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  1. Hello all... I am looking for something to help me get my 2 year old on track for preschool homeschool. He has just started to use the triangular crayons and is doing well with them (except he breaks them, but oh well) I got him a big pad of paper that has outlines of things drawn on them, like smiley faces, trees, etc.. there are also totally blank pages that he can draw on as well. My son will most likely be a lefty, I am a righty and so is his dad, so I am a little concerned about how to teach him to hold a pencil correctly, but alas that is later! He is extremely active and I can barely get him to sit still for a story, but I do 'check out' audio books from the library online and those seem to work better for him. We also have all kinds of music going, this week it is country. He loves to dance and move around to the beat. I also have had him start helping me in the kitchen on occasion. I have him dump measured dry ingredients into a bowl for me. His activeness does sometimes hinder this. He does do 2 year old chores, like picking up his toys. Sorry for the mess of information..
  2. Hello all.. My name is Tawnya Gardner and I live in Lexington, KY. I am starting my homeschooling journey with my son who is 2 years old now, so I know he is not ready yet, but I am learning all I can before he is ready. I also have a daughter who is 3 months old and I will be homeschooling her as well. I am here to learn all I can, so please pardon the millions of questions I ask (Maybe not that many but close!) Thanks!
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