in re-heating or cooking foods.


    Microwaves kill all the nutrients in your food, so you are better off without them and your food is much healthier ! :001_smile:

  16. We do math drill sheets 7 days a week year round.


    I give them 4 different sheets (laminated with dry erase markers) of 100 problems per sheet. We do one sheet of addition facts, one sheet of subtraction facts, one sheet of multiplication facts and one sheet of division facts totaling 400 math facts in all each day.


    Every week I rotate the sheets with new problems to mix it up.


    My children ages 8, 10 and 13 are now really fast at math fact recall and can finish a 100 problem sheet in 2 to 3 minutes. So all the fact sheets together ( 400 problems) only adds in an additional 12 to 15 minutes or less to their school day but really gives them a valuable boost in math fact recall.


    My 6 year old also does math facts daily. He does addition and subtraction problems with 50 problems per page for a total of 100 problems daily.

  17. The mini dolls are very nice, over the years we aquired a set of the history ones for my 10 year old daughter's large dollhouse. They are made well and the clothing is good quality. The bodies are soft and the arms, legs and heads are all a harder vinyl or plastic. We prefer them to Barbie dolls and they get lots of playtime.


    You can find them on Amazon.com even cheaper then the American Girl Website. On Amazon they are only 14 dollars and some change. If you have prime shipping, they are shipped free otherwise you can get free shipping with a 25 dollar order.

  18. My daughter went through a yeast rash with her baby a few months ago and she used a prescription from the doctor. I also had her eat yougurt daily and take 2 probiotic pills daily (the pricey refrigerated kind available at your health food store) and stay off of sweets or sugared foods, breads and dairy products.


    It cleared up quickly and her baby is back to normal now. If you are breastfeeding you may have thrush in your breasts also and you and baby could be passing it back and forth. This happened to my daughter, she developed thrush twice within the first two months of baby's life. We had to have both she and baby treated with difulcan or nystain (can't remember which now).


    Since your baby is 8 months old (my daughters baby was just 2 months at the time) you can feed your baby yougurt daily and add a probiotic capsul to her yougurt to help get lots of good bacteria in her system to fight the yeast infection. It is important to get yeast under control not just because it makes baby uncomfortable, but also because it can lead to a UTI and that can lead to kidney infections.


    I also had my daughter put her baby under a sunlight lamp (the kind you use to create vitamin D ) 3 times a day for 10 minutes each time on the baby's bare bottom to help it heal quicker. If you have a sunlight lamp at home, this is a great asset. If not, you can put her in a sunny window to help the same way.


    My daughter now takes a daily capsul of probiotic every morning to help prevent the thrush and yeast from returning.


    I hope your little one feels better soon !

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