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  1. We have a completely black bunny named Snowball.
  2. Dear Lord. I have no clue. Several shelves of cookbooks in the kitchen. Built in shelves chock full in the dining room and living room. Shelves in my bedroom. Stacks on the floor next to my bed. Boxes in the attic and barn. I'm almost to the point of admitting it's too many, but not quite.
  3. My advice -- put your phone on silent for the rest of the evening and enjoy date night.
  4. I am thankful that someone is taking them seriously. Maybe 5 years ago, I was having headaches every day and the gp just said eat more salad. I walked away with the impression that he didn't see daily headaches as a big deal. Anyway, the MRI results in the patient portal seem to be largely unremarkable, so that's good. There was mention of some mucous build up in the nasal cavities, so maybe it's allergies? 🤷‍♀️ It was a beautiful day, so I got outside and made it around the yard 3 times, and I didn't feel particularly tired afterward, so that's good. Four times tomorrow!
  5. Over the past few days, I've managed some walks. Yesterday I made 3 rounds of the back yard without getting too tired. Monday it was rainy and miserable out, so dh got me set up the indoor bike, and I did that for 15 minutes, which was OK, but tiring. Right now, I'm in the waiting room for an MRI. I've had 1-2 migraines every other week all summer long. When I mentioned it to my oncologist, she set me up with an MRI and an oncologist neurologist. And I got my appointments within a month, instead of nine months like normal people. I guess cancer sometimes has its perks.
  6. Ds11 is our picky eater. He has been since he was a baby -- at 8 months, he was just done with breastfeeding. I breastfed everyone else until 14 months. The no weaning part was nice, I guess, but it came on so sudden. Just one night he wouldn't, and despite trying again several times, that was the end of it. 🤷‍♀️
  7. I listened to Farenheit 451 read by Ray Bradbury. Which was interesting, since he was definitely an old man when he recorded it.
  8. I read an article online probably 12 years ago, so I will never be able to find it again. But the jist of it was that the American Pediatric Association came up with all those recommendations about allergens and infants, based on.....nothing. It just seemed like a good thing to do. And they thought it would probably help. But there were no studies that they used to come to these conclusions. Which is just wild, to say the least. ETA - Maybe it was the American Academy of Pediatrics? Like I said, it was a long time ago.
  9. I think if you send that letter to boss lady, maybe you want to send a copy somehow to the board for the reason that would boss lady give the board the real reason you left?
  10. I woke up feeling worse than yesterday, but took some otc medicine, which helped. So I just did two loops around the back yard instead of three. Sigh. My dad is nearly 80. He knows I have covid. But, he is very much an extrovert. The pandemic lock down just about killed him. He stopped by our house today at lunchtime and walked into the kitchen. Dh, was like, we have covid here, (because now he has it, too). And my dad wouldn't leave. After a few more attempts, my dh firmly told my dad to leave right now. And so he did. We had dd14 call out to him that we could give him the thing he was looking for outside on the patio, but he just drove off. I immediately tried calling him twice but he wouldn't pick up. I called a few hours later, and had to leave a voicemail apology, along with the info he was looking for. He has never been mad at me before. It is unsettling. 😔
  11. Nancy Pearl, a famous librarian said, “If you're 50 years old or younger, give every book about 50 pages before you decide to commit yourself to reading it, or give it up. If you're over 50, which is when time gets shorter, subtract your age from 100 - the result is the number of pages you should read before deciding whether or not to quit. If you're 100 or over you get to judge the book by its cover, despite the dangers in doing so.”
  12. Ha! If your campus library has gutted most of the books like my alma mater, did -- good luck!
  13. I walked around the backyard twice, about 4/10 of a mile. I feel a lot better today, but get tired easily. I needed a rest after putting lunch together. Maybe tomorrow, I'll get around the yard three times.
  14. Not exactly pertinent, but I will say, do not use red jello. My sister did in order to dress up as Cyndi Lauper, and her scalp was red for months. What about cheap wigs?
  15. I came down with covid Sunday. It's not hitting me as hard as last time, but it's not great. I'm tired and mostly hanging out in bed reading and watching dumb stuff on tv. Every hour I get up for a few minutes of stretching with an app I have on my phone, which is helping. Tomorrow, I imagine I'll feel good enough to go around the backyard once or twice, and slowly ramp it up.
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