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Posts posted by Momma2Many66

  1. I want to start drinking Green Tea for health benefits but I want to buy a good reliable brand that really extols the virtues of Green Tea health benefits. Can someone recommend a good brand ? I am assuming the grocery store brands like Celestial Seasonings and Lipton and such are not the highest recommened brands, so I need something that will really be a good place to start looking.


    Thanks in advance for any information you can give me on this subject !!

  2. My daughter who is now 24 and a mommy herself was almost 14 until she finally gave up on playing with her American Girl dolls. Her best friend (also homeschooled and 14 ) lived right across the street from us and they would get out the American Girl dolls and play with them all the time. It was a sad day for them when they finally put them away in storage. They even had a little party to commemorate the event.


    Now my younger daughter age 12 never really was into the dolls like my oldest daughter, she stopped playing with the American Girl Dolls a lot about 9 years old or so. But she never really cared to play with any dolls all that much and she didn't have a best friend next door to encourage the doll play either. So I think it really depends on your daughter, if she is really into the dolls when young, she will probably continue to enjoy them until 10 to 12 years old. If she is only luke warm on dolls, maybe she will not be interested in them after age 9 or so.


    We now have the dolls put away temporarily until my grand-daughter turns 4 or 5. In the meantime I just bought my grand-daughter her first Bitty Baby doll and lots of accessories on the American Girl website. I took advantage of their free shipping offer on 100 dollars purchase :001_smile:

  3. My daughter age 24 collected most of the earlier historical mini American Girl dolls when she was younger and passed them down to her younger sister when she outgrew them. My youngest daughter had added many of the newer historical dolls to the collection so they have almost 20 of them now. My youngest daughter is now getting too big to play with them anymore ( she loved playing with them in the Victorian Dollhouse by Melissa and Doug) and she is putting them away to pass down to my grand-daughter who is almost 18 months old when she gets a little bit older and ready for some play dolls.


    We really like them here and my girls have enjoyed them over the years and played with them alot. They are so nice because the fit into a dollhouse and wooden doll furniture ( Daddy made furniture). We liked them so much better then Barbies who we found too "grown up" for little girls. I think they would be a great fit for your 4 year old !

  4. If you could go back to high school today and have a "do-over" with the mindset and wisdom that you have now, how would you do things differently ?


    This is the question my adult daughter (age 24) and I (age 46) discussed today. I told her if I went back in time to my 16 year old self, I would do so many things over again so differently. If I was giving advice to a young girl today, I would tell them so many things that they should do differently too. Like pay attention to that sweet, nerdy, smart, geeky guy in class that all the girls laugh at, that is the guy that is going to grow up and be a wonderful husband, father and provider someday.


    I would bust my butt to get great grades and excell in school so that I could get into a good college and great future career. I would learn to play and intrument and get involved in sports. I would learn to speak another language. I would really work hard at math instead of hating and dreading it. As a homeschool mom I have learned to LOVE math and I wish I had that love for it back in school when I needed to work hard on it in class. I would take my school life seriously and make my social life secondary. I would date only the nerdy, geeky smart guys and stay far away from the "oh so cool" guys that only ended up breaking my heart and treated me badly. The nerdy, geeky, smart guys were so sweet to me and I paid them no mind, I was too concerned with hanging out with the cool guys that later turned out to be total loosers in life.


    Most of those geeky, nerdy, smart guys I knew grew up to be really incredible men as adults. They are great husbands, fathers and providers and have great careers. Most all of the "cool guys" turned out to be total nothings that never did anything with their lives and treat their wives and kids awful and have some sort of addiction problem.


    I made the mistake of marrying one of those "cool guys" the first time around and had nothing but heartache and problems. When I was older and wiser I married again and this time I picked a sweet, nerdy, smart and geeky guy who grew up to be really good looking too. He grew out of that awkward stage of adolescent development and into a very fine looking man. He's a really great guy, great husband and incredible father and I am so happy that I chose well the second time around.


    Boy would I do things different if I knew then what I know now in life. How would you do things differntly if you could get a do-over ?

  5. Lynne,

    My now 24 year old daughter experienced this almost exactly 4 and a half years ago. She was found to have a very large tumor on her ovary that was the size of a small watermelon. My daughter was only 19 years old at the time and had no family history of ovarian cancer and never used fertility meds or any other things that could be symthomatic for ovarain cancer. At the time, she never even had been sexually active in her life. The gynecology doctor that we used was wonderful and very kind and caring and he had a incredible gynecologist oncologist in with him during the surgery. They orignally thought the tumor to be "benign" since it was so very large and her age was so very young and not typical for an ovarian cancer patient. During the surgery they tested the tumor and it came back as positive for cancer. They removed the tumor at that time that had totally destroyed her one ovary and they also removed her attached falliopian tube. The doctors left her other tube and ovary intact since they were clean looking and decided to instead do a staging surgery the following week to see if the cancer had spread.


