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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. We will be hsing our dd through 8th grade. She's not very mathy and I'm seriously torn over what to do next. My goal is for her to complete algebra before highschoo, but I'm flexable. Here's what is on my radar- MUS pre alg- too easy? TT? Singapore 6? Chalkdust? LoF? We are using this as a supp right now. ???????? I'm so overwhelmed by all of the options. TIA!
  2. That's it! I'd either get the Apple Airport or a lynxis router. Nothing to do on your computer till you have the router. You will have to set up your network (make sure you put a password on it!) and after that, your MacBook will always be connected to your network.
  3. That's a bummer Ria. We have an iMac and Macbook pro, both wireless. So are they not fixing this issue for you? I think I'd park myself in the Apple store till they fixed it. Or replaced it.
  4. It sounds like you are blending a few different technologies here. First off- wireless Internet access (in your home) requires broadband or DSL internet access ($30-50/month), a wireless router (not sure on the price) and a computer that is has a wireless card. Many desktops have the wireless card or the ability to add one. Laptops (unless they are old?) would also have this. Other than the initial equipment and the Internet access ( which you already pay for) there is no cost. If you have a laptop, you can get Internet access anywhere that has Wifi. Many places are free, some are not. If you are not in a place with wifi, the only way to get access is through a cell phone company which can be quite expensive (I think somewhere around $50-75 a month on top of your cell bill).
  5. I would highly recommend SWB's audio CD Writing Without Fear. She explains in detail the different skills involved in writing and how to develop them. Her book, Writing With Ease does this in greater detail, but for a non hser, the cd should be a good start. From what you have shared, it sounds like this teacher's approach to writing is typical of most schools- lots of creative writing with developmentally inappropriate expectations. I'm not sure what the solution is for that (other than the obvious:).
  6. I think it's important to remember that a children plateau at certain points. I think it can be hard on parents when a child is SO far ahead of their peers, and then they hit one of these points where they stall out for awhile. It seems like your expectation is for her to progress forward at the same pace. That my not be the case! At her age, I would definitely NOT stop other fun stuff just to work on these skill areas. Take some time off of progressing forward, and start going back to what she's already learned, but from different angles. I LOVE the suggestion of living math books. Have you spent any time on Living Math? I would also purchase some math fact songs and hit it from that angle. You know, my 6 year old started swimming when he was a year old. By 2, he was diving down and touching the bottom of our 6 foot deep pool. Now, as a 6yo, he's still a good swimmer, but many of his friends have caught up. A little part of me wanted him to always be far ahead of his peers, because at one point, he was blowing them out of the water so to speak. Be careful that you are allowing your dd to go along at her own pace, not just the pace she set for herself when she was 3.
  7. Core 3 RA Carry on Mr Bowditch Justin Morgan Had a Horse The Sign of the Beaver Walk the World's Rim (Which I know has had mixed reviews, but we REALLY loved) The Witch of Blackbird Pond Beloved Core 3 readers- any of the Childhood of Famous Americans series, Naya Nuki Core 4 RA Caddie Woodlawn Little Britches Moccasin Trail Roll of Thunder, hear my cry The Winged Watchman Core 4 readers Hellen Keller, In the year of the Boar, Sing Down the Moon Have you looked at SL Core 3+4?
  8. Another plug for My Father's World K. It's fantastic. I've heard good things about Heart of Dakota and Five In A Row, as well.
  9. The Y has some pretty strict code of conduct rules for coaches. I'd be surprised to find any blood thirst. At 7, your ds could probably go right into any rec league sport. My kids have played soccer, t-ball, softball, swimming and tennis. Our favorites have been softball/tball and swimming.
  10. If I had scuttling in the house, I'd be doing a dance too! As it is, our scuttling sounds come from our 4 lb chihuahuas. I actually fear predatory birds, because I've heard of them taking off with other people's little dogs!
  11. I'm part of the email loop for our local group, but I have yet to go to any activities. Our schedule is very full at the moment with sports and church comitments.
  12. That's exactly what I do! Dh always drives when we're together. I keep myself from back seat driving by shutting my eyes. I have the superior driving record (no accidents or tickets compared to 3 accidents and 3 tickets in the last 3 years), so it's more about keeping the peace than who actually drives better.
  13. I forgot to order decaf at starbucks last night at 7. I had a glass of wine when I got home and that seemed to do the trick. I'm caffiene sensitive after 5pm
  14. I would edit out that last paragraph. She is a contributer, but not the creator of this gift. You are the creator. So edit without guilt.
  15. I used to be able to cure myself, but at some point, my body stopped cooperating. I had one infection that got out of hand while I was trying to avoid going to the doc. I developed a full blown kidney infection. Treatment and follow up testing for one of those will cost a whole lot more than $75. Last I checked, real cranberry juice was something like $10 for a quart. Proceed with caution!
  16. Praying for you guys! I'm so sorry about your dog. Stay strong!
  17. I really don't assign blame, especially if I am not close to the situation. There have been a few times when I mentally took sides. One was when my uncle (my mom's brother) cheated on my aunt with her brother's widow, in the middle of his daughter's leukemia treatment. I was pretty pissed at him. The other time was when during my best friends divorce from a drug addicted, abusive man. Aside from those 2 situations, I've never had the desire to assign blame to anyone.
  18. Dh is getting hopped up on 24 as I type. I don't have the attention span for 1 hour shows anymore.
  19. Happy Birthday!

  20. First off- (((((hugs)))))) this is tough. My bil has full blown schizophrenia and it is SO hard to deal with. He had a recent hospitalization and our hospital experience sounds just like yours. We couldn't talk to anyone, docs wouldn't talk to us, he was released WAY too early and the whole thing was pointless. What we have been told is that if we want any control over his medical care, we would have to get a lawyer and go to court to get him declared incompetant. So far, nobody has taken the initiative (read- money) to make that happen. Dh's parents are divorced so there is a constant passing of the buck. I really don't know what we can do about it all. It's so sad. I've known bil since he was 14 and I've watched the full progression of the disease. At this point he's self medicating with pot and booze, and we're at a loss as to what to do next.
  21. This reminds me of when my youngest was a newborn. We were part of a church plant that was primarily singles and young families. 2 of the ladies were having their first babies in short time and they were very focussed on "not losing themselves.". There was much conversation between the single girls and the moms to be over this, most of which received eye rolls from the few of us moms who already had a couple. So they had their babies and I had ours. They bottle fed and I breastfed. This last child of mine happened to be the only one of my four that thoroughly regected taking any type of bottle. So for a year, where I went, she went. Oh, but she was my last baby and it didn't bother me a bit. I savored that time with her. But those new moms just didn't get it. Especially when I turned down a free concert that all the ladies were going to. They just couldn't imagine why I wouldn't leave the kids for the night. They thought I didn't have a life. All because my littlest just didn't want that bottle, and her mama didn't want her to starve for 6 hours. It's a good thing that the disapproval of others has never bothered me much.
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