    The staging surgery was to take samples of the lymph nodes and organs surrounding her uterus as well as to remove her appendix, since the gynecologist oncologist said sometimes these cancers can originate in the appendix. You will have to forgive me if I don't remember everything, because back then was a very tramatizing time for our whole family and I may have forgotten some things said. I spent most of my time walking around like a zombie just absorbing all the shocking news about my child. They did tell us that if the testing came back as spread anywhere, they would immediately have to remove her other reproductive organs as well as her ovary and tube that was left and she would not be able to bear children in the future. We prayed and prayed over this, because my daughter always wanted a large family. But we had peace about it that her life was much more important and she could adopt her family when she was older.


    Anyway, the staging surgery came back in the pathological report as "all clear" and nothing had spread anywhere and had just stayed on the original tumor. She was rated as not even a stage one, since it has not spread at all. Her tumor was also called a low grade tumor even though it was so large. So the doctors has a tumor conference just like in your case and discussed whether to have chemo or not on my daughter. They decided against it since the cancer had not spread anywhere else, not even to the other ovary. They felt that in her case the chemo would do more harm then good in such a young person that was otherwise healthy and the cancer had not spread. Before the results from the staging surgery came back clear I worried over the chemo too, so I can understand your fears. But in the end, my daughter and I decided that she would get the chemo if the testing came back as spread because we didn't want to take any chances. It was not an easy decison to make and one that is very personal and really can just be made by the person involved and their family. We were so happy to find out she had an all clear and didn't have to get the chemo. The doctors did have her come in every 3 months for thorough gynecology checkups and ultrasounds to monitor her status and a CT scan once a year. She was highly monitored and watched over the whole time. She was encouraged to have all her children before 30 years old if she wanted them, in case her status changed in the future. She will continue to do these checkups until she is 5 years clear, which is in May of 2013. In the meantime she did marry 3 years ago and had a baby girl in July of 2011.


    I am praying for you constantly and I pray that you have complete healing. Your post really resonates with me because we have been through such a simliar experience in our own family. I pray that you have peace in whatever decision you end up making. May God Bless you and keep you !

  6. We have been following Dave Ramsey for the last 4 years. We only have one wage earner in our family which is my husband. We have 6 chldren but only 4 still living at home and under 18. My husband brings home about 2 thousand dollars per month ( after taxes, medical/life insurance and pension plan are deducted).


    We don't live "high off the hog", but we are debt free ( no credit cards, no car loans and a very small mortgage left on our farm) and can put away savings. We have an emergency fund already filled with 6 months pay and we have sinking funds to cover house repairs, car repairs/ used car replacement, appliance replacement fund, ectera.


    We shop super carefully, I spend 100 dollars per week on groceries for our family of 6. An extra 25 per week on Health and Beauty needs and cleaning supplies, paper products. All together my grocery bill is 500 per month. We have no cell phones, no cable satelite tv and no we do not take exspensive vacations. We go camping for cheap instead.


    We traded in cable tv for netflix streaming at $ 7.99 per month. We have landline only and my husband has an emergency cell phone (only for emergencies for 10 dollars a month). We buy all clothing at thrift shops, yard sales and Goodwill except underwear and socks.


    We eat only 2 meals a week with meat (chicken typically which can be used for 2 to 3 meals) and eat fish once a week. Beans, soups, pasta and veggie meals are eaten the other 4 days of the week. We don't drink sodas or juices and instead drinks LOTS of water. Milk is only used for cooking in small amounts. We eat LOTS of fruit and veggies and I freeze enormous quantities from our spring, summer and fall gardens. We make green smoothies daily and I bake most of our snacks from scratch.


    We live small but we do have money in a retirement fund ( 6 % plus 6 % match), and we are paying down the mortgage slowly but sure and steady. My husband works as a landscaper for a college so college is free for our children if they wish to attend.


    Since we have only one income and only one wage earner because I "choose" to stay home and homeschool my children, we understand that it will take us much longer to complete the 7 Baby steps. It is something we are willing to do to reach the "finished plan" evenutally. If I was working we would have much more money, but right now my children are only young once, so we are riding this "season of life" out until they are grown and on their own. Once they are all grown, we will have plenty of time for me to work fulltime again and enjoy nice vacations and some extras in our life. For now, we are enjoying this season of our life that we are in and finding ways to make it on our simple income.

  7. I have Netflix for streaming most shows that my family enjoys. I also have Amazon Prime because of the prime shipping feature which we love, but the tv/movie streaming that Amazon has is an added bonus for us. Amazon Prime has most shows already on Netflix, but it also offers a few shows that I really enjoy that Netflix doesnt have like Thirtysomething, West Wing and Studio 60.


    For current shows we also have Hulu Plus for $ 7.99 a month and that allows me to watch my weekly tv shows the next day. We use the library for all our new dvd rentals for free.

  8. I understand you are just venting, but if you are looking for a possible solution from someone who used to be where you are with kids that sat staring at their math problems for hours on end, you may want to try what I found to "get the job done".


    I got out some hand held white boards and we do all the problems together. We first start out reading the lessson together, then we work the problems on our white boards and race each other to see who can find the answer correctly the fastest. My kids get a kick out of trying to beat their Old Mom :001_smile: I do this with my 2nd grader, my 4th and 5th grader and my 8th grader. They all enjoy it !


    This has made our school day much more fun, efficient and speedy ! We finish a Saxon lesson in one hour compared to me having to scold them and stand over them to get it done in less than 3 hours like before.


    We have fun prizes for the winner of the math sets, such as the winner gets to pick his/her favorite tv show to watch that evening as a family or a favorite movie. Or I give out tickets in which the child can trade in at the end of the week and pick something from our fun treasure chest on Fridays. I try to find fun incentives to keep the game fresh and the learning fun. They no longer dread math, they really enjoy it and I find that I enjoy them so much more too.


    Just a suggestion if you are so inclined :001_smile:

  9. For our family it depends on the season and activity level during the evenings.


    In good weather in late spring, summer and early fall my husband comes home from work and then works on our farm until night fall ( around 8 pm). On those months we eat at 8:30 at night so we can enjoy dinner together as a family. I just feed the kids several healthy snacks to tide them over until dinner time.


    In the winter months when it grows dark around 5PM or so, we usually eat between 5:30 and 6:30 PM depending on if we have evening activities or not.

  10. We just did this on a Disney Cruise last week.


    We bought 6 travel sized pillows at Walmart for 3.00 each and just crushed them down and sucked the air out of their plastic bags and they shrank down very well to fit in our suitcases. We put each travel sized pillow into a one gallon sized ziploc bag. Each person had their own travel sized pillow and pillow cover ( an extra 2.00 each) in their bag.


    It worked out very well, the pillows puffed right back up when we took them out of their plastic bag and were comfortable to use each of our 5 nights there. At the end of the cruise when we were packing up to go home our room steward was happy to throw the pillows away for us so we didn't have to travel back home with them.

  11. My oldest dd was an angel as a young teen and throughout most of her teen years. Very sweet, very gentle and very helpful with chores and keeping up with her schooling.


    Then she turned 19 and started college ( still lived at home) and boy did the "attitude" come big time !


    She and I knocked heads constantly and had lots of "turf battles" as she declared her independence from us. She was scarcastic, snotty and liked to point out what I was doing wrong all the time.


    She was like this until she moved out at 21 and got married, slowly she changed and moved into a semi-normal person and became more humble again.


    Now she is 24 and a mother to a little whirlwind baby girl (15 months) who is going through the terrible twos a little early. Her own daughter keeps her hopping and always on her toes. My daughter is now a real sweetheart again, she is my best friend again, she is on the phone with me for several hours a day and lives just 3 or 4 blocks away from us.


    We get along great now and are all super close, but those years of 19 to 21 were horrid !


    Hang in there, they do return to being human eventually !

  12. My 13 year old son read at 12 years old ( last summer) some pretty challenging books. He likes books that make him think, so some of these may interest your daughter.


    To Kill a MockingBird




    Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin


    Walden Two by Harold Skinner


    The Lottery by Shirley Jackson


    Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris


    Edgar Allen Poe Collection of Short Stories


    Mary Shelly's Frankenstein


    The Portable Arthur Miller ( The Crucible, Death of a Salesman ect...)


    Monk ( my son loves the Monk collection of books)


    Digging for the Truth: One Man's Epic Adventure Exploring the World's Greatest Archaeological Mysteries by Josh Bernstein


    House of Seven Gables


    Siddhartha by Herman Hesse


    Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

  13. I make a really nice Peasant Soup that is thick and so good with a side of french bread using those Northern Beans. My recipe is in my head, so I don't really have measurements, I just make it to taste.

    Here is how I make it:


    * 2 large cans of Northern Beans ( can be made with dry beans too)


    * bacon or ham ( I make mine without veggetarian style)


    * shreaded green cabbage ( I throw in half to 3/4 of a small head )


    * onions chopped ( usually two nice sized ones)


    * 2 bay leafs


    * garlic ( as much as you like )


    * red potatos chunked up evenly ( my family likes a lot, so I just thow in a whole bunch)


    * salt to taste ( we like ours saltier, so I add more)


    * spices of your choice, thyme is good and so is oregano or parsley


    I throw in the cabbage and everything but potatos and fill the pot with water ( I use a large spaghetti sized pot, we eat a bunch of this for our family of 6) and cook for 1 and a half hours, then throw in the potatos for another half hour the potatos and cook until tender.


    This is really good and my kids all love it ! It is a pretty forgiving recipe and you can add more or less of whatever you like.

  14. First, I think he needs to be much less OCD on a clean house! You start with the basics and add them as they get older!!


    Basics: (when you have ANY children under 5)

    Kids are fed...

    Kids are clothed....

    Kids are bathed....

    Kids have some education...



    Extras: (when all your kids are over 5)

    Kids are fed well...

    Kids are in clean clothes...

    Kids actually used shampoo during their bath time....

    Kids completed 75% of their work....

    Time for one load of laundry and kitchen sink is empty....

    Vacuum once a week...toilets cleaned once a week...sheets changed monthly


    Extra Extras: (when all your kids are above 10)

    Kids helped clean dishes after each meal...

    Kids do their own laundry...

    Kids use too much shampoo...need to set aside a new budget for it...

    Kids completed 75% of their work without only 3 prompts...

    Took kids to 8 events and other lessons...

    Vacuum once a week....toilets cleaned when company comes over...sheets changed twice a month


    Extra Extra Extras: (when all your kids are teenagers)

    Kids start cooking 2 meals a week...

    Kids don't need laundry...they just rewear them until they have time to wash something and throw it in with your load.

    Kids need gas money...

    Kids get the stuff they need done for school...

    Vacuum has lasted 7 years...finally seeing regular use....

    Furniture polish is a welcomed scent...


    When it all gets better:

    The floors are vacuumed daily, dishes are all tucked away in their spots...sheets are changed weekly, toilets are sparkling...smells amazingly clean and not a speck of dust anywhere...

    just waiting for the kids to come visit from college...


    Your dh needs to be reasonable..accept a clean house under the clutter...leave his temper at bay....get a grip...the goal is to love your children and teach them how to survive in this life...a clean house is a nice accent...but love, joy, grace are much more valuable....they will want to know a father who shared those rather than his obsession to have a perfect house.




    I wish we had a LIKE button :001_smile:

  15. About 6 or 7 years ago I use to enter online and mail in sweepstakes and I won quite a bit.


    I won tons of toys for the kids from Disney.com and Nickelodeon every summer when they had their HUGE summer of fun sweepstakes.


    I also won several bikes, one thousand dollars worth of groceries and lots of things like ipods, some le creuset cookware, two guitars and a tv and stereo system and gift cards to online retailers.


    I use to enter through a website called online-sweepstakes.com ( I think I got that right) and lots of local radio contests and mail in entry sweepstakes from sweepsheet.com.


    It was tons of fun, but a few years back I stopped doing it because most of the really good sweepstakes that gave away lots of prizes ended because of the downturn of the economy. Another reason I stopped is many sweeps went to facebook and blog entries. I don't care for blog or facebook entries because unlike the national sweepstakes from places like proctor gamble, kraft and the like, blog and facebook sweeps/contests have no rules or regulations that they must abide by. So you don't know how they pick a winner or if it is on the up and up. I prefer the national regulated sweepstakes from major businesses and corporations because those are the ones I used to win from a lot.


    Also, many of the major companies like Disney and Proctor Gamble, kraft ectera stopped giving away thousands of prizes per sweepstakes and went to 1 large prize, which really limited the chances of winning significantly.


    So to answer your question, yes I won quite a bit back in the day when national sweepstakes were a plenty and companies gave away HUGE amounts of prizes at a time. Nowdays I really don't enter much anymore, I am busy with homeschooling and running our farm and I am not a blogger or into facebook entries.

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